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. <br />,. ' <br />._ ,,. , � <br />�- �� % <br />2oioos45� <br />EXffiBIT !'A" <br />' Comm encing ut the Northenst corner of Fructions�t Lot Ten (],0), Cedar Park Addttion, in �e Ci1.y nf Grand <br />xslnnd, Hall County, Nebraska, und running Santlieasterly on t1�e Easterly line of said Fructipttnl Lot 1n Aud tlie <br />. �'Vesterly line of WAShington Street, u distauce of Sixty-fitve und �igl�t Te�tths (65 feet to tlie point of beginning; <br />tl�,eace deflect3�n�.ltig�t 90° nnd�_uunin�Westerly tu the pqint ot_intersection with the line between suid Cedar <br />Ps�rk Addition nnd T� racGtouAl Lnt $eVe�.teeln (],'�, Cauuty Subdiwis#on, in the Soutl�wesf �uai�er (SW IT�} o� <br />Section Sixtcen (1�, Towns]xip Eleven (ll.) Nortb�, Ranga Nlne (9) West oi the 6tta �,M., in ihe City oP Grand <br />Island, Hall Connty, Nebraska, m distnnce of Ten nud Oue Tentli (1�.1) feet; thence running EASterly an said �ine <br />beh'�'een Cedar PuxkAddition und Fxactivnal Lot Se^Venteen (�'n, CouTtty Snhclivisian u distance o�' TWenty and <br />5even Tenths (2D.� feet to the Ensterly 13ne of sAid Fructionat �ot Ten (10), Cedar Purk Addition und k�uctianal <br />�ot 5eventeen (1'n, Cou�tty Snbdi'VisiOn, ulso beiug tb.e Weste�•ly 3ine of WASlungtqn S�eet; tbence. runn3ng <br />nTarth�vesterly on said �4'esterly line uf WasLington St�reet u distance of Teu (J.4) t'eet to �l�e poiut of b b"inuding. <br />►�`!7 <br />A trnct of lan� in the City of Graud Island, HaII Cuunty, Nebr�slm, being a pat't of Lot Seveuteen {1'7) in Coiu►iy <br />Subcli�vision in the Southettst Qus►zter of the Southwest Qus�rter (SE 1!4 SW 1/�) of 5ection Siateeu (7,�, Township <br />�leven (11), Nortl�, Rs�nge Niue (9), West nf the 6th P.1VL, in IInll County, NebrnskA, more pAZ #iculurly d�scribed <br />as follnws: Begiunning at the Northwesteriy co�•ner of tlie intersection [►f Wusl�i.ngton Street und Koenig Street ➢n <br />sairl City; tliellce running Soutl�westerly q� t1xB NortUerly lfne D� I�aenig Streetfor Q[listance of Fffty-two und <br />E4g]�t Teuths (52.8) teet tp th� Southeasterly cornelr of LotNine (9) fn Cedar Park Ad[lition tu sttId City; tTiencs <br />running Nortberlq an the Eusterly line nfsatd �,ot Nina (9) fnr a distunce of Eigl�ty-t3ve uud Five Tentl�s (SS.a7 <br />feet tn the SoutL�vesterly corner af Lot Ten (iQ) in ss�id Cedar Park Addition; ttience rnun�iug �asterly on tl�e <br />Sout�.erlyline af suid Lot Ten (10) far n distance of SLxiy �nd Faur Tentlxs (60.4) feet, more or less, to the <br />Southeaste�•ly corner of sAid Lot Ten (10); ilience running Southerly on thc Southerip pxalangntfon of ths <br />Easterly lia�.e pf sr►id Lnt Ten (10), alsn being tlze Westerly line of said WASLington Street, for u d�stan�e af �fts* <br />sia� And Two Tenths {562) feet to �I�c ppint of beginning. <br />Excepti�ag u certain ta^net tl�erefrom as recnrded' in Wnrrantq Deed us DocumentNo. 93-1Q6422 in �e Regisfer of <br />; Deeds Off"ice, - <br />I <br />i • • <br />, � - --- --- <br />-- -- - - -- ._ <br />i <br />� <br />i ' <br />I • <br />i <br />