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. . '�}l���. . .r.: �. ].V�`iM;y S� - �. �� �jj.S �� r. J�.11a,t� __ __ <br /> , •.. f� .. F�+�:rT.'' ' J h I �� _-- '" <br /> .. <br /> �:1, i a � ��. : � r . .��,. <br /> �,� .^���� o u" .r��. �...�.:x� _ `..ct.' ---- --.�.-.-. .� . _ �� - <br /> ��Yl' T +�Y - <br /> - -.tLY'.� ^n . .� ... :�S._.n sS�,-.ed. .. �. .. �I t . ' _ --_. <br /> .k����4 . , �;_ <br /> . � . '�,,. <br /> � .. . . � � � ..r.�-�-- ��...�r��.�n.u!�_—_ <br /> ."�d� fc., N-1 �•.;yx��`.; � • • `—_ <br /> :_����'�i�M�'����¢�� ' � 9c—�o4os� <br /> :�;�;'.�r:•�;�,�� ADJUSTABLE RA7E RIDER . <br /> :;���a:..�.,,�: (9 YN►TnMwy Indut—Ra41 C�iM1 <br /> ^ :�.:�9�: �::� <br /> ��. <br /> '��_�:;�� �.".:.;," . <br /> � . 1Zth d�y d Mht . 1��•�nd <br /> �t'hTfM�AIU�a-r�`�. .: TFIIS M�N18fABLE RA7E R�DEA U m�d�thw -- � DMd d Tnat a 8�oirity ONd (tiN"S�arMf►Mittr�xn�t") <br /> .G'1'r...oLS°�s.'. .�':... "NOb�� (0 <br /> .� -:� N Y1o0rponMd Mo�nd tIW b� dMr1�d to m1w�d Mld wpp�M�nt Matp�Y�. <br /> � wf b tha und�slpn�d (tM "eorroww� to s�ar� Barow�s A�uq�M H�t� NoU (Ih� <br /> �M _ . .-:;��e :� ol lM wno dat� qN Y �---� <br /> •x;,.•. <br />-- ,, . . , <br /> '. ��.._,.. <br /> _ �. . „ . ph. "L,,ndR'1 a th. ..m. aw .na oovuN,y thw a�y d�aWd b un S�arNy Mwtrunr�t .nd �oo�t.a �1 <br /> j. . <br />��n •• - <br /> � .� � . . �A�K/ <br /> � �. . . w . <br /> `� ., , THE NOrTE CONTAINS PRQYISIOt�iB ALLOWINQ FOR CHIWOES IN TM� ttrTBREBT RATE AND TH�WIONTHI�If � __ <br /> -,'� '' ° ' .. � , . PAYYENT.THE NOTB UIIAR'S THE A�AQUNT THE 60RR01NER'S INTBR6�T MTE CAN CHANO6 A'P ANY ONE <br /> �s:,. ,.•.,_�....,,•:� 11N�AND TH�MApYU1M RATB TH�BORRQWSR Mu&T PAY. <br /> .'��." ' . <br /> ' - "�,e ^ f.n' <br />'.'t.�� � .0 T-.--_-_�. <br /> i•: " � �II a�011 t0�N OOV�1�(1���111��YI��rw�'�7 �11�'BOffOW�f�1.www1� <br /> _;'� . �����• <br /> �:�� COV�IIYIt�11d�M all 1o�ows: <br />-=':. <br /> --r- - ,--. <br />_ ., . <br />- . ` A INTERE8T RATE AND MONTHL.Y PAY�AEN7' CHANOES - <br /> �` � n� ` 7tw Not�pravid�for�n inp�l int�nst rat�ol 7.780 tc.Th�Not�povidrs la oMnq+In tl�Yuw�st��nd 1M moawll► <br /> . p�ymmts,as tobws: -- <br /> + 4. INTERE8T RATL AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />�` ' o .., � ' 1� C�� �� . 1996 .�nd an thd d�1► <br /> 7M Ini�t rW I wil P�Y m+Y a�^0�on Ih�Mt d�y ol d'a� <br /> ' � �yKy 3dM maNh thr�Eaoh d�t�on whlah mY IM�nat�aould elw�p�Is o�Md�••Ch�np�Da0.°. <br /> • (B)Th�Ind�x <br /> ! _ j-.., • .. B�pY�n(nq wNh th�AM Chanp�Dat�� mY int�nst rau vvr b�b�s�d on an Ind�x. TM •'IntMx•, b ih�w�Mdy av�a�yNid m UNbd <br /> -- <br /> Statw Tnuury s�awMMs�usted to�consunl�a�icY of 3 yw�s, as nada�by tka Fedan!�ne�8oe�rJ, Th�mat <br /> ° N�d'a�w�vWd�M u of th�dNo 43 d�ys belan Mch Chfnpe Data b al�d th�"Cwrrnt N�d�x". �.,K <br /> � N 1M Indpc I�no lon�r �raW+bte� tho Note HoWw wil ahoos��Mw Yida whioh Is b�sod upon oamP+raW�InfMrtrtlon. Ths NoU <br /> ' . HokJw wiM�hn m�noUo�ot this cho�e. <br /> ' (C) Calaulation of Chanpos — <br /> gdon Moh Ch�ny�Dai�,tha Note Hold�wW catcwl�to my new Intenst rat�by addh� Tw0 and 750/1000 ���'➢� <br /> polnU I 2.750 %)to the CuRent Indwc. Ths Note Holder wll than►au�d th��ssuh ol lhfs�ddillon to th�nw�st ona+lOhtM1 ._,�-- <br /> d on�PM'anhp�P�(0.126%).Subject to th�Wnqa statad In S�etlon M�)t►etow.lhN rowW�d�nouM wi W my n�w Y�t�t raU unti th� <br /> .. p� r-:�:,., <br /> � roxt Chanp�Oit�. --- <br /> that 1 aln �'��• . . <br /> ' ' Th�Not�Haldsr YvW then detamine tha amount ol ihe monthly paYm�nt that would be w11kJ�nt to rap�Y Ihe unpald prU�dPN � <br /> .. .�p.a.d to ow•.i� ome h mn on tne ms��ny dme�t my naw htareet wte h euea�.n�wr�wf��. '�h� tisur m u� �__-- <br /> akul�tion wYl b�th�nww�rtwunt o1 my monthlY W1�� �'`���' <br /> , �.• .. <br /> ' . „ (0) Umib on Int�nst Rab Chanpos : . <br /> ' ° 11N kit�nst rat�(�tn nquked to pay Yt iM firet Chan��OaU wW not b�yreatK ihan _ 9.750 96 0►bsa ihan '�.�r._*- <br />' S.750 %. There�ria.roY int�st ate wip never be InaMS�d or d�MS�d on�ny dnpN Cluny�Dab by nw��ihan lwo ����_: <br /> . . � M���P�ia(2.0%)kom th�ate of intere�t 1 hava bean PAY��fa tM pncedhp 3 8 mon t hs. My In t�n s t rW wiA oaw b�y r N b r th�n �!,:�`"' <br /> . , 12.750 %. ��°~��`. <br /> �' (E► EH�ctiv�Dab of Chan�os ' <br /> My new Interat rate wN b�corne effecllre on e�ch Chanpe�ate. I wf1 p�y the�rtiount o1 my naw moniny p.yymw��e.�nnrw on u�e �1..: .: <br /> +� . `,�, Iht monthy p�ymw�t d�tQ aRer tho Cha�ye Dau un1Y th�wnount ot my monthy paymml chm�es s9�in. p . <br /> (Fl Notic•of cnsnaoa <br /> � � , Th�Not�Hotd�r wiN dWver or mdl to me� noUce of�ny ch�nyes In my Interest rata�nd ihe�mount o1 my monlhN p�ymmt befon <br /> • th�df�ctlw dda of�ny chan�e. The noUcQ wW IncWde Inlomwtbn requkad by law to ba yNen mQ�nd �Ito tha tIW and tetephone number <br /> ol�p�rson who wiN�nswa�ny queatlon 1 may hav�reyardYiy the notice. . <br /> B. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY OR A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN BORROWER ', <br /> . Unqpm Cownant 17 of the Securftyr Inatrument la amimded to read aa folbwa: <br /> 7pANSPER OF 7F{E PROPERTY OR A BENEFICUU.INTEREST IN BORROWER. If d or�ny part of ihe Prop�rty a aey hterost In it Is <br /> � + f{N{1I pf IfW1i�M1� (w��bereilcia! intarcat !n 9ortc:�et fs scid e+t•e�•k.+!w!�n�t pnn�wvrr ia not �n��rtl Qrson) wqhout Lender'a Drio► <br /> J writun eons�nt, Landu may, at its oppon.requke immedlate payment in 1uY of aU sums a�cwed by Ihis Securfry Inswment. However. thb <br /> _ _�_r_� �._ ...��� �... ��..w�.11�..rnl��le rvnhWtorl hv ladnal uw as o1 the d�te ol thls SoaxHy InaWmant. Land�r dso shall <br />. � -- vMui�� a�w���va u. a..�....�.�. ..� � � <br /> not ac�cist thls opUon B: (q Borrower cau�ses to be submltted to Lender Nfomrtfon roqulred by lwids to �r�kule th�InUnded tranaf�ree <br /> �s q�nwv lo�n wen bdny m�de lo Ihe tnnaferae:�nd (b) Lender reasonaby determines lhat Lender'a a�curily wW nat be Ynpdred by th� <br /> Io�n�ssumptlon and that tho �i�k o1 �bra�ch o1�ny covw�ant or�yreement In this Sacwity leslrum�nl Is�cc�ptabM to Land�r, <br /> To ths�Qa►t pwrtitted by appliabte law. Lendar maY chupe a reasonable tea�s• co�dilbn to Undn's cona�nt to 1M loan �uump- <br /> � • tlon. LN►dw m�y dso nqulro the transfaree to siqn�n�asumpUon�prearwnt that is aepptable to Lenda and that ob�pat�ihe tn�slerae <br /> to kep d th�prarMtQS�nd aqreemenls m�da b the Note�nd in thls Securily InaWm�nt. Bortower wW conthue to W oWfp�ted und�r th� <br /> Note and thM!Qea��Inntnxnent unle�s Le�der r�sQS Barowa fn writlnp. <br /> MULnSTAiE AOJUSTIIULE RATE pDER•3 rEI1H ARM•Swqla Femay-Fanrur Mae/FlCde Ir4c UrWam�nsbumKA Fpm 711�l/6S <br /> P•QE 1 O}� ' .•.•\ � � • <br /> t �lri9.Cfl N]�l91 Pf�l1Y) UpllOI09) Sot78 � �?t <br /> f ' � <br /> � � 4 <br /> � 1� _ ____.... ___ .__. __�_ ._ __ __ _ .. _. <br />