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•��. �' •"!• �i� ' zY�i�;j' �'��✓i�•" a f r�iz! .:. WY:i�' s,�5xitj�,• t �� ,f � 1 ,._ r..��'r��!'�� �,� vlsVtii�,g� <br /> '. ' _ =r � _ -: .:; ' :r '�pr� 4�� <br /> . .r.�. 'q�iia���� -r�_.z�-�...,. JdJ��l���y.� . - . �. �CS -�e� i�s; ..� — <br /> ( � 5;it�+'� '.'rK+f+rx+*+fwa,�war�.�w�w^^-��. --�u.�.,,rpA., <br /> ';��t�' • • ,t'—� <br /> -e• .+r+w� ' ' � :C�e:s� • , _ °_ <br /> . '..,;w;�''�'.�•;w..._:� , <br /> ., ,�,y��, �,,.�,.,.� ..._ <br /> _ ,=�'f?'S�}i`..'�r_ .�' <br /> _ .- _-- .wr}+.'^��r ..,. • - - - � .. - <br /> _. .,_..;�_= <br /> . • �x.c.v <br /> ,,� y�-___ ir�-.–_— '�'�� ���v�S �w'��•' <br /> '�Y�S � �� � � �- <br /> S i '�f,t�l� .::•�f-.S i <br /> ��� ., • .•.: . _ _ <br /> ,�.�t�.CJi1�'i�',M��KS�i;; �'�:• • �...�...._. <br /> il.�;,�z' TO(iE'THER WITH ull�he improvemcntx now or hemaPier crec�ed on�hc propc:ny,uncl all ca�emenk,uppurtenunccw, <br /> "�"� r and fixtures now or hercAf�er u pari of Ihc pr�pcny. All replacemcnts and additions r�hull ul«o bc covcrcd by Ihis Securily <br /> �y��°#•� ': °`"' ' Inetmment. All of Ihe foregoing ix refrrred to in Ihic Security Instrurnenl ux the"Prapeny." <br /> ..i'� . �.�"'J*. . .. <br /> ;"'� BORROWER COVENANTS thAt Bc�rrowcr is luwfully xcised of the e5lutc hcrcby cunvcyed und hu�thc right to grunl <br /> . . ' ���, and co�vey the Roperty und thut the Pru�xny i�unencumbercd,excep�for cncumbrunces uf recnrd. Burrower wturunts und _-__ _ <br /> �'�"`�'•"'�' "r� will defend generolly iha U11e�o the Pn►perly ngufnst all claims und demands,subject to any encumbrunceti uf recurd. —__ <br /> "�` "' = THIS SECURITY WSTRUMFNT combines uniform cavenants for nationul use und non-uniform covpnuniz with __.- <br /> �� '' �°'"':+'� - `_ _ _ _ <br /> ���f� �• limited v�riuli�►nx by juritidictiun to rons�i�ute u uniform securiry instrument covering real propeny. <br /> ��.'+`s�'`••.. „,. .: <br /> ° ,�`''`�'�".� UNIFORM COV�NANTS. Borrowcr und LenJcr cuvenant und ugrcc as followti: _. <br /> • � ' +`� L Payment ot PMnclpal ond Interesl:Prepayment and l.ate ChArges. DoROwer shall prompUy puy when due the __ <br />� ,y..'y,�l,,;�;;.:..'7t. � principal of und intcrest an Ihc deb�evidenccd by thc Note and nny prepaymcnt and latc chrar�cs due under the Notc. <br /> Z. �uads for'Ibxes and Insurs�nce. Subject to applicuble luw or to a written wuiver by I..ender.Borrower shAll pay to <br /> Lender on the duy monthly payments urc duc under the Note,until the Notc is puid in full, a.r•um("Funds") far.1A)yeurly .�� - <br />���r� . tAxcs and nbsessments which�Y euain priority over this Sccurity Instrument as n lien on thc Pr�peny:(bl y�urly lensehold �:�aiv✓. <br /> u ., puyments ar Zcround renl� an the Propeny. if uny; Ic) yearly ha�.ard or property insurancc pmmiums; (d) ycurly flood �.�, __ <br /> - ' ' ''� �� insurence premiums, i(uaY: �e► Yeorly mortgage intiurunc� premium,, if uny: and if) any sums puyable by Bon4wer to <br /> ��:.GI � ' �• <br /> ...:t�,.:��. accardance with the pmvisians af parngraph$.in lieu of the payment af mongage insurance prem�u�n�. Thcsc <br /> � "'"' items ure�alled"�����w Item+.' Lender may,at Any pme,collect:�nd huld Punds in an�mount not lo cxcred the maximt+m !� � <br /> '• v � � amount a lender for.n federally related mongaas loan may require for �armwsr's escruw account under thc federal iteal �--- <br /> _ �;�,,;,,:'�_•._.u�` ` Estate Settlement Pracedures Act of 1974 tu amanded iram time, 12 U.S.C.�2601 er sey. ("RESPA"),unless another — <br /> � .���` law�het applies�o the Fundg sets n lesxcr umuunt. lf so,Lender may,at any�imc,�a�����d hold Fundti in an umount not to <br /> " � � "" . exceed the lesser nmouni. Lender muy estimate the amount n( Funds duc on the buaia uf cuaent data and reasonAble , <br /> estimates otexpenditures of fuwre Escrow Uems o�otherwi�e in accordunce wi[h npplicable Iaw. �v';,;W:_. <br /> �h.'�f.;+'i M1 �.`.��irix- <br /> �`� The Funds shall be hcld in on institution whosc depasits ure insured by a federnl u�ency,instrumentality, or entity �'..��4�; <br /> � . . (including l.cnder,if Lender is tiuch un institution)or in uny Fedcrul Homc 1.aAn Bunk. L.endcr shall apply the Funds to pay „� <br /> ��,._j�._"� <br /> � • Ihe Escrow Items. Lender muy not charge Borrower for holding und applying the Funds. nnnually analyzing Ihe escrow _•=•_ <br /> account,or verifyin� the Escrow Items, untess Lender puys Borrower imerest on the Funds cuid upplicablc law permits ��rn� <br /> ,� Lender ro make such a churge. However, Lender muy reyuire Bortower�o puy a one-time churge f�x an independent reul ��,y_ <br /> . . , estntc tax reporting scrvice used by Lendcr in cannection with this loun,unlesti applicable Inw provides otherwisc. Unless un �,�_, <br /> - ugreement is mude or upplicable luw requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be reyuired to pay Borrower any interest or _ _ <br /> enrninBs on thc Funds. 8orn►wcr nnd Lender muy ngrec in writing.however,that interest shull be paid on the Funds. Lendcr �--- <br /> shall give to Borrower,without chnrgc,un unnual accounting of thc Funds,showing creditc und debils to the Funds und the <br />- , ..,.,� purpose for which euch debit to�he Funds was mude. The Funds are pledged ac additional security for all sums secuted by <br /> -- ,� �,�- tiiis Security lnsicument. - <br /> . ,. : ,,;,,;; If'the Funds held by Lender ezcecd the umounts permitted to be held by applicable luw, Lender shufi uccount tu <br /> :;;�,".' Bortower for the excess Funds in uccordance with the requirements of applicuble IAw. If tt�e nmount of the Funds held by ___ <br /> _„�; ..•�' , �� � Lender ut any time is na sufficient to puy the Escraw Items when due. Lender muy so notify Borrower in writing,and,in �;�=�=- <br />, •�� ,:�,: '� such cvse Borcower shull pay to Lrnder the umount necesxary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall muke up Ihe _ <br /> •• deficiency in no mune than�welve manthly puymen�s,ut Lender s sole di�cretion. <br /> �;, ' ' � Upan payment in full of ull sums secured by this Securiiy Instrument.Lender shAll pn�mpUy rcfund to Borrow�r any ____ <br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under purngraph 21.Lender shull acyuire or �ell the Propeny,Lender,prior ta�hc ucquixition or ��,_ <br /> �� ' sale of U�e Property. shall apply uny Fund,held by Lender ut �hc time of ucquisition cx salc us a credit aguinst Ihe sums <br />� secured by�his Scwriry Ins�rument. _-_ <br /> • " � 3. Applicatbn ot Payments. Unlcss npplicable luw provides ahcrwisc, ull paymentti rcceiveJ by Lendcr under �_,c�J. <br />. � paragraphs I nnd 2 shull be upplied:first,to s�ny prepuyment charges due under�he Note:�econd,ro amounts payublc under <br /> pangraph 2:third,to interest duc;fourth,lo principal due:and last,io rny late churges due under Ihe Note. <br /> 4. Charges: Liens. eorrowcr shall pAy nll taxes, assessments,charges. tines and impositions uttributAble to thc <br /> Properiy which muy attain priarity�wer Ihi.5ecurily Instrumen�,and leusehold payments or grc.und rentx,if any. Borrower -�r_-^-=` ' <br />" shull pay Ihesc obligatians in thc mnnncr pravided in paragr.�ph 3, nr if nni paid in that rnanner, Borrower shall pay Ihem on ��=7; <br /> ' time direcdy to Ihe persnn owed paymenl. Bortower shull prompNy fumish t�Lender all ncniceti nf umoums to be paid under • ` <br /> ,;. ' this pumgraph. If Barrower makes these paymentti directly,BoROw�r shull prompAy fumish to Lender mceiptx evidencing �,;wi=- <br /> � the paymen�s. <br /> � , ,'��; <br />- � � Borrower xhall prompUy di�rh:u�;e any lien whici�hus prionty over ihis Sccurity In�Irument unless Borrower.l�)agrces a_` <br /> �� i in writing�o the payment of the obligation+ecured hy thc lien in u mann�r ucceptable to Lender: Ib)contests in ga�d f�ith the ��-.`� <br /> lien by,or defends ugainst enforcemen�uf the licn in,legal pnxceJing+ which in thc Lrnd�r.opinion opemtc to prcvent the <br /> �l`-'xi_`... <br /> � �nforcemcnt uf thc lien;or(c)sccurcs from the holder of thc licn an uFrecmrnt+atisfactory to l.endcr subordinnting thc lien �,_,__ <br /> " to�his Securiry Instrument. If Lendcr determinrs thut uny part of�hc Property i.tiubjcct tu u licn which muy uuuin priority �_•.��,_ <br /> over�his Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrowrr a nixicc identifyinF thr lien. Borcower shull sulisfy�hc lien or�ake � <br /> " une ar morc of the actions+et fonh above within 10 day�of the Eiving of notice. <br /> • 5. Hoxurd or Property Insurance. Borrower.hall krep thc improvrment�now exi.ting or hercaftcr crerted on thc ; <br /> Propeny insurcd ugainst loy.hy fire,ha�ards included wiihin the term"�xlendrJ rovrr:�ge"and any inher huiardti,incluSing <br /> i • � floods or flcwding, For whirh Lender myuire. imurance. Thiti in+ur.�nce +hall tx maintaineJ in thr amounts und for the p <br /> •���, , � F'ormJ02lt 9,90 t �te�� 1 <br /> �/k+e�•_n A/w <br /> • •{�. y . • i ' <br /> . ,I - � _ '�I Y- <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> i <br /> i <br /> , <br /> . ' � --- _ _ <br />