<br />Tna (MN), Equity One Consumer Loan Company,.Inc. (NH), and Popular Financial Services, LLC (DE), as
<br />Sellers and JPMor an Chase Bank, as Trustee �
<br />#319- Eauity One ABS, Inc. 2003-2, Mortga�e Pass-Throu�h Certificates, Series 2003-2
<br />10 - Pooling and Servicing Agreernent dated as of March 31, 2003 by and between Equity One ABS, Inc., as
<br />, Depositor, Equity One, Ina (DE), as a Seller and the Servicer, Equity One, Tncorporated (PA), Equity One,
<br />Inc. (MN), Equity One Consumer Loan Company, Inc. (NH), and Popular Financial Services, LLC (DE), as
<br />Sellers and JPMor an Chase Bank as Trustee
<br />#319- Eauity One ABS, lnc. 2003-3. Mortgaee Pass-Throu�h Certificates, Series 2003-3
<br />l l - Pooling and Servicing Agresment dated as of June 30, 2003 by and between Equity One ABS, Inc., as
<br />Depositor, Equity One, Ina (DE), as a Seller and the Servicer, Equity One, Incorporated (PA), Equity One,
<br />Ina (MN), Equity One Cansumar Loan Company, Ir�c. (NH), and Popular Financial Services, LLC (DE), as
<br />Sellers and JPMor an Chase Bank, as Trustee
<br />#319- �uity Ona ABS, Inc. 2003-4� Morteaee Pass-Throu_gh Certificates. Series 2003-4
<br />12 - Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of September 30, 2003 by and between Equity One ABS, inc.,
<br />as Depositor, Equity One, Ine. (DE), as a Seller and the 5ervicer, Equity One, lncorporated (PA), Equity
<br />One, Inc. (MN), Equity One Consumer Loan Company, Inc. (NH), and Popular Financial Services, LLC
<br />DE , as Sellers and JPMor an Chase Bank as Trust�e
<br />#319- Eauity One ABS, Tnc. 2004-1, Mort�ge Pass-Throug,h Certificates, Series 2004-1
<br />l3 - Aooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of December 31, 2Q03 by and between Equity One ABS, Ine.,
<br />as Depositor, Equity �ne, Ina (DE), as a Seller and the Servicer, �quity One, Incorporated and Papular
<br />Financial Services LLC, as Sellers and JPMor an Chase Bank, as "I'rustee
<br />#319- �auity One ABS, Inc. 2Q04-2, Mort�a�e Pass-Throu�h Certi�icates, Series 20Q4-7_
<br />14 - Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of March 31, 2004 by and between Equity One ABS, Ine., as
<br />Depositor, Equity One, Ina (DE), as a Seller and the Servicer, Equity One, Incocporated and Popular
<br />Financial Services LLC, as Sellers and ]PMor an Chase Bank, as Trustee
<br />#319- Eauity One ABS, Inc. 2004-3, Mort�age Aass-Through Certificates. Series 2004-3
<br />15 - Fooling and Servicing Agre�ment dated as of June 30, 20p4 by and between Equity One ABS, lnc., as
<br />Depositor, Equity One, Inc. (DE), as a Seller and the Servicer, Equity One, Incorporated and Popular
<br />Financial5ervices, LLC, as Sellers and JPMor an Chase Bank, as Trustee
<br />#319- Popular ABS, Tnc., 2004-4, Mort�a�e Pass-Throizgh Certi�cates, Series 2004-4
<br />16 - Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of August 31, 2004 by and between Popular ABS, Inc., as
<br />Depositor, Equity One, Inc., as a Seller and the 5ervicer, Equity One, Incorporated and Popular Financial
<br />Services, LLC, as Sellers and JAMor an Chase Bank, as Trustee
<br />'#319- Po ular ABS Ina 2004-5 Mort e Pass-Throu ertificates Series 2004-5
<br />17 - Pooling and Servicing Agreernent dated as of October 31, 2004 by and between Popular ABS, Inc., as
<br />Depositor, Equity One, Inc., a Delaware corporation, as a Seller and the Servicer, Popular Financial
<br />Funding, LLC, Equity One, Incarporated, Equity One, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, Equity One Consurner
<br />I.oan Company, LLC and Popular Financial Services, LLC, as Sellers and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as
<br />Trustee •
<br />#319- Pouular ABS, Inc., 20pS-1, Mortga�e Pass-Throu�h Certificates, Series 2005-1
<br />18 - Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of December 31, 2004 by and between Aopular ABS, Inc., as
<br />Depositor, Equity One, Inc., a Delaware corporation, as a Seller and ths Servicer, Popular Financial
<br />Punding, LLC, Equity One, Incorporated, Bquity One, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, Equity One Consumer
<br />Loan Company, LLC and Popular Financial Services, LLC, as Sellers and JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as
<br />Trustee
<br />#319- Popular ABS. Inc., 2005-2. Mort�age Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2005-2
<br />14 - Paoling and Servicing Agreement dated as of March 31, 2Qp5 by and between Popular ABS, Inc., as
<br />Depositor, Equity One, Tnc., a Delaware corporation, as a Seller and the Servicer, Popular Financial
<br />Funding, LI.C, Equity One, Incorporated, and Popular Financial Services, LLC, as Sellers and JPMorgan
<br />Chase Bank, N.A., as Trustee
<br />#319- Aopular ABS, inc., 2005-A, Mort�a�e Pass-Throu�h Certificates, Series 2005-A
<br />20 - Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated as of May 1, 2005 by and between Popular ABS, Inc., as
<br />Depositor, Equity One, Inc., a Delaware corporation, as a Saller and the Servicer, Popular Financial
<br />Funding, LLC, Equity One, Incorporated, Equity Qne, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, Equiry One Consumer
<br />Loan Company, L�,C and Popular Financial Services, LLC, as Sellers and JAMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., as
<br />Trustee
<br />#319- Po ular ABS Inc. 2005-3 Mort a e Pass-Throu h Certi�cates Series 2005-3
<br />21 - Poolin and Servicin A reement dated as of June 1, 2005 b and between Po ular ABS, Inc., as
<br />Inv. #319 — Equity One ABS, Inc. & Popular A�S, Inc. w/Addendum
<br />