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<br /> R�pwcr. �rBe rrct/�r ir the rna�ee�s aoaa�6dt br priw. t�ci.evtei�roe or ul;,cr�rti ar the�tat�.awie elMrei..� —
<br /> 'i'ru�t�wr�i�lt ra►�Iy!Le p�oceeds ot t�e ssbe in:�e t,:ii��.�:R�:Z�y ia aii ca�is udi expteKw o? t
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<br /> �!�priacfp�}�mauet at tl�r�at tbc W�e ot I�e d�dNe•atGo�e at d�faWt��sd re�rec�bie�itoroe�•tae ac�tiwitte�
<br /> �?'Vw:(b)to W s��u iacw�si l�,y tW�cw`iU'F�te+��t:�1(c,1�eaca�t�o tYe par�ew�r pn'�aa�k�Y�etk�cd ta
<br /> �
<br /> 22. �veywne. UP�P�Ymant of a!1 s�unac sa.�urod by this Securily �nslsumak. l.et�der slul! raquett 'frusioe ta
<br /> �"�Y � �+�Y �d s1Wl surra�dcr thiY Saurity Instrua�N ud �1 notcs ev�icocit� doM secvrod by t61a Securiry
<br /> Inucumerit b'l5�ustoe. 7'rusta shall raonvey the Property witbo.ut wrursnty aud witLout clwrge to.the perso4 or pusoas{e�allY
<br /> eotitlod W it.S,uch Pcrson�x peno�ns th�Jl P�Y+W4Y nea�M�tioR caqs.
<br /> 13.�Mtl�We 7ltistu. Leod�r. �t its c�ptioa,aavy from tiwe ta timt raaove Trustoe and wppoint n suca.�sor Uvsic+e w
<br /> rnY Ttvuee appoiueod Aenwrrier by ao in�un�a�t raoQrdod in the oounty in whicA this Security lratcumaN i�roc�ied.Without
<br /> ow►vsyaace af thc Pcopaty.the s�+ecesror vusto�sl�tl su��oeod w all We title,. pow�es+Md dutie�ooafe,rned uQpo Tnwx waaia
<br /> �od bY i.:.,�,k law.
<br /> ?�I.��+qw�rt M N�tiees. Barrow�r roqi� tlut oopiea of t4e natias of defaiult Aod rala bo�ceat w ilurmwrr'a scWnss
<br /> which is the Prnperty Add�+css.
<br /> Z4.Ridess to tik Sac�ty i�. If oae or mone riders are Gxocutod by Buqnowec and recorded to�ether Kyth this
<br /> 5ewrity Instrumeot,tbe cova�ntt and a��t of ead�svcb rider shall bt inoorpa�ted into aad rhall�rua�d aad srppyea�at
<br /> il�e ooventints aod agcnrineot�oE this Saawi�y fiacn�t as if ti�e rides(s)we�ne a
<br /> [C�o.'k�p�licabla bnx(es)1 D�ot'thi�a SewaiRy in�tnuoeat.
<br /> tidl�fabk lvte Rida C.aodomiaiuot Rider i�i F�mily Rider
<br /> sdtoon •itdet�� �ea U,�it Devewp�awt Ridp� Bi�eady Paymeac Rida
<br /> : Y.A.Rider ��°�RiQa Socad�3ooe Rider
<br /> 4�ts)I�PocitYl
<br /> • ,.
<br /> BY SWMNG B�:f�'W.Barower aooc�ta and asroes to the teraas aod wvea�ots 000tained ia tbis Sc�.�ityy Imtivaveet ad
<br />- ,. :�:�sY�i¢er(i)exe�vY�dS`�}�o�tu�wx md veoo�tiod with i�
<br /> � Wiq�:s .
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<br /> •a;,;:,: '36e irtammt wr�s�q,owied�ed fie�'o�re me this .. - Zs�t dq�f SULY t 96 ,�.��.'
<br /> by d�S�A AV�BY �;�:�$J1 �' ]ilV�qG, .. ,. � ,,.:, • "�'.;,;
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