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<br /> � !.1l�r�a wr M'u�w9r twrrrrsut. �kKrowa wh�ll lcoq�1bo im(�rovc�n�sta tww axistl�g on c�rcafter eroctcd on tho Pn�paty ,.:
<br /> Mwra;!��rt kiw by firo�h�earstr Mk;iwled wfthfa 1he in�w "atic�tidc�d ca�crn�a" aa� aay aMr t�azarcta,includin� floods or _
<br /> ih+►�i«yi.i'���.�:�i�s�:l.�r!�::lrss lssu:tssx�.1�1s iasut�t�sb�!!bo m�lnt�ina9 in tbc anxwnts anci for tho pcsbds that l�crtidcr =
<br /> re�uir�. 11M�+t+ii�i�r'i�a�4WW�At 4Lwu�uu:o @Wl bo cl�ea by Burrower wb�oct us I.�t�der'c apptoval whlch sd�ll not =_
<br /> ba uptoar.w�htY w4M�eh1. lI RcKh�wnr frit� W ►nalc►Wn cflvtxaQa de�ribaf nbovc.Le.� mFY� �i t.ctidcr's aption. obtain
<br /> Wwr�te w��1 l.aMla'r ri�lw ip Ibo Pr�yatY la ancat�9c�wlih qraQnph 7. _
<br /> JUI fr�r�hwc:e��:ka wrd ro�cw�r dwU ho�coopl�fs9e in Lu�tdet pad�ail irscl�da�stusci�rd�uu�e cL-u�:..Lc.zd::cRsll
<br /> b�ti�e t�e ei�ht eu l�uld d!e�ui1►.�r wW roaawdr.U l.aWer requ,ira. Barcawa�!W!D�oo�pstY Qive W Lcnckr all roceipw ot paid _
<br /> ��nd taewrl�c�ti�:rr. la Ibo rv�al s�t k�r.�x�owar�hai1 Qivo p�nny,+t adico w tbo iasuru�ca curier and Laul�r.L.eiWer
<br /> oyy uu�ce ptud�(kw i��wl nw4e pn�aW1Y by ibrrowor.
<br /> ual�ui ts�r.Na Manavwr udMrwt�e�rae h wrWaj,in,ura�noo aoc�ode�Aa11 be+�pvllod co restnr�tic�a oc rc.�rir or thc
<br /> pru�xriY d�ywi�If 11w�wMYdlos nt ropNr b eooawaicatly Ie�ib3e�ad L�dur's security is not{essabd.If tho reswntlon or
<br /> rt�M Ir w�l stx�k�lty te�ribie t�Lenset's rocu.-ily wa►W be lesreno4 tbo iauumoo ptoca'd+tball bo appl3od to the suAw
<br /> recund bq t�lr �Y UMn�ab�%»..-'`"'"'�-- ^r aol Ihe� due. witl� wy oxoea pdd ta Bo�mwa. If Borcower �bandoti tbe
<br /> Pra�orty. a dne�r au1�rwar wi�Aln SU d�y��not�co!rom l.oridar thttt cta intunu�co carria bsf offucd to satio a cLiin.tt�.n
<br /> l,n�dor aaay rdbrt tl�s ia�neae pwueed�.l.er+dor�y wa dre prooeeds e r�opaie a res�ace�ba Property or w p�y sums socuced
<br /> py tAi�5ecwity G�Mrun�a�.wMellwr at au!d�on due.Thn 30-day priod will De�ln whea tho aotice is Qivae.
<br /> Unlew La�f�r�d Bunuwer cwberwl�o�r+oe la wtitin�.my appiic�tion oi proceods w priacipd rball not exta�d a postpme
<br /> �bo due cWe oi Ibo Rwnd�iY WY�+�e[arted b ia pr�aph�1 �pd 2 ot cA�a�a dje�aiount of'the paymaus.If uada p�uagraph
<br /> 21 1ho�opM'tr is�uyulted by LAndor�Barowar'a c�bt lo Wty Wa�u�a�oe poGcl�s �ad proceo�s�+aul�in�from dun�e to the
<br /> propenY pior►�tuc�oW+isition�wtl pw 1�l.ondci lo tbo exleat ot tbe wm��ocutod by this Socurity Iaswa�eat 1mm�edi�elY
<br /> priot ro tl�e�aquf�itlon.
<br /> i.���r�v�io�M��ca i�A lMbluliou of tw PI'Oplrty: ��'s Ld1� AppYCatb�:l.eafeioidr.
<br /> Bontirve:drtl oouipy�nt�bli�A�wd we die Propaty a Botrowx'�priactpd e+aidonco wiihia si�cty dsys�fter tbo eacacutloo of
<br /> IAIt Sec�itY IbNrwaeat and�b�ll ccWiaue b oocupy dle Pe'aperty�s Borrowor'�priacip�l residet�oe[ot at ka:t ono Ydt afta tbo
<br /> dYe nt oucu�p�nc9. unku l�ewdet tMherwbe a�tee� b wtitia,��w!�lcA oopsent�hall aot Oe uaratonably withhe3d.or uakcs
<br /> e�taw.tny circua+W�aoos exl�wbirb Nro eayoad s«row�+r'�000u+�t.ao�mwer�e.0 na aatroy�d�aa�e«imai*tbe�ropacy,
<br /> rbw d�e ProQerty b deloric�t�M, at oo�i! w� o� tbe ht�oqrty. Notrower i�all bo ia det�ult if aay focfeihit+e actioa t�
<br /> proceediry,wixtAor clvi!at etin�IWl,i�beiva tl�t i�Lra�der's�oad G�th jud�raeat cou3d rault ia forfeiau�e of t3�e Propaty ar
<br /> al�arrai.�e mYeri.ur iaap.+r 16e ibs cneUea e��'s searitr[AS�uan��r l.ao�a•��ewrk�►iata+at.s«�m�►y curo sucb a
<br /> defa�aaa e+eis�le.�p[cwidrd ia p�t�t�pb 1�. Ef'ca�ini d�e �cd�oa or pr000ediug b be di�ls�ed rvith:ndio�d�t.ia�
<br /> L,eeder•a�ood faW�delen�le�tloa.pmcM�Ba&xfaituro�of�be Bareowar'a Wotat ia tbe Pcaperty a otber mMeiW imp�irmeot of.
<br /> 1he liea craMed by 14h Securiq►Ia�wNMM ar la�der'��ecwrity i�k+raN.Harrower d�ll afa be 1a defauk ii Bart�ow�a.d�aing tbe
<br /> lo�e�PP�P�•i���Y�ar Yroarw�i�aw�tioo a a�aaeats�o lrader(ot failed to peovide L�nder with
<br /> .ar �eeW rtarm.�+o� h oo�noc�tor wi�b re ioM a�►ieerrcd by da tvo�a �+d�i• a,t aoc ti�ed w, �aaoau�s
<br /> �gp[�p�Yef'�q�ppP�1�dI Id PIO�Ip���I00011G0.{i�Y�oalrii�iww��wi.w�i ii w w�w�""�'...3::��.^':3�� .
<br /> �U ooenpiy witb�!!d�pro�►i�oas ot da tea�.[!6ornwwr io4uira fee tjttle a die RapatY.tbe iea�oW aad tba fa wle xhafi
<br /> uot mtr,�e ir�le�s l�a�det�taet lo d�e t�er�et ia wtit:a{.
<br /> T.Praloctio�of!,e■dK'�Ri�M�i�Ue I�ro/�riy. It Borr+ow�r Grflf a periorm tbo cova�aad apoaaeats c�enioed in
<br /> diit Sect�riq► 1Atawe�e+ot.or tAere ir�le{�tl prooeedi�dW m�r s�Uic�o�y aaoa La�der��r�ht�1a da PropatY(acb as a
<br /> prooeed;n�in b�aiuupicy.pd�Ma.tar ooademnuion or fateMute a b aitoree Inws er�+yyul�tions).thea Lwakr may do aad PnY
<br /> tar wl�lavet i�aoaayry 10 prolxt dre v�Y�e af d�e Pt�ope�tr aa0 Iraidor'r t1�lw i�tbe Prnpaty.Leatler'�act�oat a�y include
<br /> WY�t �Y � � bY a lie� wbicb Ir�priwiqr ovar tAl� Sac�ritY fa�lrumeot.�PPorin� iu c�uct. WY+� �
<br /> �norne�►s'tew�od ealeria�ou lira Propet�y Oo�fce rop�it�AMiort��+e�dor�aU►t��ctim ur�det t!�pal��pb 7.l.eadar
<br /> ;�nc aot Mve�o do�a
<br /> Auy�iw diebur�ed bY Leader widet tbir pw�e�pM 7 tWl b�ooMe tl4idoeMl debt at Boao�rxr fectmd by�it SecuricY
<br /> IaM�umeet. U�3at Bae+ower�d Lq`er�ree 1� o1Mr 1�af p�m�M.d�ae�w�rM�th�i:bear in�a+e�t trom tbe d�e af
<br /> �u tbe No1e t�le ad�M�ll be p�y�bi0.Mridi i�1�roM.�poe�otioa Erom L�eoder 10 Bare+ower roqu�P�Y�-
<br /> t,�I�rn■oe. !t 1.aidet roqui[ed�c��p Ywr�oe an�oo�dkiow of a�icin j die io�o iec�c�ed by�6ic Securicy►
<br /> uu�aaet. eae�u+�►«,�.0 p�► u�e proinivan�requfree �o w.wai�a�e a�o�+�+ree N�naoe in drea. u, ca�y nnoo. d�a
<br /> marcy�e hwr�eca coYer�e roquirod bY La�Ber t�p�w�a oWM�o bs i�etfea.Boere+ver�b�1 P�Y�P��9uicod w
<br /> abnia eo�+ra�e�ubwatiYl�► equt�raieat a dwe owryys iiwra�a�e ptaeio�atY ia et77ea,.�t a�ou a�undally oquiva3eae w�bo
<br /> c�t w �crc��oiwar oC Ibe monjye ia�ecaooe previ�oiWy M�ft�l. ttaa��n�hettnYe aao�t�e inwref �pprovad by L.ender. If
<br /> �1fY o�uiYa�at a�at�ye im�ce oovet�e b aol a�►N�1Di�4�cxrowor�Aall p�y 10 Ld�der acb a�oatb a�ua equW w
<br /> a,e-tMew ar tbe yewiy a�crt�t�e i�rw�e pro�++uM beMy o�f4 br B�uwe�wbai tbe iaw�oe co++aqe 4�p�od«ceaoa tn
<br /> ba io el�. l�+ode+c rrill aeee�b urc�od ttlaio dwe p�e�W�• bw re�etva L� lieu oL mat�o iawhaoe. Lors re�we
<br /> Fa�i�3� �no
<br />- ��alttM�ta,�.a, r.�.�se• �w.:—�_
<br /> 1r �f�• -fll_
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