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<br /> Hall Cou�rty. Nebrsaks
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<br /> �`�-:.;:��.�;.;: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS:
<br /> ;��3w..'._ —
<br /> �"�'`�`"�`'�'`'�5-��. 1'hat Garald Persinger and Berbera A. Persinger, husba��1 a�d wife
<br /> _ t`��A�� �M.D-k
<br /> ^ ,��-;, . of Kuester leke� R.F.U. 113. Hall County� Nebreska, Debtors, for the purpose
<br /> :- �y-�u�-� w-� of secu�ing the payment of 575�0OO.OQ � and interest at per an�um, com- -
<br />..._. � �Y::t�O�L�L
<br /> -�°t�:,�vr,�� �' • �'� uted u n.�he u� aid rinci el belenaa� ecaordi to a Nota described es
<br /> ��:: � ���;�,:�' �. � P Po P P P �9
<br /> ,_,�a,���i�.
<br /> � fallows;
<br /> --i" ���'��,;�"{:"';^r�"j Dated the 7th day of M � 19_�� -
<br /> ""°`:�.^s��r� ,.,:; in the orig nal amount of 00 ear ng interest
<br />'�"��+�'%,' M."-..."' et �g����� per annum, compute upon the unpeid principal
<br /> {'.. -� . ��� :. balance,�-peyeble in equal monthly installments of $749.59
<br /> ti� : ';+�•�..
<br /> � � ".�: �',;,`;,:..;:;,. .. per month� which will apply first upon interest an d th e 6 a ance n
<br />?.,`� i�,�.,+-.,;.t.�,;,';M•• reductian of the principel� �he first such monthly inatellment pey-
<br /> ,',,:,, �:,;�' �' ., ment peyable on the first dey of Julv ,19_,�_.
<br /> -<<�-- -_ ��:-' -" ` �'- -
<br />�=�::,� � " � which note was given The Equiteble 8ui�ding end Loan Asaocietion of Grand -
<br /> ��_;• _�t�i,:3,:N��+� , Island. Nebreska. the debtors do hereby grant� mortgage end
<br /> - • ,�.:��,�� ` assign unto aeid seaured party the residence house. being an improvement upon
<br /> -:;. - - --. . - r, leaseiwld end ell appurtenancss therato� 3aid residence trouss being situeted
<br />- - - . upon:
<br /> ;�.:, The South One Hel� (S�) of Lot Eight (8) end all of Lot Nine (8) situeted on
<br /> � . the West side of the West portion of Kuesters Lake loceted on the East One
<br /> Half of the Southwest Querter (E�SW�) of Section Thirteen (13)� Yownship
<br /> _ . � .• � , , Eleven (11), Renge Nine (9) , Hell County� Neb�eaka�
<br /> -.�,•
<br />, - ,
<br /> �:'
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<br /> ,. � � .. - .
<br /> .. ,. '•,
<br /> ,. .: '
<br /> ,
<br /> , ' �
<br /> n � „ ,
<br /> G' including any accessians� accessories� parta end equipment now or hereafter ,
<br /> • effixed thereto.
<br /> � The debtors warrent the ebove described property is free and clear of all
<br /> � liens and encumbronces; that they will pay all personal taxes before the
<br /> . seme become delinqusnt; that they will maintain and pay the premiums �or
<br /> •� , fire and extended coverage insurance on said praperty in an emaunt not less
<br /> - � - then the unpeid balence of the indebtedness. That if they fail to pay any
<br /> such taxes or premiums� that the secured party may pey the same and any such
<br /> paYments by the se�:ured par�y shall be a part of this indebtness, payment of
<br /> which shell be secured by this financing statement ar�d interest thereon shall
<br /> accrue at the rate of interest provided in the note of even date herewith�
<br /> . payment of which this financing statement securea.
<br /> It is hereby agreeii thet if defeult be made in the payment of said note or
<br /> any part thereof when due, or if dehtors fail to pay said texes beFore
<br /> ' the sama bacomo dclinquant, or said premiums when due, or if any attempt be
<br /> , mede to dispose of or remove seid property from Nall Cou�ty, Nebr2ska� or
<br /> .., � -- _
<br />