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<br /> -� �•y��,,:;.,� �;�• ,r. 7'OCjETilER WITH all the improvcinent�nuw on c�reufter crccted an the propeny.:md ull cuu�m�ms,appurtcnances.
<br /> �-�'�:;�':M�H�� �•' _ �
<br /> .�t� �;& ,,� and fixtures now or herc,�fter a part of the prapeny. All replacements ttnd udditions shull also t+e covered by�his Security
<br /> `•�f :�. ;:.�i�.a.:'•,�: lnstrumenG All of the Poregoing is refcrred to in this Security Ins�rumem as the"Ropeny."
<br /> � - ' � • BORROWER COVENANTS ttwt Borrower is lawfully.r-cised af thc estn�c hcreby convcycd and has ihc right to grant
<br /> _ Y�,:,;;;..,� °. ,� '� and canvey Ihe Property und th�t ihe Property is unencumbered,exrept fur encumbrnnces of record. Borrower wurrunts and
<br /> � • . -; will dePend generully the title to the Property against aU claims and demands,subject to any encumbrnnces af rewrd.
<br /> �, ', - . _ ' - THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifomt covenants for nutionAl use and non-unifarm covenunts with ` __ �_ _ _
<br /> .. . "`'J•' �im��ed vsuiationa by jurisdiction�a constituta u uniform security instrument covering real property.
<br /> �:i;`; �'�'�-�•��'�'�""' UN IFORM COVENANTS. Batrowcr And Lender covenant und agree as iallows: --
<br /> ��:�;?'� � `=���''"'`''' 1, Payment oP Principal and Interest;Prepayment aad Late Cbarges. Borrower shnll prompdy pay when due�he
<br /> '�-�"s``��rti l�'�;i%?�', �_ principul of und interext on the debt evidenced by the Not�and any prepuyment und luts charges due under the Note.
<br /> _,.�.p;�'" : 2 Flmds Sor 7'�xea and InsurAnce. Subject to app licn b le law or ro u w ri a e n w u iv e�b y Lender,Sorrowcr shall puy ta _
<br /> r��� Lender on the dAy mumhly puyments are due undcr thc Note,umil the Notc is pnid in full,u r:um("Fund;'1 far. la1 yeudy
<br />•-��'� ���� laxes and wssessmems which may utwin priority ovcr thiw Security Inxlrument us a licn on Ihc F'roperty:(b)yeorly leaachold ___ _
<br />=_;'�`�: � paymen[s or ground rents on �he Property. if uny: (c1 yeurly huzard ar property in�:urunce premium�; Idl yearly flaod
<br />- �� iacurwice premiums, if nny: Icl yeurly manguge inxumnce premiumz, if uny; und Ul any xumx Puyablc by Burn►wer to
<br />_ � ° � Lender, in uccordance with ihc provi,iann oi'purugraph R,in lieu ui�he puyment al'mungugr inxurunce premium,. Thetie
<br />�•. �� Uemg ur�e culled"Ezcrow peros.' Lender muy,ut uny�ime,c��lkct und hold Fund�in un um�+unt m►t u+�xcred�he n�uximum _
<br /> nmoum a Icnder for a fedcrulty rcluied mortgagc luun muy rcyuin: i'or Romowcr ti c�crow uccuunt undcr�hc Icdcrul Rcul
<br /> ° ,, `' @c�ate Sel�kment Pmeedum�Aci of 1974 as umended fr�im�ime ti��ime. 13 U.S.C. #21►111 �•r.crq•f"RESF'A"),unlc��another
<br /> _. �- -•�- - � luw thet upplic�to Ihc Fund�r,c�s a Ic+.cr omoum. If su,L.cndcr may,ut uny�imc,cufkct und h�ld Fund�in un um�unt not�o ` _ � ,
<br /> � " - cacccd thc Icaxcr umaunt, l.cndc� muy eztimatc thc umoum i►f Fund+ due un thc buyix uf currcnt duw unJ rru�unuhle
<br /> estimates af expendilure+of futum EKreiw Items or�Nherwix�in uccordunce with upplicuble luw.
<br /> The Funds shull Ix held in un ins�iwtion whose deposi�a urc inscumd by u fc�krul ugcncy, ins�n�mcnwlity, or entity �.
<br /> • • • pncluding Lendcr,it'Lend�r is such an in�tiwtianl or in imy FeJerol Hume Loan Bunk. L.endcr�hall upply Ihe Funds to puy
<br /> �he Escrow Items. Lender muy nat chsuge Borrower 1'cx holding +md upplying�he Funds,unnuully unulyzing lhe escraw
<br /> � . accoum. ar vcrifying �he Escmw Itcros,unless L.endcr pays Borrowcr intcreti�un thc Funds und upplicuble luw permits __
<br /> • Lender to muke such a charge. However,Lender moy rcquire Borrowcr to puy u one-timc rharge for un independent real
<br /> estate iax reporting+ervice uxed by Lcndcr in connection with this loun,unless upplicablc law provides atherwi+c. Unlcss nn
<br /> ogreement is mude or applicuble law requires interext to be pnid,L.cnder shall not be rcquired lo pay Borrower vny inleresl or
<br /> � • earnings an the Funds. sorrower and Lender may ugree in writing,however.thAt interc.r•t shall bc puid on the Funds. l.�nder
<br /> shall give to Borrower,without chargr,an annuul uccouming of Ihe Funds,showin�!c�edits und debitx tci the Funds und the —.---�-
<br /> �• purpose tar which euch debit to Ihe Funds was mude. The Fundx iue pledged ns udditional security for ull sums xecured by _ _
<br /> _ -- -= Uii�Sc�:urity instrumcnt. - -
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceeJ the umounls permitted to be held by upplic�ble luw, l.ender shall uccaunt to
<br /> � Borrawer for the excesx Funds in uccordance with the reyuirements of upplicuble law. If the amount of Ihe Funds held by ����::�.°�'
<br />: �� Lender s�t uny timc is not tiufficient to pay the Eurow ltems when due,l.endcr muy xo notify Barmwer in writing,und,in a°
<br /> such cuse Borrower shall pay� �o Lender the umoum necessury to make up the deficiency. Horrowcr xhall make up the �`='
<br />