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<br /> • � ' 9� �����,� �aw No. i s s 9:o o e�r
<br /> �f l�dar axercisaa thla optkx►,l.a�dor o1u�U lw Borrow�r notica a accotara�lon.Tho noti�;a at�W provlda a parbcf
<br /> d not laas than 30 ttay8 from the da�tis 4tw not���ddlv��d ot mW�d wkhin wh1Ch E3:xtauvor nwst pay dl sum�cttcurpd
<br /> by thl�SaCw�ty Insitunwnt.If BontO�wer t�to pay thesa cumo pt{Ot to the ax utipn o1 thii por{od,Lendot may kivOko
<br /> �ny eixi�t3i�►���r�d4od by tt►(�Socu.-�y tr►:iru��ni w��cut it�tttix nai�;.a ra nd cut Bartau�r.
<br /> t�.B+IDrroww�Rlpt�3 to RetnsZato. I!6�r�wtir maieta cattein�anditions.Bnrrowor tt�ttiw the rk�ht to h�vc+
<br /> w►forcerrwru d thta Socuriry Instrurt►ar►t dt�tirured�t sny tlrM prior to tne aaelJer d:(a)6 day$(a�cFi�tt�ar perbd
<br /> �s appilcabi�G�w may specuy tor�einstate+��er►tj t�taa s�t�d ttw Pt�pp�tty pu�u�nt to any pour�of saie contatn�d In
<br /> tF►is pSec��rity Inetrtur�ent�ot(b)entry W e Jtictpmet�t e+uarCtn�thta - Instrument.Titiosa ca�di�{otts ara tit8��
<br /> Barrow►er.(p)PeYs t.enda�W sutn9 whiCh tl�en wol�id be duo tundec��urky Inairunxxd srtd tha Note as�no
<br /> ac.�eteraibn had occurted:(b)cwos any default of any dher covanant�ar a��eert�ent�;(c)PaYa W exi�ense9lncurrad
<br /> Gt enforcinq thf9° tuky Inst�ument,fr�dudk►p,but not IJmited to,reasonable attomeyo'teea:and(d)takos such action
<br /> as Lender rr�ay reasonaWy raquire to s�sstue tiiat the�len d this Secwky Instnut�ent�l.ender's ti�hts fn the P�ty and
<br /> Barr�pwet's obifpatbn tc►pay the stuns secured by tlds Sectuity Irntn�rrant st►ell coMkuie uncl+a�r�ed.Upon
<br /> reu,�a:en,�ny eo���ti�ls Secu�ity Instrwner�t and the obiipatbna secured heraby ct►tU rotnatn ftAly effeciNe es ff
<br /> no acr.eterat�on nsa occuRed.However,ch(s rlphe co reir,stat�shaY�,ot appy In ux�case of acrAteracfo+�undar
<br /> paraQ�eph 17.
<br /> t�.SaN ot Note;Charq�ot losn Satvicw. Ttw Note or a parttal k�terest 1�the Nate(to�ether witT�this Secu�ty
<br /> instnxnent)may be sdd one or more tirt�es wRhhouuit p�ior notice to Borrower.A aale may rc�sult h a chsn�e 1�the OntbY
<br /> (icno�m as the'Loan Se�vice�that collects month1y payrtients due unde►tha Nate atxl tt�fs Sectxlty Instrurr�ent.There
<br /> alsu rnay be one or mate cf�ar�es pf the Loan Serv�ixueiated to a sate d the Nate.If tt�ere!s a chan�e d the Loan
<br /> Setv�.BoRawer w�l b�Qhren writien notice d the chatqe in accotdance wkh para��t 4 abonre and applicabfe{aw.
<br /> T�e rwtice wAI state the nartte and eddress of the new Loan Sen+lcer and the address W wt�ICh payrneius shot�id be
<br /> mada The notl�will also corkaln any other b�forrt�atb�r�required by appUcable law.
<br /> 20.K:a�dow Subslanc�s. Borrow�s1�aN not cause or pem�it the pra�etx�,use,dEsposal�storage�or reiease d
<br /> any Harardo��a Substances on w tn the PPCpe+ty.Borra�shall not do.nor alb�w any�une etsa to do.anythtnp affec�
<br /> the Pr�pe�ty that is In vioiatlon d any Environmer�tal Law.The precedkq two sentertices s1�aY not epply W the pt�esence.
<br /> use,ar stora9e on the�P��af sma�li qt�ntides d Hazardous Su6stances tt�at are ganer'a1tY reco�tzed to be
<br /> approprtate to nom�ai uses and to rnaYtitenence of the Pr�opsrty.
<br /> eoRa�rer sh�li prompdy��re Lender w►daen notice a anv Irnre�ibn.dmim,aerr�ana,tawsu�or otr�sctwn by
<br /> �Y��+�����Y a�Y a�e P�Y��the Property and any Hazarclous Substance or
<br /> Envi�xnental taw of wWch Borrawer has actual lma�ieclpe.if Barow�laa�ms.or is natlfied by any qouertx��ental or
<br /> re�«y8�o�y►,�a�y rea,o„a�«aner remed�a�y�s�x�ar►ecw�u�Pro�er.y r
<br /> neo�ss�r3►.�«ro�r sr�aa pno+n�tly tatce an necessary remedtal acxions in accordarxe witn E,�vinonnenbl�w.
<br /> /l4�+�t thPs para�aph 20.'Flazardt►u,s Subster�ces'are those su�stencss defined s9 tox1C tx he�zBMotis
<br /> subetar�s Erj , nsenta!Law end the SoioMri�g Stt�tances:�St�ine.kerosene,ott�ilartWnet�le or taodC
<br /> pettt�tatsn�����pestiddes�he�k�s,�voiatle sdvents,rr�te�iats ootxak�asbe�tos or tameidehyde.
<br /> 'Ecrwironmer�al LavV'meartss federal taws and taws of U�e
<br /> �iubdk�fon v�Aiere the Pno��eRr Fs iocated tlmt relata to�aakfi,satetY a��P�
<br /> NON�IINIFOi�Y COVEAIANTS.Bortc�w�r and L.e�xJer iuttt�er coNec�ent and sptee as 6011o��r�
<br /> �1.Acoiiwatbtf:R�tt�adiis.Lw�dar siwtl�iMY notka ta Bo�TOw�'pri0rto iccaior7�Sotf falisr�tp Boir�.r�s
<br /> 6�wcn a any cownant or a�Q.mMt tn tt�i.s.curity Instrun�t(but na piior to acat�atlon una.r para�raah
<br /> 17 e,nMss appiicabia aw proWd�s ofhwwisy.Th�notic�shW sp�cfty:(a)ttw dNault;(b)ttN actlon nqupnd to
<br /> cun ttN dKault:(c)a dste.not tiss tlan 3o days irmen t1�dat�t1r�notk�b paven to Borrow�.tr9►wi�ich th�
<br /> dNat�!sewist 6�cund:��(d)that faNur�to cun th�e�bult ott or b�ton tl�dat�sp�dfMd h th�notieo nay
<br /> nsu�in aoaMration o�ttN wna s�cund by thh Iralres�o�t and s:N ot ttw Prop�ty.?tu notice shsM
<br /> tuth�r iMom�Bcwrow�ot tt�H�M to ni�t�attK �d��qht to bin�a�ocat�ctlon to asa�rt
<br /> the non�ot a dMaWt or sey oi�c afohn�a BarowK�tcaMratlon�nd sal�.H ttor drEauit ts not
<br /> Gr�ed on ar bMon tta dae.sp�ciA.a tn t�,.notle.,t.�ad��t its opNon m.y nquw Nnm.ai�e.p.Yn�nt M iWl w
<br /> are�wes..auna by tl�is s�ec�rlly i�s�w�rt withou�e�a«nsnd and m.y Im�ok.a,.pawK a�st.ana.mr
<br /> otl�r r�n�dlrs�rmTtt�d E�y spplfcsbM law LWtidir s8a�i�bi�ntitMd to coif�t sN�xp�nsss ir�c�r�d in pirsulrg
<br /> tiw�,.dis��d�d�thi,p�s�.ph���Ineu,ai�g,w,e na umWd w.r+woe.a.a�ton�rs�a..ana e�as a
<br /> - tifN�vid�ic�.
<br /> 9t fh�po�w�r ot ssM is tevofud.Tntt�sha{!ncoed•no�c.a a.auk�n.acr couney�n wnrcr�u��t a
<br /> ��ProMrey h bcsua sea�hw m.0 co�ia a such notic.ln tn.mannK pr�scrW�d by•ppNcsbN a�eo
<br /> B�es�awrr u�dto�otlwr PKSOn�Pnitxib�d bfl�ppxcabM aw Aft�rtiw tims nquind by applicabi�t�w,
<br /> T�ustN�N piw pubiie ootJo�of oab t0 tM p�rsont and In th�rtftnner p�scrib�d by sMlfCabN�w Yn»tM,
<br /> without dwntnd on Borr�,st�sM seY b1u PropKty n public o�wtlo�to tt�hiQh�t��dd�r at th�tJm�and pt�cs
<br /> and und�rth�trrms d�sipn�t�d In th�no�tic»of al�in on�or man pWCNs and In�ny o�d�r TnistM d��a
<br /> � Tnists�m�y s�t�ai aY or any p�rc�ot t1�Pr�opwty b9/PuWk announc��t at tfi�tlnw and pl�of
<br /> �1i Pn�+�r��w.a s�e. �«�aar or�s d.s�pn..may purch.,a tn.Proporey a any sat�..
<br /> �P���P�Y�t�1th�priC�bid.TnatN�hal0 d�iivK W t1t�ptrCt�sw Ti'ustN's dNd oorn�yi�q
<br /> th�Pe+op�ty.�r�ciMls Gn'ti�Trust�s`s dMd shall b�pruns��vid�oi t!w truth o4 t1w�ma�
<br /> ttwrWt�. Trutt�shW appiy tIM pnoa�Rat�d 11N ad�in tlw to�p ordw:(s)to all cor�as�d�tpM�s�s ot
<br />.. s f�LY"����������'w`�' f fQ��t� .
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