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<br /> Declaration of Trust �•$•°i�'""""t°'"°"''"° ■� ����_-
<br /> �.�:�x� Publb Hou�inA M�d�m��1� �nd Urban O�vNopm�nt �0��,�
<br /> �.:�•,,�W.. • � O�ic�of Publb aid N�dan Hous�np �� �F-"""°,..`••
<br /> � ��� Yyn/i:�'t'��'M�J� — _—
<br /> �.�r.t,L�. —
<br /> `;��:�"•c�'�-�-%. Whenr.(1,ws intauciioro)_ ---
<br /> (1wnin all�d tM Publb Hauiln�A�a�'(PHA��Wblk bodr oomor�t�nd poUtk.Iuly asuad u�d a►Qu�i�ud punuant w�nd in acootduwe w{U►�
<br /> ��,, `""="- a.o�o „o a..hrewlce .and tho Uniud Sut�of Ametiu,Sareury ot Howin�md
<br /> .�,-rv+ -�., �OVIfION O�{IIO I�11I�OIlM(Z� ra
<br /> �I�?. .. ;.•.. ��� Urb�n O���M(��edMd HUD)punu+nt a�ha Uni�od Su�es Housin�Ac�at 1937(42 U.S.C.U37�Cl iCQ.�ifld 1I16 DQPu1lItCM PI HOIYI(IS�110
<br /> ^' �:•',�^,"1 � Urbu�Dav�lopnmt Au(S U.S.C.62�/)en�arad inro�csn�in�a�k+��"'�1h�cffective due ts of(3) June 27 ,1 9 6 9(herc i n e a l l o d
<br /> .'�'� �'' ;�,.:• ws Mnud Conuibutioiu Canka¢t)�nd�tauin Modamix+don ttoj�e�Cinn�Amendmmt e thc Amud Convibutions Conuut wfU►the affec�vo dnc u ;,�v
<br /> � - o`�,� l9�..(haaln c�l�d 1ha Modaniz�lion Otwt A mc n d mrnl)providinQ tor a g ru+t w bo made by HUD w�stist ihe PHA �{�°."': - -
<br /> - .,m-,�„1�i+,-•". ., - --
<br /> � �v�►•:.Y b,yr'��g�> in mod�ndtlni low�(nroma hou�lni Proj��(�)��
<br /> .� - .
<br /> Whtre�r at o[�ha date af�he�xccwion ot�hG Dael�nQon otTw4 th�Modemiadon(3nnt Amondment ud 1he Annud Contribudonc Conv�ct
<br /> --- _;.:,�,,,,,,;,.,� �'�'`,� ' Vil a¢tl of Cairo Count of Hal . -
<br /> ;,;-� ... .. � aovar analn individud bwer incoms hou�in�pmjau la��ed in:(3) Y . _:-
<br /> State of Nebrask? whichw�illprovide�pp�oxim+�tcly(6) 18 dwcllina .
<br /> " - t'';�'�' -"�"-" ' � u an known a Modemlz�uan Pirojat No.(7) NF26PLQ1901-Z and individud pmjecu a fnlbvw: H.�-�. ---•
<br /> ---- � unitt;aid which lowa Incom�hou�int Pro1�c 18 dwcllin uniu.
<br /> �-a� ' .. . PmJxt No.(8), NF 96P 1 A 1001 wi�h�pproaim�tely dwcQing units.md
<br />.__.h� 4 .. � .'.
<br /> wi�h�pprosim�tely a
<br /> _:`'� .. .:�•'` , .. prolxt No.(6) wiih�pproximataly dwellin�unia:uid
<br /> I- . . Projxt No.(8)
<br /> ���'.���'` Whereac,thn nwlanlzrtion of each Pmjoct will hwe bern Cmurced wUh Qnnt u�istnice provided by HUD. - -� _.--°-_-
<br /> ,�� -- .x....�: -
<br /> . ,i.� Now The�etore,a assum HUD ot tha performuua by Ihn PHA of tl►e mvaunu wnuined in thn Modcmization Grmt/lmendmmt�nd the Annutl
<br /> � . �n�y���orsp,�he PyA does hereby kknowladan md dalare ih�t it is pouased of�nd holds in wu tor ihe beneft of HUD.tor the purposa _
<br /> _ ,,:°;a. ' Htu�led�n:(9), Villnoa nf ['nlre Gounty nf liall . �t--.--
<br /> .. haein��ated,thc tollowing detaibed te�l propesy � To W lu �.� _
<br /> -.� • m� Of - -
<br /> (Inurt leQd dnsaipdon for e.eh indlvlduv qojxl.x 10> � .s'•+�::
<br /> .. ��•
<br /> . . `,� L o t s 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, all in Block 15, in the Oriyinal _�
<br /> �' ' Town of Cairo, Villa�e of Cairo, Hall County, Nebraska. ----
<br />- , U.
<br /> .• .' .. �rd�ll buildin�md tixturcs aceted or a be uaud thereon or�pptQtenant iherow. --_
<br />. . .� The PHA haeby decl�rw ud acknowledga�hu durin¢the existenee ot the uu:t hereby aeated.HUD his bern grmted and i:postesad ot an interau =__--
<br />� ,.. in tha�bovn daaibod Project property.To Wlt: _°�c=�___
<br /> �- . - 'I7ie tight to re�quire the PFiA�o tem�in:aud uf 11w titla to ciid ptts�sttty stid ta ztfsait�&om��e(�mng,a+nveying.usigning.le�inx.monR+�inB. �i`si�:'' _
<br /> � l e d o r o t h a w i�e e a e u m b e r i n g o r p e r m iain g or sufferin g m y transfer.convayu�ce.aui�nmm�,leau.mongaQa pledge or otha eneumbnncc o[uid ,�:}�;;;;
<br /> P �t• �'% r`
<br /> ' • ". prpperiy or atry psrt Uiereof,appurmtut►ces Hterew�or my rmt,revenues,ineome.or reeeipu thercCrom m in connadon therewiih.or my oF thn ba�etits or .�,•�;-��=_.
<br /> � eontri6nHons grmtad a it by or punumt ru the Modarniution Ganc Amcndment�nd thn Annual Contributions Conrru4 or any irnercst in�ny of the sune • „���= �
<br /> ��;:��-��-_
<br /> ' exoept�hat 1hn PNA may (1)to the eacrent and in the mw►er pro�ided in the AMUaI Conaibutiont Conaact.(�)leue dwelling�u�d otha:paca�nd .�.. s,���
<br /> Geilida in�ny Ptoject,or(b)convey or dherwlse d' se of an real or nd whlch is detam�ined to be acas w the needs of�ny Projec4 or �,� . . �'-
<br /> � Y F� ProPertY ' Li',�..:,,,
<br /> � . (c)convey ot dedicue land for uu aa cvws,allcyi,or oiher public right-o[way,and grant easanenu for the aubll:hman4�+Uoa uid m�intenanoe of �dt��'^,;`:;
<br /> ., pu b i k u d l i des;or(d)rn t e r I n w and p a form oontnets fot the sde of dwelling wti�s to membcs of tenant famiUes,u amhoriud by the United Sutes ��' ;;-"�_�,.� . �...F�
<br /> ' .�;''.'
<br /> , Housing Act of 1937,or(2)with�he�pp�oval of HUD,rclease my Projec�from d►e wst hereby created;Provided,7'lut nothing herein conuined sh�U be i� '
<br /> ;,;A tottstrued as prohibUing the conveyance of title to or the deli�ery of posussion o(any P�oject to HUD pursuant�o�he Annwl Contributions Conaact.
<br /> - " " The et�doaement by a duly authorized oificer of HUD(1)upon my conveymce or vans[u mad¢by tha PHA o[any ral or personal property which is ` .��r,�,' �,�.t',�
<br /> ,,��.. . ;,.�-
<br /> ' det«mined to be exass w the needs of any Proja4 or(2)upon u►y inswment of conveyu�cn or dedicadon ot properry,or�ny interat thaein,for usn as .�,,�;.r,,_�,�-_„
<br /> .. , �.. " � „ sutets.alkn,or otha public right�of•way,or for the establishmmt,operation�nd maintemmce of public uuliues,or (31 upon any insuument tru�sfming '��'�• �_ -:
<br /> � w oonveying a dweping unit,w�n interest therein,to�member of a tenant family,or (4)upon my inswment otnleue m�de by�he PHA of my Projact ; .._�_z=
<br /> '.'•' '., „ {,.:-��.r('�`-.__.
<br /> ._.�:r�:,r: ` :haU be atfeetive to release�ch poperry hom the wst hereby crcated. _
<br /> ;•�,. .:.••:;,:.-.
<br /> Tha individual projects oovered by the Modanizuion Grant Amendment ah�ll be subject to this Decluaaon of Trust for a period of twrnty yeus :;;�,-. _ �_
<br /> � ' begitming oa the date of the Modemization Crant AmendmrnG Each individud projxt shall also be subject to this Deeluation ot Trust for a paiod of • . �'`�°°
<br /> � nventy yeus�(ter the d�te of the mou recent Modemizadon Grant Amendment�pplic�ble to that project. Upon expiruion of the period during u•hich the
<br /> ��
<br /> � PHA i�obli��ted�o operue�he individual projects ir��ecocdana with�he Mnud Conaibutions Contrac4�he wu hercby aested:hdl terminate ud no �
<br /> • Iongatldlffbcdve.
<br /> �•�.' ' je�Wit1uY'YNbereof,the PHA by ils officeo thcreunto duly authorized hu c�used lhese presents to be signed in its nune u�d iu wrpont�e sal b be t . , -.-
<br /> �i:: 1� h�e,o,��4�v!d�tceaed wis 15tii day of Aar i 1 .19 9Z � � ' t �`'.-
<br /> �������1' � � (1) Cairo Housing AuthoYi,tv 1`''"
<br /> • (S�ed),, • �. � .
<br /> . . .. , �
<br /> . '�I ��. . .. ._` '' , � gy;I��� �� � �t e�►t.�'L� Ch�irperson •
<br /> ' . �c ; I�j .
<br /> �..;�.� AuesL• ��2�'� .;'"�- "�-�-'L� Sccretary —
<br /> lorm HU�-S�190-8 (3ID0)
<br /> ;";; '. .. ra1.Ha�ook 7485.1
<br /> � . ,:
<br /> � 1
<br /> . ,. � � _ - `
<br />