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<br /> 96- �,059�32
<br /> Ii the sunouats l�c3d by L.c�vler for Escrow Ittms ex:.eed�ha arYwunW penNtlod ta bo hcJd by RESPA.[.ac+u3ex c2�.iA
<br /> aocouAt a Borrowu foc thc cxcess fuuds as requirod by RFSPA. IC the�ww►t�dt fl'.ad9 hcld by l.esulcr 3t any WNe i�
<br /> not sutficieat to pay the Bscrow It�whcn due.l.cndtr m�Y notitY tbo Botrowrar aud.t�oquirC Botrowrt to nwicti s►p ttw
<br /> shott�ge as parsnL�te�d by RfiSPA.
<br /> Tlte B9crow Fuuds�ce pkdgod as additiona]socurlcY for all sua�s socutod by Ws Socurity Icutrutacn� If Bamwet
<br /> ta�sders ta U.nder tlu full payment ot all such sur�s,Borrowu's�xouat sh�ll be cralttaf with tba b�l�aco canaN4W fcx
<br /> all �nsiaWnent itcros(a). (b). acul (c) aud�r►Y mort�aCz ic�uac�e P�mium intt�lLnent tt�t l�etsc{er A� not boc,astso
<br /> obilgatctf w pay b the Secretary.and L.e:�der shtll pcno�tlY reFund pny excess Funds to Borrowcr. Iaunedlweay ptio�w
<br /> u fortclosure sala of tho Praperty or iss ocquisiti�a by L,e�ukr,Bucmwer'c account stsall bo crodited wiah aay bil�tuo
<br /> ntn�inio�for all iastaitment�4'or itez►�s(a.(b).and(c).
<br /> 3.Application o�PqY��.Ai1 paymalts utfder pAra�rapt�s 1 aad 2 sb�tU be eppliod by l.ctldet ila iolbwl:
<br /> gj�„w tho asoctgaga i�uurance p�ramium w b�Paid by x.uWer t�tho Sac�etuY ar W thc rtwathly cl�rrQe by tuo
<br /> gtc�+etacy instrad of the m�ar►thly utio�tgaga iacuras�ce pcemium�
<br /> �, W pny tax�.special ass�meat�1ease>>cld DaYm�nts a'�round rentv,aad Tu'e,fload swd othtr tu7ard
<br /> ir+c�uan�qm3�aiuma,�s re4uiral:
<br /> �,�latm'st due unda tlso I3e�t::
<br /> �,�rs sa�of the princi�al of tbe Num:�nd
<br /> Ej$� m 3ate ctw�,rs�iue uader Ihe Notc.
<br /> �1.�i+e.i�lood,�uld latber Harard Iaswaoee.Borrower shall iosaro all�npcovea�t�oa tbe Propu�y.whetbet
<br /> �ww ia aais�aco ar su0sequeatly aocted,rgainst aay dazAnls.cawaltb�,and coadttgenck9.includin�Cue,fot whic0
<br /> l.cader re�;ui:+es 9a,surnace.'ililc�nwraaoe sLa11 be maiatainod ia dso�a aod fa tt�e periodi thst Lessder requira�.
<br /> Bonnwu sball�l�a iasue+e all improvemeats oa the Pcq�a'ty,wbethcr now io e�cisteoco a sub�equaitly eroctod.�ai�ut
<br /> ioss by tloocis co tbe e,xtent itqulc�ed by t�o Secretary.All ins�uaaea sf�all bo ea�ried with compaaics�pprovod by L�eacfer.
<br /> '[be i�uarance policies aad any reaewal9 chx!!be held by L�entS�i aud ahall inclucb bss psyrbb cW�es ia favor of.aod
<br /> io a farm ar,�poibje eo.I.erider.
<br /> Ia tfie xvau of loss,Ben�awv str�3�ive Lu�da immediata aodce by mail.La�da cniy m�ice p�+oof of{on if Aot
<br /> m�de prau�x�y by Bon�aw�er.E�ch lasu�sca companY conamed ia bcreby authorized�ad dlroclod b m�ice paYa�aot for
<br /> such loas�aaty w Lax3a,iatrad of w Bocrower�+d a I.ender Joiatly.All ar aay p�rt of d,e iaa�umoe Ococoed:m�Y
<br /> be aPPiie��y l,axkr,�t its oQtion,ei�ba(a)to tba roduction of ttlje iadobeodeea uoder the No1e iad this So�witY
<br /> Instcumaq.�rst w aay cklinqueat aawant�applied in tbe ocdar 9n pem�3.aad d�m w p�yaaeAt of prlacip�l.a
<br /> {b)m d�o r�toe�doc or repewr of we aamAgea ProQacy.Aay,ppiir�doa of tbe pc+ooeo�o�aye pcioci�l�u�a wueaa
<br /> or pos�pooe the d�e d�le of tbe ovoothlY P�Y��whicb are rcfeered to in qrap,�►h 2.or chan�e die�adount ot web
<br /> _._. _.�p�}�,�y•�M�!�p01SC00i OvR ai1 aoowti[Dljuucu�Y�Jf wi{a�wr.r'�'�'�ww"'••••w.. �.�i.�- -
<br /> �ad d�is Sec�uitY in�aeat�il be paid�tLe eatitY Zega11Y eatit3ed tharew.
<br /> Iu We eveat o�forocbs�ue of this Sac�u�tY Instrumeat at ottsor ormsfu of title to dro Peopaty thtt eactia�ui�l�es tbo
<br /> iodeboednas.al!ri�ht,title aad ioterest of Barowv ia aad W iasutaooe poBcies in fooce thfli pas�t4 tbe pu�ebner.
<br /> S.Oo�p�rc7.Prae*v�doe,lNsfaEeaa�ee a�d Pro�ectios ot ttie Pr�opart�;Borrower's 1.wa APP�
<br /> LweioWr. Bamo�er sAa11 oxupy.establis6,aud uso tbe Propercy as Bamowa't peiacipal raideroe witbia sizty days
<br /> afta tbe a�ecudoa of tlbtts Secwity lasuue�at(a wi�m si�ccty days of a l�tar stb or v�osfet of tbe ProQetty)�nd Y�U
<br /> c.oatinue to occupy ti�e Propaty as Ba�rnwer's p�iacapl retidcace for at leut aae ye�r afler ttia da�e af o�y.
<br /> �m1eu�ddenaines thtt requinaisa�t arill ca�ae undae luedahip for Bort�oarer�at ut�a�leowtin�de�um�oer
<br /> e�wt whic!!ac�e boyoad Boreoaes'�contcol.Bamowa sbrll iwafy l�enda of any es�eouadag c,lscuaasaooes.$ono�a
<br /> �all not canma w�we a dmroy�daa�ge a sub�lly cban�e d�e Pmpe�tY ar�llo�w the Prapa�ty Ic�de�ioe�l�.
<br /> ra�aoabl�e o�ar wd tear exap�ed.I.eor�a may iospoct�e Pcopaty if tbe Property is v�caat ar aYnxiooed ar�be Iora it
<br /> in default. I�e,odex m�lY take reaso�abk acdon � pcdoct aad preouve sucv v�caot ar ab�ndoa�ed PcopertY.
<br />_ �tR(�caoy v.o.�a� ' aw.r.:
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