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<br />=; � s.}?�s�rd or['�ruperty r�awraaa. Borrowrr si�:l rcoep u�c;m�novemeau aow cxtuing ar t��ilt,r acctai on y
<br />,�' inwrod�aL�st fosa�y fire.har�rda iuciuded withln tbo tcnn "axtc�caod caver�e"usd aay ot4er ha:ania,irxludii� tbocl�or
<br /> tlootiir�,for wAicb l.catler td1ulres i�uuraoce.'Pids lasivance sball be caalntaiood in 1he�wunts�nd for tho ptriods thst I.etsder
<br /> roquires.'ilie inw.�ttsco carrict poovidia8 tho inwrwrco shal!bo cbo9ea 5y Botrcu.Yt sub,i;,;.i 4�Lc.��'s�x�val which chall not
<br /> � bo uiu�eava�abty wiihhaW. If Borrowu fsils tQ m�iritata covcr�e dcscri5ad abo�e, L.ta�pr pyy.� ie�ckx's opllw�. obis�
<br /> _,'- ����P��i�or's rigt►t�in the A�opcsty ia acscsrd�co w itA parp,�rapJ�7.
<br /> ° �U ias�u'�oca Pollcie9 aad renewal�sUall bc acc��C lu L�ender oad sltiW iaclade a st�sd�rd mortg�o claur�e.i.endcr slw11
<br /> _ �:ca�.'�a ry��¢w[�i 4'ta{�licirs aad reuewals.lj'Lenda�requirts,Sarro9ver�haU PromP�Y fti�'� W Lenda�atp roceipt�of paid
<br /> _ premiwits aad rasewa!atxias.In tbe event of loss.Bamwer�11�lva�.+rompi aotice to:l�e�c�rrkr aaci l�dar.L.eudar
<br /> m�1Y t�e{x�oof of luss if not�wde proa�tly by Bomowu.
<br /> UN�ss 1.eAder and Bonuwet ntna'wiso��roe ia wa!ia��insurance proceeds sbW 6e�spliod to restorotioa ar rc;sair of tho
<br /> PtropertY ds�a�od,if tlise►eqacatioo ar npair is oco+�aiaic�lly feasi63o�ad t.ender's socurity is aot lassened.If tha rcstarat�an or
<br />- repoir is not ewt�omicalty feasible or I,ea�cia's sxurity+wouid be ksse�sed.ttfe ias�uance procoods sball be epptiod to the sums
<br /> sxurod �y Ibi�Secaui�Y In.strum�u. whettier or not thrn duo� witb aay euass pvd w Horrower. If Botrowu wbandoap tha
<br /> Pr�Qaty,oc does not answa within 30 dAyc a aotice fram Irendes that t1�e instuance c.�nier da4 offued w settio s elaJrn,then
<br /> l,eader anay call�ci tho inaur�procoais.Lrndrr may use the procauts w repair ar restave ttu Propelty or W pay suma socumd
<br /> bY��Y Instrumcnt�wbGthrr or uot thcn dua'Jt�e 30-day Period vuill begin wba�tbe ootice is givc�.
<br /> Uakss I.enckr uul Baa+c�wer otherwis�e agnoe in wricin�.any applicatlon of Procads to Priac►i�1 shW not extend or posqxx�e
<br /> tbe�datc of the motubl;r�yanaits referrod w ia�1 and 2 or cGange tAe o+aount o6 tbe WYmeAts.If under�gc�b
<br /> �+'�[�Y�a�lu� bY�a.Barower's right to tay ins�uaisa policies aad Proceals re�ldng from da.
<br /> �Y P�m the acqui�inon shall pASS to l�enda b the ex�t of t6e cum9 sc�strod b this '�Be to the
<br /> P����quisition. Y �w�CY Insuumcnt immadialaly
<br /> f.OCCaRncp,Pres�'atio�,lKa�ote+afuoe aad ProteCiioi of tbe Pt+OpMj> Bo�r+owKr's Loaa APP�+�:l.atit�eoids.
<br /> Borrower�br1U occupy.establish.aad use tbe Prvpetty ae Barinwa's priaCipal cesidmce wilkiu.rri,xty days after the exeCUti�au of
<br /> this Socuric}►luuwua�au aad afWl coatiaue W oocnPY��atY as Barrower's priacip�l re�k,ra�e far at kast oue yqr aQer tbe
<br /> date of oocnP�ocY. wik.ss Y.ead�� othawise�ncs in aritiag. wt�cA oonsait sl�all eot be ��t,�*•a�•��Y w'�W, or ualess
<br /> ��8�aruc�exict which are beyoad Borrowu's coounl.Borrowa slr�L not destmy.damsl�e ar impa'v tbn Ptnpaty
<br /> �lio�v tbe Pra�erty ta J�teau.ar ao+amit wa�te oa tbe Propaty. I�oa�owt�r s3aa1! be io de#'wlt if soy forfeitut�e actioa or
<br /> prooeed�ng�arbctt�er av��r crimina4.cs be�un tHat io Lrenda's Sood fiptla jadgment co�W nsult in forfawre of tbo oc
<br /> oWa�v�ae mAtai�lty i��eir tLe lia:��d bY this SerauitY insaua��yt ar I.eader's sxt�ity inraest.Barower awy�a
<br /> d�faWt aod reia�ate. as p�vidal e�� l8.by causiag We a�cdoa or proceeding oo be dismissed weth a ruliug Wat.in
<br /> ��s Q°0d���,P��s forfeiture of tbe l3arnwet's iatetrst ut the Property or otber maoes�oa►t imp�t of
<br /> d�e L'ea crc�ed bl►this SecuritY Instnuaeat ar I.ender's secmity iniarst.Barrowes sEs�ll also be iA default if Baa�ower.duriug tbe
<br /> ��PWr�P�+6av�o�alerialiy false ar iasocurate infarmatioo ar statements ta Le,nda(or faikd oo proviAe Laxlar with
<br /> �nY m�te�id iaformatioa) io oonaatioa with We loaa evidd�ced by me No1e, iach�tiOB.but aot timitod tn, �
<br />�, °0O0a°�8��'s�upoCY of dx P�ty as a priacip�l resideaoe.If t6is Secauity lnwivaeat is oo A Ie�ebold.Bacma�rr
<br />_ ---- '�----�.���"='=-"«'�'•'•�-•'�+:.:�,:wc ira�ii isa=vMC aoqpttp Tee titte!a� - - _
<br /> ��S��Leotkr�req b dle mbt�er in wtitiqY. �Y.the ka�nld aad tha fi�tiib ci�U
<br /> 7.Pro�ectio�of Lesde's itijl�s i�tic Pwopp�ty. If Boanwrr faiLs w pcc�f�orm die cove�ants md
<br /> �P�g �� aS�ua aoataiaod in
<br /> ��Y �.a t?�is a Y��Y�'ax I.eader's rig6tc in the Fnoperty(such as a
<br /> • �°��°�'Y.P�o�.for eondemn�tic�o ar fo�feitute or oo mfocoe l�ws ar regul�oo�).tdw I.eadtr may do and 1�Y
<br /> for Mlweva is nec�ry tu pe�otect Obe vaWe ot'tbe Prc�perty�Lead�'s rigbts in the Pmpn�ty.IJeaifa's actioap may inclixlc
<br /> prY� any sums secu�d by a liaa whic8 6� priority oves tAis Sacurity � �pp�,g � �P`++Y�B�oaabia
<br /> �ttameYs' fas aed mteriy�oo the Proy�rty to tt�ate rq�fi�s.A1d�ouY6 I,�a�ie�r ma�►taice actioa tlo�der t6is p�h 7.I.eader
<br /> doa oa t�ave a do so.
<br /> � �y�b di�bursod by Lmder tuuler this p�tap�7 ahall i�ocome�ldidooal debt of Ba�oMV�ecured by tbls Socurity,
<br /> ., Imunment. i.r'nkss Barra�er ind l.e,adei ag�ne m Ot4er tain�Ot'P�Ymeat.thGxi amw�nts�ha�I1ar mtdrrsi fraa tbo d�a of
<br /> �7aaeat!It tLe NOIC raee aod du11 bC PaYabie.�h iRialest,nPoo nOfiCC fetilm L�eader b&�mDMer nOqu�P�Y��.
<br /> �.1�oe�e Lwra�ce. If I�eader re4�ed mort�e iasurioce ac a cmditioa of maiciog d�e lo�axurod by thls Socuricy
<br /> � Borron�cr a6all poy tbe p�emiuo�s req�ired to w�ionio d�e moc�ge &wraaoe in ef�'xt If, far aoy neasoa. tbe
<br /> ' �iawraooe oover�e n+quic�ed bY i�ader lapaes a owes to be in effea,Barro�er chall p�y d�e Poanium�nquired to
<br /> � obnio wv�an�e substaat;�uy equ;v�teac to t�e mat�,�e i�an�e p�+e�nv,xly ia e�Fea,ac:oost cubqaotiany equivalao:to tLo
<br /> , c�oat b Baaow�a of tbe caoc�e io�uaace previowiy in effxt, fmm aa at�cn�te ioortg�ge i�urr s�proved 6y I.ea�zer. It
<br /> �Y Ww��matgage inaumce wversl�e i�not avail�BarroaKr s1�ll poy Eo I�kr each uwmh a s�m equal to
<br /> a�a-t�lti6 of the yarty morl��e�u�ce p�emi��P�bY Borrowa wt�ea the iasur�aa cuvas�ge J�ed or ceased W
<br /> be io effoct.I.uxlar will aooept,u�e aod re�rl�eae pnyments a�a las�nsa�ve ia liw oi mort�e in�raoce.Lass resuve
<br /> }
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