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A RLSOLUTI�N TRANSFERRING THE REAL ESTATE TNTERESTS AND THE <br />OPERAT�ON AND MAINT�NANCE QBL�GAT�ONS Or THE CUUNTY OF HALL, <br />NEBRASKA, IN AND TO A PARTION OF SOUTH L�CUST STREET TO THE CTTY �F <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br />R�SOLUT�ON #10- <br />WE�IEREAS, on April 6, 1992, tbe County of Ha11, Nebraska, entered into an Inter-S�acal <br />Coapexation Agreexnent with the Nebraska Department of' Roads rznd th� City of Grr�nd Tsland, <br />Nebraska, �'or the purpose af the improvement of Sout1� Locust Street and thc cozastruction oF aza <br />interch�.n�e at the intersection. of South Locust Street and Tnt�rstate 8�; and <br />WHEREAS, said Inter-Local Cooperatian Agreem�nt imposes upon the Co�.�nty of Hall, <br />Nebraslca, cer�aial obligations in furtherance of said improveinent and const7ruction project; and <br />WHL�TtEAS, said Tnter-Loca1 Caaperatian Agreement fii�rther �rovides that, upoil cornpletion <br />of its inaprovement and constr�rction nbligations tiuider saad agreement, the County of Hall, Nebraska, <br />shall transfer to the City of Grand Tsland, Nebraslca, An.d the City shall accept all �ght tu�d oblig�tians <br />the CUUnty rnay I�.ave in and ta that �ortion of South Locust Street betw�en the Grand Island city limits <br />ancl the northernmost termintiis of the ex'rt ramps to the Interstate 80 i�aterchange; and <br />WH�REAS, the Co��nty o�Hall, Nebras�a, has nor�v firlfilled the abligations izn.posed �ipar� it <br />as conditions precedent to the abov� described transfer. <br />NOW, THERErURE, BE TT RESOLVED that the County af Hall, Nebraska, c�oes hereby <br />tr�nsfer aIi zi�lit and obligations zt m�.y have in and to that porCzon of South I.ocust Street between t.l�e <br />Grand Island ciry lim.its a�id the northernxnost termin��s of th� �xit rarnps to the Interstate 8� <br />interch�i7ge, wliich portion sha�I be Iegally descxibed i:n the c�uitelaim deed herein,after authorized to be <br />executed �nd filed of'recorc�, s�id 1ega1 description ta be incorporated hcrcin by re�erence. <br />NQW, THEREFORE, BE IT �'URTHER RESOLVED that the Ghairman of the Hall Cai�nty <br />Bo�rc� of Supervisors is hereby authorizec� tn execute the abovo dcscribed quitclaina deed and cause the <br />s��rne to be filed o f xecoxd <br />Resolution moveci by Supervisar <br />Seeoncled hy 5upervisox � <br />2010093�G <br />Vote; <br />Stitpervisar Arnold: <br />Supervisor ]effries: <br />�upervisor L�waaster: <br />Supervisor Purciy: <br />Supervisor Quandt: <br />Supervisor Rye: <br />Supervisor Wagonex; <br />�'ox• ,�; <br />�'or �: <br />For ,�; <br />For ��,, <br />�or ,�( ; <br />For �; <br />A�aznst ; Abstai►�ed ^; Not Present <br />Against ; Abatairted _; Not Present � <br />Against ; Abstai.ued ._ ; Not Present _ <br />Against ; Ak�stained � Not Present � <br />Agai.z�.st ; Abstained �; Not Present _ <br />Against ; AbsCained ____; Not Present � <br />Against ; Abstained ____; NoC �xes�.nt � <br />