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<br /> yp, gor�ow��Not Fi�i�cl;�.ar.�,�.ey�.�a.�Noe�wawr.Extons�n o!the time for paymant or modiHcatbn
<br /> p}amortizat{on ot the&ums securecl by this Qe+�d o1 Tiust flrantad by Lerutar to any succes�or�n intarast ot Borroyve�shAll not
<br /> ��wr�a W raleasQ,In�ny rttann�r,tho Ilability ot the orbinal8orraw�r ond Borrowe�'s successors In Interest.Lendsr shall not _
<br /> be reyulraA to commance �ocoedlr.�s a9alns�such suac�sso�or refuse to extend timo tor payrt�ent or otharwlse madify _
<br /> amortization o!the sun�s se�urad by this Osed of�uat by reesor►of�r►y dam�nd mads by the ai�i nal Bo►rowe�and�iorr�ar'c
<br /> succeasors In Intsrest.Any torbearanca by l.endRr In exerclsinq any rbht w remedy hereunder,oc othervr+lta afbrdad bY
<br /> ap�llcahle I�w,af�a11�pt ba a wal+wr ot or ptecluda the exerciso o!any such riyht or remedy. _
<br /> 11. Srecca�:���rr�Aosl�ns Bauisd�Jotnt snd S�wr�l LI�W!lt�;Co-sl9nar�.The covenants and�preemenu fwroln _
<br /> caitatnsd sMil bt�d,��d tho�ights haro�cr►du shxA lnure to,tha nspoci�ve successors end assi�n�uf Lendar and 8or�owu. _
<br /> aubhct to th�provl�lona of parapraph 16 t�araoi.A!1 c�vonant9 and�r�nts ot Barrouror shs!!ba Jolnt nnd sovetal.Any -
<br /> Borrowu who co-aiqns thls Dsed ol Ttuat,twt doe�nol exscuts Ih�Noto.(a)Is casi9nic�q thls De�at of�uat onty W�rant and
<br /> co�wy fhat Borrorw�'s Int�st in tF�Prop�rtY to�fiust�undar t�terw�s aQ thi�Deed a�ruz.,(D)[s na parsons!�y li!.�le on
<br /> tna Not.a und�ehi.,oeea a TFua.�r►a(a?ag�ew that Le�ae�and any ah.r sarawer herow,d.r may aproa w exte„a,mo�+y.
<br /> }a�.�r m�k��ny ptMr�ccommotlatlone with r�perd to tho terrt►�of thia Da�d ot hust or th�Note,wlthout that Bornov�wr's
<br /> �M and without rsNtsJnq thst Bnrrovwr or modlfyAtp this Dsed of 1i'uat as to that 8otrower's iniarast in the Property.
<br /> �Z, Not{pi,Excapl far any notice rpulred u�der Appikable law W bs Oiven In another manner,(a)any notk:e to Bo�rowe�
<br /> providod for In thts O�e�i of Trust ahall be�f ven by deliverinp It or by maUtn�such notJco by c�rtlfl�d msdl addr�s�ed W Bo►rowsr
<br /> d th�Prop�ty llddrasa or at such dhet a�ddteas A�8onowK mAy deslQnats by notlas to Lender es provki�d hsrefn,�nd(b)
<br /> any notic�W Lender sh�U bs piven by ce�tified mait bo Londsr's addreas stat�d he��eln or W such Wher addrost�t t.,s�dsr rtu�Y
<br /> d�tQnate by�otk�e b Barro�w�er as provided herain,Any not{cs pro+rided tor in thls Deed of Ti�uat ahai!ba dM+nsd to have been
<br /> p�ven w gorrc�wer or Lendor wher�given in the manner desl�nated here��•
<br /> t3. c�own+�n��.ow;s.�wnbu�►n,esta�ae„a�oca�la�s appticawewa,�soeedarrustsnaube tt,e I�aths jwlsdict�on
<br /> ln whlch the Pro�erty is located.The f�e9oing sentence shall not Qmit the applicaDil;ty o!Federal law Eo this Deed of Ti�ust.
<br /> In the evenf that any provision or clause of thls Oead of Trust or ths Note conHids with applicabte taw.such conflict shaU not
<br /> affect othet provisions of this Deed of Trusi or the Nota whkh can b�qiven ef6ec�without the conflicting provision.and to this
<br /> snd the provisior►s of this E?eed of Trust and the Note are declared to be sevecaMe.As used herein,••co���•�expenses••end
<br /> "attomeys�tees"includa�!!sums to the extant not prohibited by aPP�icabte ia�or limited herein.
<br /> 14. Borrower'a Copy.Bonower sha11 ba furnishad a conformed copy eE 4he Note and�of this Deetl uf Trust at ths Ume ot
<br /> Woacutbn ot etiter recotd+ttio�he�reof.
<br /> ��, R��p�f�tlon L�o�n I1pn�m�M.Borrowar shal!futfill a!1 of Borro�►er's obUgations under any home rohabilitatbn.
<br /> improvement.repair,orc�Rher loan a9reement which 6orrower enters intowith 4.snder.Lender,ai Lender's optbn,may require
<br /> Bonow�er to execute�c�eliv�er to Lende�,in a torm acceptable to Le�det a�assl9nment of any riyhts,claims or defenses
<br /> which Bor�cwer may have against parties wha suAplY lahor�maSerials or servkea in connectio�with improvertients made to
<br /> the Pr�oper�j..
<br /> 16. Tr�rssl�r ot�apsrty or�B�tNfici�)intsre�t��BO��If atl w any part of the Property a any interes!irt i!us sold
<br /> a transfemed(or if a beneFicial interest ln Borrower is sold a transfeRed and Bwrower is not e natural pecson)witl�c�t L�nder's
<br /> prior written consent.�ader maY.at ita optbn��e�uire immedlate paymeM in tull of all sums securec!by this Deed of Truat.
<br /> Howeve��thi�option s��be exerclsed by Lender if exercise is prohibited by tederal!aw�s of the daLO of this Deed of Tivat.
<br /> if Lends�szercisos ttds opNon.Lender shaU giv�e Borrower notioe of acceleration.Th�notice shal!provide a perlod d not
<br /> ieas tF►An 30 days trom t�a�ate the nolice is deBv�ered or matled withln which Borran�must pay all sursrs aecured by this Oeed
<br /> Of iNSt.if tSOT�OYVlf i�t uta Fxiji ii�w'v 5u.:�i�i::.:!:.:.�i�'�t.��i_.;��ia�wir_v_i,l AruiAf may I�1VOkE3 8f1Y fM'116d�8��I'1{l� --
<br /> by this Doed of Tivst witlrout fuRher notice or demand on BoROwec
<br /> NON-UNIFORM CO�VENANTS.BoRawer and�ender funher carenant and agree as to1{ows:
<br /> 17. Ace�Mratbn;R�+n�dl�s.ExcePt�s P�'o�+ided in p�ragraph 16 hereof,upon Borrow��'s b�aach af�ny eo�nt
<br /> or s�eMnt ot Borrow��M thfs DNd of 7Fust�Includin�Borr�w�r's faliuro to p�y.by th��nd at 10 caN�wlar d��
<br /> thl�t as du�.ar�l sc�s�cund by this D��d Of Thist�Lendsr prior�ac�tion ahaU�ive notic�to Bont�wwr�s �
<br /> pronW�d�e para�aph tz h�not sp�dtY�9�f�1��h�(2)tiw ac4�rmi r�qu�nd to cw�wch�sch;(3}s da�e.not
<br /> Nq tlfan 20 d�y�tron�t�dab tlts not{ce Is m�l�ed to Bornoywy bf►witkh sueh b�s�ch must be cuasd�and(4)tlwittWun
<br /> to cun such bnach on or b�fore tM date spscitiad In th�notke may e�suft tn accN�atlo�ot th�wms acund by iMs
<br /> c.«t ot 7Fu�t.�d.w of tn.P'ropsr�r•Tl+e eotiosa�all N�r tMona eorrowK a tt��iphem nirwtw.[M►.oaNatloe
<br /> �fd th�ripht�brhq a oaut�ctbn to asswt ths ryonex�t�nc�of a d�fiw ott�d�nM ot'��fo
<br /> acaNwtlon arw we.r�h.tx�d�is na eunsd on or a.tons ths a�a specitisd �notio��.rt�a.r.�L.+�1let optlon.
<br /> nwy d�cian all of dhe sums s�cund by thb�Dssd of'TYust to be Imm�dE�bfy �Lender staM b����oolNct
<br /> .nd nay uw�ok.en.po�w�.r ot sd..ea arhr oa�t e�emsa�..p�min�d byr �����17,�n�kxunp,but�oe
<br /> NI nasona�N cats�nd�ocp�na�s incurnd in pu�suln�tte��arNdi�s Pnavld�d
<br /> I�anf�d�o.naon�6e�t1o+Mys'M�s.
<br />� Htlw paiwroE soi�e is h�rok�d.lPusM�shsN wcord a notk�s of��In�ach couMy tn whkh ttr Propwty ar s�
<br />- p�rtthsrwfbloc�andshslimailcoplMOfwchnotlosinthen+ann�rpnsc�ibsdb�►�PP���swtoBarrowr��nd
<br /> t�tn.oth�r p.isons p�scrit»d t�r�pp�b��►At�a�e a�».oi�sud+am.as msy b.nqutna b�►ap�Ik+bM hw.
<br /> 7tua1M�hall piw pul�(ie notke ot sal�to the psraons�ieths m�wn+�p�sc�tb�d bi�PP�����
<br /> d�mand on Borrnw�e.shW sNl tlw Property at publk suation to th�N�heat bidd�r at th�tiu+��nd plac�and und�r
<br /> tN.�rms a.sigea.c8�n tn.notic.of sare rn ons or nan paro.a ana ir�sud+ael�as Th,s1�.m.y a.MrnWn..7i�w1..
<br /> rra�►P�P��of vi or stty p�neN of the Propsrty bY Pubtie�n�ounoement at tM tierM u�d plsc�of H'ql P��+�h►
<br /> �clwdul�d sM�.t�nd�r or I.�rtid�r's d«gns�m�y►Pu�h��P�y��f►�
<br /> - �r;,;.:.;.::�C.�;..�:�!o!!he�t�e!�ld,TrustM s�HW dN[wr to tlw�ttrct�ss�r'�i�ust�o's dw�!Contwyln�tltis
<br /> Propwty toid.Tfw r�cflaM inlh��':de�d shW b�pHm�tacM wld�tc�of tiw truth of th�slal�rtNnb mtd�tl�i��.
<br /> 7tus��hrl appty th�proc«ds of��aM In ths bilowinp ord�r:(�)to all e+�ssonabM cosb and�ocpua�s of th�s�M►
<br /> ind�,dlrg�but nol wntMd to�,'�s�'a i�+�tuaYY Incum�d ot not mo�than �lt�oNtw�roa�ai�ptk�►
<br /> n�son�bte sttornfys'1NS�nd cow of tltie�rrfds+�o;(bD 4a aN a�ns�rsd by thls Oasd ot�hust�and(c)t!��
<br /> N a�rf►.to ths p�non or p�r�aons Ipa11Y�ntitled thenta
<br />__ �8, gp�r�w�'s p{�ht to RNnstate.Notwithstanding Lsnder's acceteration of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />= due W Borro�+er's breach,Borrower shall hav�a the right to hav�e anY Woceedings be9un by Lender tfl enton;e thts Deed of Trust
<br /> - discontlnued at any�me pr{cr to the earlier ta occur of(i)the fifth day before sale of the Property pursuant to the power of sale
<br /> _ .:....;�;,,:^.,,,�.�.�s.,L��T��ar n{tiit AMry d a judgment ento�cinp this Deed of Trust if:(a)Borrower pays Lendsr ail surns which
<br /> n wouid tre titien due cu�der this Deed of Truai enc!the Note had no accele►ation occurred;(b)Bonower cures alt breaches d any
<br />_= ott�ercovenants oragreementsot Borroweroortitaunedtnth�.s Deed of Trust;(c3 Bo�rowerPaYs all reasonable expenses i�curred
<br />- by Lender and Trus�e in eMa'cing the covenants and agreements of Borrower co�tained in this Deed of Trust,and in enfarcing
<br />° Lender's and Trustee's remedies as provided in paragraph 17 hereot.includl�y.but not limited W,reasonable attorneys'faes:
<br /> s • �oca
<br /> � Y
<br /> } , _ _ ___
<br />