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<br /> �ri�_
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<br /> �s�� �K� - ti�.�b�lJYl�.: .� .. .. � . _ - --_
<br /> . _ =citi�aaamr-.-r..>w�i..• _ �.e..��mi�:.�`n"_""'� .
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<br /> ' S.�la�crrd ar ilrape��ty 1n�,u�nce. Scxrovra slsail i�cep tI�improvrmu►ts�sow ozistin�cx hcr�nftcr aAacta�i���q�i�r
<br /> inwuud�lnst W�s by fira.h�crrd9 incGuial wi�hln ibo � "exlr�xSnd covarnEe" �uu!w�}� wlur hazardv, ;ncluciia� iWa3s oc
<br /> tioudic�.for which I.e�xkr requL+n insuruxe.Thls i�zwrance s!w!J be m�int�inod in ttw�►mouius aitd for�w perlods tt�st t,csxicr
<br /> roqu.ires.'Ibe insuranca cArrier provi�dlqY thc iaruranco st�al!be chosea by Hotrowrl subjoct tn LcntWr's s�xovat wdxh slall nw
<br /> ba suuaacocwbly wW�hekl. tf Bomowe+r faits �o m�in�tn cov�qe de�ibod abava l..onctcu au�y. nt Lcnda's aptiaa. c�t�t�iri
<br /> ceva�ge to pco�ect l.�nda'�ri�hts in the Aropetty in acwrdanc�e with p�agroph?.
<br /> AI!i++�++*�+�'policics aad n�ocwsls�hall bc ao�{x�bk ta I.asder and shall in:.lud^.A standord awrtgc�e cl�use.l.ersd:t st�1J
<br /> have tf�e ri�ydt w Iwld @�:policies aad rexwal�.If LaKkr roquires.Barower chall pro►nptly givo co l.ciuf�r aL rocai�xs r►4{�i�
<br /> pramtunt4�ad reoewai nolicxs.In ttte evtnt d'bcs.Boreowdt ct�l!�ivo prompi notioe W U�a itls�u�nW cairi�'aud LCndtf.I.dxkf
<br /> m�y m�ke proof oi{oss if aot made piatnptty by Bortnwer.
<br /> Ua1�ss l.ax{er aad Borrower ot�rwise t�p+oc iu writia�,iaautu�ce prcxxods sluU ba tq�pllod w rcstaatioa or re�aai�a!tPie
<br /> Fto4x�tY d�od,if Ibe c�.aar�tioo or rcpair is 000eoo�ially feasibk aad l.eader's secwity i.c not kxsetiod.lf ttx rest�pai�a or
<br /> reair is aot econ�micaliy fe�fbie ur I.eadv'c saciuipr�+atW be ks�od.tbo inuut�x�a ptocoods sdall be apptiod�o ti►a stuns
<br /> 9ecured by this Sxuriry Iamum�t.whdLer ar aot Ihen due, wit6 any e.�oess p�id u► Bunowu. IF Bormwu aba�a,iaas tbe
<br /> ProQary.or does not�asvaer witt�in 30 dayc a ootice fi�om Le��dei Wat iLa irwuano�a cs�m�cr has offe�nd to scuk a ctr�im.ct,e�,
<br /> I.atidar may oo�cet the iasursnoe pmca+dt.I.ender may usc tNe pr000eds to re{�sir or rasuuo tho Propaty or w pay wz�u socu�cd
<br /> by this Socurity Instru�eat.wbaber or aa tAen due.�ibe 30-day pe�iod will bGgia wht�a tho ac�tico is�ivcx�.
<br /> Uakss I�sida aad$acr�Mer otturwi9e agi�Oe ia writ�n�.anY�p�ion of P��s�P�P�shW aot eatasd ac jxeupooc
<br /> �he due date ot'Me a�oaWY WYmeats r�feind w ia pae�raph�1�ad 2 ar change tho umount of tha paymcots.Jf uader juaqgra�h
<br /> 21 �he Praarty is acquitrd by LaKla. Sarower'i ri�he to aay ias�uanoe policies and proc�oods rGCVicing fraa d�as,�a w�he
<br /> �Y P�q the acquisiiioa sAaU piss w l�eoder b tbe eaua�t of tLe sums soctuod by this Security Innnuma�t imrnadiaely
<br /> Prior b me acquiri800.
<br /> f.Oaapa�cl�Pr�x*ratbs.Mti�t�eeaaaoe aad Pa�otatioi af We Pro�erl�: Borrower'y Latr Appticatioo:I�oid�.
<br /> Bam�+cx s�aU oaatgy.e�biis6.aod ux tbe Prupaty as Bono�er's pr�al residt�ce withia sixty days�flcr tbe cxoaui�a of
<br /> tkis Socauity L�4trumesnt and s�ll 000tinue to oocupy the Property as Barmwu's pii�cipA!resideaoe for at{�st aoe yr�ar tf�rr t3�e
<br /> dale of oavp�ac.y. tmless L�eader othervi�e a�ees io wtiting. wdicb ooeseat stmll aot bo untrisonab�y wit3�e�d. ac tu�3eas
<br /> exteau�aq�ci�umst�oes exist whic6�+e beyoad BarroMer'a 000aoL Barrower s�aU nat drsu�oy.d�ma8�a���Y.
<br /> alb�v the Piopaty io ddaiora�e. or ooma�it w�e oa the P'ropt�ty. Barmwrr s�utll bo iu defauIt if�ny farftuue �ctioa a
<br /> pcooeediog.�vtiaba civil or crimiwl,is beQun Ebat in II.eader's Qood faitb juclgm�i eouW result in farfeiu�rt of tha Pxo�erty or
<br /> atberrise m�eri�y imp�Q tbe lieo ctea�ed by tLis Security iastruimant ar LaKla's sa�irity iuterost.Bariouex may cure suc6 a
<br /> clet'�it�ad�e+as�te,as provided in p�up6 18.1�1►aus�8 tbe acoan as pc+�ccoctiag w bo dtsmisaed witb a rulb4$ttbr. ia
<br /> I,e�dQ's good�h ddecmiattioe.pocludes farfeiture of the Baro+�a's i�esat in tho Pr�o�ty ar otLer materi�l ie�oacmeai ot
<br /> the liea c�aeo�1 by�Sac�a�idy inst�ume�t or I.eader's security io�a�est.Bum�er s3wU a[so 6e iu detauh if Baro�w.d�aiaE tbe
<br /> ��P�.��Y fatse or imocur�le inferm�ticn aa s�ts io Laider(or faikd b pcovide I.a�3tr�ritL
<br /> any mr►ti�T iafau�atioa) m caooect)oa � tLe toao cvideated byr t�e Noin. it�ludlug, but aot Il�uilod b. r�r,�s
<br /> oo�ooeaiia�Baro�ar'a oocup�ocp of tbe Piopaty a:a priocip�l sesicleaoe.If this Seauity Iastruakat ic oa�lea�obo�►1.Bano+wY .
<br /> ahall eono�ly xitL�tbe puvitioac of Ibe{ea�e.If Ba�ro�rrr ecq�fee titie w tbe Prop�rty.tbe kauboid aod t6e fx ti�e s4sv
<br /> oui mQ��mias i.�r a�aes ia me m�er m�. . .
<br /> 7.Pt+o�ectjo�at l.e�der's Ri�i�ttie fMopert� If Baro�►�er f�us to pr�fa�m t6e�tt and�ts oo�� '
<br /> dus SacuritY tasaumeat.ur t1Kre is a legal prooeed'a�tlat maY�aifiqottY aiPccx I.eiuler's rights io tbe Preperty(aocl���
<br /> procaed'mg m baatn�y.prut�e.far 000dmm�o�o ar fMeiwre a b eafaroe brws or r�gut�on�).t�m i.axkr may dc►�od pay
<br /> fa�vhatevrr is nocesauy b prolect tbe vaL�e of the PYnpaty aad I�de�r's ri,�hts io tha ProQe�ty.Lmcltr's aciions asay iacA�de
<br /> payia� any siams�ocucod by a tim whicb hat prioeity ova tbis Sec�aitY 1n�s[umwi. a�pearmg w caKt, P�YmB *�
<br /> at�ocneys'fees aod aNe�iqg an tbo Ptopesty io mflce tr�its.Attbou,g6 I�esida mq+Wco actioe uadei this p�taph?.l.eatier
<br /> does not b��o do�o.
<br /> Any�aisumaea ay I.eada unda mis prapape 7�n b�ecm�e a�dirloail aebc os B�owrs sa�uea by th�soarr'sty
<br /> La�.�Jnk�s Bamow�a�od I.eader a�nne lo oWs�mt of paymeat�tUa�e�meut�t��h�ll bar iat�est f�am tbo d�1e of
<br /> ch�bo¢xmeat�t tbe No1e t�1e atyd�ball be p�y�bie.�th�upoo ootice 6m I.ondtr io Ba��w�er�equ�FSY��
<br /> i.Moe�e L�auoe. 1f I.e�der�+�+quitnd moct�e ios�saoc�as a aomd3tim of maltiq�d�e laa socucM by tbis Seauity
<br /> Ia�t;&asoMer shall py tbe pe+r�numo�s requcred oo maimpia tLe mottgergo inouaoc�e ia effoct. �for aoy res�o�. �ido
<br /> �a�c na�u�oce ooveiage nqoired by Lmdrr l�es ar oea9es 10 6e ia d�t.Barro�er s6�ll P�Y�P����
<br /> obtiio co�e subavoti�lly a�ivalmt m d�e mortg�e inwanoe portvioasiy in etfaa.at a ona substaoti�lly oquivaie�e te tts�
<br /> cort to BaQionre�t of the m�t�ge ioc�aoa poeviou:iy io effeact.fram�n�Yun�1e e�ort$�p��pwed by l.codet. If
<br /> �S�a4���������s� �.BamMes s1�i1 pty tn Lssder e�c6 montt�a s�equ�w '
<br /> oaatwe�s:af�e ynrty mort�e inwrna pc�ezaiUm bda8 P��Y��amuwa vvhca tbe iosuaooe wvera�e lapsod a owscd to
<br /> 6e in d�� will aooept, �e�od n�iu tbwe p�ymeots u a tosc ns�sv�o in llai of mact�e :++a�,�.,. l.oss reaerva
<br /> �-�t�lcax�2�.o� Far�302Z!f!0
<br /> vaa•�a s �.�.-
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