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<br /> Tt�34�THFR WiTE!�ll thc ir�ipcuvui�cstta tww pr tserea(tet etoctod w�the property, wwl All e��ixausis►�ppurte����tid
<br /> ix[uroc nnw nc turraittr �► prn of ttu prapacy. All repl�i�ua wx1 additions shall a!w bc cuver� by this Serurity
<br /> Ituc4runxnl. MI of thc fixrgning ia n:ferrod w in Ws Sxurtty Instnunent er the "Pr�erty." -
<br /> BORROW�R COVtiNANTS thAt Barrow�cr is lawfully cei�eJ af the auate hercby rnnvey�otxl tws th�riYiit to�rint�uxt
<br /> convey ttu PruE�rty +utif tf�t the Ehupe»y ic une�uumb�erod,exeept fn:er�umbranees of rccurJ. Borrawec wurarus rrxf w1U
<br /> ciefcod ge�xr�lly l!►e title to tt�c Property n�ainct ult claims�u�d denwnds, subjxt to any encumbrwtice�af recorci.
<br /> THLS SECULtil'Y INSTRUM�N7'mnlbinec unifortn rnvc�uu�ts for natiotwl usc u�u1 non-w3lfur�n eo�cnaius witd limlted
<br /> �urintions by jurisdictii,n tu�yn�.+litute�uuii.►ciiti sacurity irutrumcr►t eat�ering resl psopesty
<br /> UNIFORM COV�NATv�'S.&�trow•er and l.ender cuvenant titd x�tne as follaws:
<br /> l. t''�yu�ent os Priacipat �aa InYeso3i ��5�'�ii w.i Lc.:e E:h:.��. &u�rav.�er st�:!! presnptlY P8Y w'hen due tite
<br /> principal of and intec�at on the deb�evidaicod by the Note s�nd anY O�Yment and lute chur�es du.,unde,c thc Nc,tr.
<br /> 2. Fundc tor Taxes u�d iawra6ce. Subjxt to �pplicAblt law or to a written ws►iver by i.ender. Borrowar shall pay to
<br /> Leixkr on the dt►y monthlY l�Y�����r the Alote,uniil the Note iy p3id ir�full.a sum("Funds")fur:(u)Ycarly taxes
<br /> and assessmcnts whlch may attsia priority ovu this Securicy Inurwnent as a lien on the Property:(b)yessly leasehoid payments
<br /> o�ground raus on the Property,lf any:(c)Yearly tuzard or PropertY insauanoe premiums:(d)Ycarly tlood lnwrance premiums,
<br /> if any: (e)Yearly mortgage inwrance pnmiun�s. if any: anJ(� any sumc payable by Borrower to[.ender. in accord.uue with
<br /> the provicioac of paragrept�8. in lieu of the payment of mortgage inwranee pnmiwas.Tixse itec�u sre eallc�"�scrow Itec�v,"
<br /> l.enrter may, at any time, colloct and hotct Funds in in amount not ta excood tbe maximum anocxaae a lender for a feder311�
<br /> related aartgage Ioan mzy roqu.ire for Borrowu's escrow accounc uader tht federsl Real Estate Settlement Pmeoduns Act of
<br /> 1974 as nmendcd from time ta 4cn�, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 rt seq. ('RFSPA").unless another I�w that appliea t��the Fwsds
<br /> sce• u 1-sser anryu►t. If so. Icur3�r m�y, at any time.collect and hold Funds ia an amount not to e:ceed the 6�:�:r amouni.
<br /> Leaict�r may atiu�te the..,�w.-K of i nds due on the basis of curruu daw and ceasonable estin�ates of expendiwKS oF fuwre
<br /> Esc:row Items or otherwise in s�wtrlance with applicable taw.
<br /> '�'he Funds st�all be t►t4J! ia an ins�ir�6ou whose cf.�osits are incured by a federal agency. inctnunenwliry, or eniity
<br /> ' (ic�fuding l.eixler.if i.endtr ds��a:h an inctitution)or ia�•�ederal Home LAan Banic.L.ender shall app{y t6e Funds to pay the
<br /> �scrow Items. L,ender rnay a:�t�:arge Borrowu for holdcat,���nd a�,plying the Funds.a�ually analyung tbe escrow accowu,or
<br /> verifying the Fserow Ittms.un��zs I.ender pays Horrower interest on the Funds and ap��icable law pennits L,ender to make cuch
<br /> a c3�azge. liowevu. l.ender may roquire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an i43epondent real esiate ta�c reportin8 service
<br /> osCd by Lender in eonnection with this loan, unless appiicable law provides other.wise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> �licable law roquires inur.xt w be paid. i.�nder st�all not be requirod to pay Borrmw:�r any iatct+est or eamings on the Futids.
<br /> BrJrrowu aad Lenler may aEc�in writit�g. lwwevcr.ti�at interest shall be pwid an the Fw�ds. Lendrr shall give to Bonowu,
<br /> wzthout chuge,an aanual soeouncins of tlar Funds, showing endits uad debits to the Funds aad the purpose for which esch
<br /> ddait w the Fcc�f'w wAS made.Thc Fuads ace�ued8al ss addidonal soaunqg,for all siuns soeurod by this Security Instnut�e�t.
<br /> ' If the Funfi;�1eld by LetKkr exaod�.`ae s�ounts perutittod to be�]r3 by 9pplicable taw. Lcndes shzll acoount to Bana+�es
<br /> t'or the czoess fiunds in�cc�o�danoe with the requiretir.�►u c�f applic�iaw. If th�amount of d�e Funds beld by•[rarr3er at any
<br /> tirne is not sufficiau to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lader may�notify Borrower in writing.and.in sucb raat Borrower
<br /> shall pay to L�er�der tbe�aouat neeessary to ma{ce up the ckficiene�. }Eorrowu shaU malce up,the defieieney in no man thsa
<br /> twelve montlslY PaYme�s.at I.eader's sole discretion.
<br />_ . . _..__--i;�u����3a�i::v:!! �---• a b' .l1is c rs; �:.^=�. 1�IK ch�n n.Y,iw,t1� refi�ni m B�xmr�rer any._.__ _
<br /> Fw�ds hdd by I.ender.Ii.under pu'agtaph 21.l.endtr shall xquire or se]I the Ps+opaty,La�der.Prior tu tHe ac�quisitaA oi'saie
<br /> of tbe Property.shal!�piy any F�nds hdd by Leader at the time of aoquisition or sale as a crodit ag�iast the sums sxucod by
<br /> tivs Security Insttumcnt.
<br /> 3.Application ot Payments.Unless�licable law pmvides othec�vise.all pay�ats received lw_ l.ender utsder{�raS�piu
<br /> 1 and 2 st�all be appliod:first. to aAY Pt�+?��Bes due under t�Note;sxoad. to amour�g�yablc under P�+B��:
<br /> •cld�.to interest due;fourth.to principal dt:t:and l�st.to any late chu�,�s dut under the Note.
<br /> 4.Ct�ga;I.iens.B�rx shall pay all tues,ascessn�ents. charges. fines:�impositious attributabk to�che Property
<br /> '� w�i�ich may au�in priority otirr t9is Se��iuc►;Instnuna�t, aad leaulwld p�y�or ground reas. if any. Borrawer shall PaY
<br /> these obligatioas is�the n�ac�uet provide.d i�e�a�ragraph 2,or if not ptid in that manner.Borrowu shall psy ttxm an tiare dirxtly
<br /> W the penu+n n«`ied paymast.Fwrrowai s�a2�prompdY fumish to La�der�ll notias of amounts W be paid under this p�ragt�pf�.
<br /> If Horrower malces these pm}zs�s diroctly, Bocrower shall PromptlY fw�nish to I.eaJer roaipts evidencing the pa�meats-
<br /> Borcower shal�pran�y�isch2rga any litn which ha�priority over this Saxirity it�spvaxnt udas Bomow�:ea)�grraees in
<br /> writin�to tbe paymau of the oi�ligation secunod by the liea in a m�^M*acoeptabk to Lender:(b)contaus in gooiT.�ith the licm
<br /> '" by, oc defads a,a.vnst euforcr.�netu of tSa� iirn ia. fegal pm�eedings which in the Lxader's opinixm opence W prevent the
<br /> eaforoaueat�f rd,u'u.lien:or(c) saures fc�aa,t3e holder of the lien�n agnen�eat satisfactory to LenU,.�c subordin�tiag the lien w
<br /> this Sxurity Inurumat. IS�.end�r decetmines that any�art of the Property is subjxt to a lim which may att:iict priority aver
<br /> this�rity Insuunxnt. Lar�icr cnay give Bonower z a�ai,oe identifying tlu lien.Borrower shall satisfy tbe lian or take one oc
<br /> mare of We actions set fwti��etve within L�days of the�vin�of ta�. •
<br />- : Fonw 802� '.l�69a
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