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<br /> -�'_--_--�.`��'"'�° TO(387'HER WITN ull�c impravrmcm�nuw un c�rcnf�cr crcc�rd on�hc prupeny, und ull ru+cmm�lx,uppuMcnunccx,
<br /> _..� ---•.��,�� aod fiawre�nuw �x hercafler u putt of the prnperty. All replckementN u�xl ucWilion.r xhull�I++u iw coven�d by lhfr SecurUy
<br /> � � Inwrument. All af�hc fixcg�dng ix refcrrcJ lo in�hiK Sccurity In��Nment�K�hc"f'r�►�xny..'
<br /> ------- �-fi.-iy�.o.`.�.
<br /> .;;�;,�'��;,,r��� -� BORROWER C(�VENAN'PS thul B��RUwcr i�luwfully sci�ed��f Ihc c,lutc hrnby rumcycd wul huti IiK riQht tu grmt
<br /> — _ �_.�,;,, uiul convcy thc Proper�y pnd Ihot�hc PmpcAy ix unencumbcrcd,cxccpi 1'ur cncumhrunccs uf rccord. N�Nrnwcr wurtunls und
<br /> will defend gene�lfy�he�itic to thc Propeny aguMs�All claimy und demandti,�ubjecl lu uny encumAro�xcx uf mc�xd.
<br /> ' - 'PHISi SECURITY IPl5TRUMENT cumbines uuiWrm covcnunls far n:�tional twr und m►n-unili►m� covcrwnt� wNh L
<br /> 1 _ �,� limited vArfations by ju�isdic�iun to conatitute u uniform xecurity instrument covc�ing real property.
<br /> '� ' .•�`t '� ' ' UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender covenunt and ugrec ac follawn:
<br /> —����j�;,f�,��� ' 1. Payment of Principnl and Interest;PrepAymeM and Lpte Charges. Burrowcr.rhull prompUy puy when due Ihc
<br /> ��,� �„, princiPul of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Nate and ony prepuyment und late charges due under the NMe.
<br /> ��� 2. Fbnds for'11�:ea and Invurance. Subject to npplicable law or to u w�iuen wuiver by Lender,Borrower ahull pAy to q �_
<br /> �. 5..,•,��:^ � .� .
<br /> •� Y••� • �� l.ender on the day mon�hly puyments are due under 1hc Note,until the Notc ir paid in full,u sum("Funds")fbr:(a)yearly
<br /> �nxes pnd assessmeMx which muy attafn priority over thfa Securiry Instrument as r lien an Ihe Property:(b)yearly Icasehold -
<br /> --�,{,::r��������`-'t�* payments or ground rents on the Propeny. if any: lc) yenrly hozcud or property insurunce premiums; (d) yearly flaod
<br /> ' �i: Insurnnce premiums, if any; (e) yeady moAgnge insurnnce premiums, if any; nnd (fl any sums payuble by Sorn�wer to
<br /> �'-P.:-Y.�+.,.�:.�.,-. Lender,in accordance with the provisians of ps�rragraph S, in lieu of�he payment of mortguge insurance premiums. These �
<br /> -'—:�r;,,_:;,..�-. � . ;,;,= .� items tue called"Escrow Items.' Lender may,at uny�ime,cullecl suxl I�uld fimds in an amount not to exceed thc muximum __ _
<br /> ,::;.;,. •�. , emount a lender for a federally related mongage loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federnl Reul
<br /> ---- .,�_. . -. ' �� Estate Settlemene Procedures Act of 1974 as amended fram time to time. 12 U.S.C.�26O l et seq.("RESPA"),unless unother
<br /> -��`��;-` �'� ,"�' law that applies to the FLnds sets a lesser emount. lf so,I.ender may,at uny time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to = -
<br />-,�.� .�,y;'stJw excecd the lesser amount. l.ender may es[imate the amount of Funds due on the basic of curtent data and resisonable _
<br />-� `•� •� :������:�ti'� estimates of expenditu�+es of future Escrow Item9 0�othenvise in accordaace with upplicable law. 4
<br /> � �•�:��i}P The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposi�s are insured by a federal agency, ins�nimemality. or entity
<br /> _z.� �,� : •"'^'% ' ' ' __
<br />.,_::-- ;•,;'(,�}'},� ; (including Lender,iF C.ende�is such an institutian)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply thc Funds to puy _-_
<br /> �:.��• �� ' the E.4crow Items. Lender mAy nat chsuge Borrower ior holding and applying the Funds, annually anulyzing the escrow
<br />,•; -:,_�:,;��:��',��� .; •,. accaum. or verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender pays Barower interes[ on the Funds and applicable luw perrnits
<br />:t:�. .,�.�};:r.:,,.
<br /> yl� � •���..�,.� � Lender to make such a charge. However,Lender may require Borrower to pay u one-time charge far un independent real �
<br /> � Vk 'n'�,`t�'t��-.� estate tax re nin servlce used b Lender in connection with this los►n,unless applicuble law provides otherwise. Unless an —
<br /> :,-;, ;� ,. ti.,._;�':t.. . P� B Y
<br />_:_� ' � :, �,�• : •,.. �• agrcement is made ar applicable law requiree�interest ta be paid,Lender shall nat bc required to pay Borrower any interest or _
<br /> �•';:..•.
<br />_- � ti., ,,. . . earnings on the Funds. Borrawer und Lender may agree in writing,however,that intcrest shall be paid on the Funds. Len er
<br /> �,,,,�` � shaU give to Borrower,without charge, un annual accounting of Ihe Funds,showing credi�s and debits to thc FLnds und�he ___
<br /> ' �''�; ' ; purpose far which each debit to the ii�ndc was made. The Flinds are pledged as additional security for all sums xecured by _
<br /> � �� —
<br /> �^ � s _ th�s�ecuriry Inatrument, „ °
<br /> - " �,ttia � If the Funds held by Lender exceed the umountg �rmitted to M: held by upplicAble law, Lender shall account to �„
<br /> Borrower for Ihe eacess Funds in uccordance with the reyuirements of applicable law. if'Ihe amount of the Flmds held by •='-�'
<br /> � ., • . Lender nt a�y time is not sufficient to pny the Escrow Items when due.Lender mny so notify Borrower in writing,and,in --°
<br /> . � such case Bortowcr shall pay to Lender the amount nccessary to mnke up the deficiency. Borrower shall muke up the ___
<br /> deficiency in no more thnn twelve monthly paymentti,at Lender's sole discrelion.
<br /> � Upon puymeni in full of all xum� secured by this Securiry Ins�Nment,Lcnder shall prompdy refund to Borrower uny `=u-
<br />=: � Funds hcld by Lender. If,under purngruph 21.Lender shull ucyuirc or �eU the Property. Lender,prior to the ucyuisition or ��
<br />- ' sale of the F'roperry, shnll upply uny Fund.r• hcld by Lender ut �he time of ncquisition or snle us n credit again�t the sums ____.
<br /> " secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> � � 3. Applicatbn of i'aymentsz. Unle+s upplicuble luw provides uthenvitie, all paymems received by l.ender under
<br /> ,, ` paragraphs 1 and 2 shull be upplied:first,w uny prepuyment rhnrgcs due undcr thc Notc:+ecund,to nmoun�s payA6le under _
<br /> _ � ,. pur�graph 2;third,to interer�due;fourth,�o principul due:und lus�,to any latr churgrs due under thc Note. ___
<br /> • , 4. Charges;Lkns. Burrower shult puy all taxes, a+sessments, churges, fines und impositionx altributuble to thc ��
<br /> Propeny which may auain priority ovor�hi,Security ln��rument,and leusehold puyments or ground rems, if uny. Borrower �__
<br /> • shull pay these obligutions in the munncr provided in pur.�graph 2,or if not puid in tha�munner,Borrower�hull pay thern on ;,�,_�-
<br /> � time din.�clly to the person owed paymcm. Borrower shall promplly fumish to Lend�r ull noticet of amounts�o be puid under
<br /> . Ihis parngruph. If Bortower mukes these payments directly,Borrower shall prompdy furni+h to Lender receipis evidencing r ���
<br /> " the payments. �r`-
<br /> ° ' Borrower slwll promptly dischsugc uny licn which hus priurily ovrr this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(u1 ugrees �:_ :y
<br /> in writing to the payment of the obligution.ecured by 1he lien m a manner aceeptable ro Lender,(b)contests in good faiththe _- ,
<br /> �• � . lien by,or detends against enforcemem of thc licn in,Icgul pnxecdings which in the Lendcr'.s opinion operate to prevcnt 1he �;
<br /> � ^ enfurcement of the lien;or(cl�ecums fmm the hulder of the licn un u�reement sutisfactory to Lender subordinating�he lien �-
<br /> � ` �� to this Securiry Inslrument. If Lender determines that any pan of the Property is subjcct to u lien which may attain prioriry �
<br /> � over this Security Instrumen4 Lendcr moy givc Borrower u noticc identifyinF the lien. B�rrower shull satisfy the lien or lake �.
<br /> . •• one or more of the actions set fonh alwve within 10 duys of th�giving ot'notirr. 1�''
<br /> � 5. Hazord or Property Ipsurance. Horrower shall Mcep thr impmvemcnts now exi�ting or hereaftcr creeted on the ,
<br /> Property insured against loss by Gre,h:uurds included within the tcrm"rx�enJrd coverugc"and any other hacards,including
<br /> , tloods or flooding,for which Lender reyuircs inwrun�r. '1'his imurunce,hull lx maintained in the amounts and for the
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