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<br /> 17.Tr���r ot tbe Pra{�ertY a+'A Bendlclal Iater+�t(a liorruwrr'. If ull ur any pan of ttu Pr���►ny ur w�y interect tn it
<br /> is Sa�f 1 nr f�:;:ti:tai�i��!(c+r if s be+�eticis!interest in Fk+rr�►�r�•i.r•,.�kl��r�r,u�f��ial�uxf Burruucr is iw��u i�tur�l perusn)witlxwt
<br /> l.e�xkr's priur N�iuen r�Wi�cn�, l.uxlcr nuy, xt i�c opticat, reyuitc immadiate M}•n�enl iu fuU uf�ll wnu s.aurctii Dy �his —
<br /> Se�urity ii►�1�v��R+u 1laue�•cr.this optiw�shsll�wt Ne czerLise�by L�xlrr iFcxc►.ix:is W�I►iGit�:J by lal:r,d I�a zs of thc date -
<br /> oP thic Security ii�.urumc�u.
<br /> lf[cixkr rxerrisry�hi�:��+ticu�. l.endes s1u11 gi��c l�+rrow•c�•ixxi��e c�P acccicra�ion. 'i`tu�xxirc�hall pro�idc a pericxl nf ix►t
<br /> te� tluui :+0 Jayc frc►m �he date the ix�ti��e is Jclh�ere4l ur mailal w�ichin whi�h Born�a•cr �u��t �ay ull wn�.c tic.urcd by this
<br /> Sc�uriq• In.�trument. If Bo�►wtr PNiI�to�i►y th��.:nau priix tc��h:ctpis:don c�f this perial.L.crrcirr nuy i��valc W�} ►:.m.:lies _.
<br /> permiltrd b�•�hi�Se.�urity titiu�u�tikiu w�ittusut funher cuuuc ar cka�anl on&�m,�er. _
<br /> 18. IZWT�iKCf�F wti�bt ta �teins�tt:. !P E����t,wtr n�t. re�tain axwiitKUU, &�rn�wer s.'utl h�cc tt� right t� twve
<br /> enf�xcement uf this Secunty Inu�umetu discantinued w any ti�i�e pri+�r cu the wrlicr oi: (u)5 clay;(�r�wh�uher �xric�cl as
<br /> a�ptia:wte t:,w r��y S�'icCi�3 fJi fililSl:i:n�nt) t+ef�ue �� of si+� Pcoperty Extrsuant to a�y �w•er of ulc cc►ntaina! in this _
<br /> Secunty liutrun►Gil:or(b?cu�ry of a jwignxnt eaforring this Secu�ity inururne�t.'�hcue cunditians arc thst Borrawer: (al pas��
<br /> Lender�9t cums wMcl�t6u� would be due un�3er thic Se:urity lactrun�au snd the Nc�te as if no acrele�H�n had nceurrod: (bl _
<br /> cures any dafault ot any other rn�•enur�ts nr s�roen�ents: (c1 pays all expenscs incum�; in enf'orcing this Security IiutNment, _
<br /> ineludit�;.but n�t limital ta. reasonable�ttomeys' fces: und td)t�kes wch acticui�.c I.endc:r may m,�sc�nahly reywre w�un:
<br /> 1h�t thc licn uf this Socurity I��cuunient, l.eixkr's righw in thu Fropeny und Bwcow'er'z abligwion to pay ttu wmc�ecured hy
<br /> this Sauri.y Inu�umenl shul) rnntinuc unchangod. Upnn rtiasiutctineot by Hormwc�, thi� Sa:urity lauiuukni and the
<br /> oti�igu�ions secured he�eby shull rcmain fully effective�s if na xaloralian hswd occurred. Howevcr,�his riyht ta m.iiutato sliall
<br /> aot e�iy in�he cace of aceeleration urxler paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sak oi iVate; Ch�e of Lata Servka'. The Natc ar a putial irucrest in thc Ncxc i�oBcthc� with thic Security
<br /> instntmet�tl may be su�d otsa cu mc�rc times without prior notiee to Bomnwer. A satc may resuh in a chuage in tt►c entity(knawn
<br /> as the'Loan Servicer')tlwt rnllucic mex►thly paYments due wxier ttx Note und this Secunty Inst�ument. There also may be one
<br /> or trwre�lunges of the[Aan Scrvicer unrelatal to a sale of tho Note.If there is a�{utnge af the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be
<br />. given writteti�ntice of the chat►�e in aceordance with par.�gr�h 14 abo�•e and�licable law.The noticr will state the��d
<br /> address oi tho new Loan Senrice�and the address to which payments slwuld bz made. The ootioe will also contain:.ny other
<br /> ' inforaiatiwn rcquirod by applicablz law.
<br /> 2p. H�u�Subctanees. Borrower slwll iwt eaiue or permit the pr�eiice. use. disposal. storage, or rclrace of�ny
<br /> fla�andous Subatxnas on cx in the Property. Bomower st►all not do. nor allow anyone else ta do. �nything affecting tde
<br /> Pn�ty that is in viotatian uf any Environmental I:►w. The pra�aling two sentences sh�ll not apply [o dtc prescnce,use.or
<br /> storage on t}r:Froperty of srt�all qwmtities of Ha�c+dous Suhuances that are generally reo�gnizod w be ap�x���w narn�l
<br /> residcntia!asa and to mainsenuue of the hnperty.
<br /> Borrawer stsall P���Y B��•����+x`�tun notice of any imestisation.claim. dem�t. flawsuit or other xtior►by any
<br /> govomrtxatal or regulatory agency or private psuty involving ibe Pmperty ind any Hasardous Svbstance or Enviraurienn! Law
<br /> of which Bortower has actual knowledge. If Borrower karns. or is notified by yry govemme�tal or rcgulatory authority. that
<br /> - any rcmovs�f or other remediation of any Hazudous Su6staiwe affectiqg the Pt+nperty es ae��ess+ry.Borrov►u sha11 pranptly take
<br /> all aoo�ssary renoedi�!actions in aocordsmoe with Enviroomental law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20. 'Hxmrdous Subst�noes'are thoae subsfances defic�od�taxi►c ar h�srdous substaaoes by
<br /> Euvirorunasta! I.iw u�d tbe followin,� substanaes: gasoline. kerosene. other Elunmable or wxi�c petrdeum praducts, tQa'sc
<br /> pGUicides and hcibicid�s.volatile solvents.materials coruaining asMxtos ar formaWehyde.and r,�,finactive m�t�rials. As usa�!in
<br /> tdfa par�graph 2p. "Enviroompual Law' �rxar►s fa3�erat laws and laws of the jucisdiction where tLc Pcnperty is locatod tb�t
<br /> t• relato to health.safety or e+�c�cocunmet►tal protection.
<br /> ` NON-UN[FOkM COYEYANTS.Bornower and�isder futtt►er cover�ant and:�ee as follows:
<br /> � 2!.A�tios:Remed�.Leoder sha11 give aotice to Borwwer prior to�oode�adoa Loliow�Bo�i+o�va�'s M�dch
<br /> i of aay aovr.aant ar a�reaocot ia WIs 5ecmity Imtrammt (but eot prior to aooderatiirn uader para�apti l7 uok�
<br /> -�-— ..._-a�,��+:w��:..rt ic..ri�' «.:..;-'-�••'��'a'�'� ;.l fiH.d.fs..tr•n.l t�Y,acfY,w.+lrirind m a�rE t�e dl�11�: .--
<br /> '� cc)�d�te.rat 1es�t�aa 3i1 days Er�o�m tLe dxtn l8r notioe is gi�en to So�sro��,�y�i�the defsa!!�sas!be cs�sd:am!
<br /> (d} tMt tailure to�voe tbe det�ult ou or be[w+e tho date spociticd ia tlae aotioc may �ft in acodea�atioa ot tbe s�s
<br /> �� seenred by tLic SaAr�Y In�tro�aest aod sak of'We Property. 'ILe notice siaU iruther iaform Bo�ro�d the ri�,Lt W
<br /> :� rtiaciate atter w3edastioa aod the right to 6ciag i coart actwu to as6ert tk oome�cisteeoe ot a defsult or aay other
<br /> ddenu ot Saa�+nxer to soodastb�aad saie. It tLe 8danit is not cvrcYl o0 or bdore tM aste s�eeiiied io the ontioe, ,
<br /> ► l.eoddr,�t i!s option,a�ey rttp�ic+e iounediate P�yme�t ia tull ot s�U saa�s savned by t6is Security I�ctruoest witb�oat
<br /> � fiu�tber dew�od aad may iavolce the power of ss4t qml tmy ot�remedies pav4itted by spgliabie bew.I.mse.r s�H Ise
<br /> " 4utit3ed to ooliect sU e=pnnaes incurred ia p�t:G�ile remedi�s provided ia tdsis�r�p0 21,iodu�tin�,.6at oot timited
<br /> ' � W,e��oaabie attot'�'s'[ees asd ca4ts o[titie evidrt�e.
<br /> : Il tYe pow�a�oi sa4 is inrolced, Ye�stee s6a11�co�d a ootioe ot dd:rorrlC i�ac6 oouaty Is wYici swy paR ot tl�e
<br /> ` i Pbpaty i�ioested aed sW11 mail co�s ot weh aotice iu the maatur p�ed by apgiic�k taw ta Bo�t+dv►er aad to
<br /> � ��'I��P�b3'�'�Vw.Atter t6e time nquired b�+a�xinaibie law,T+c�a�ta sddl give prWic notice
<br /> at sste to tLe persons sad in tbe maoner prraenbed by xppliabk law.'[rt�ta�,withuut demaod on Borro�er. sLV!gdl
<br /> tl�e pt+operty aR webiic adetjoa to the 6i�6est bidtler at tLe time aad place am�tusder the terms desigosied io the ootioe oi
<br /> . sale i�oee or awre�anxk and ia aay order Tn�ttst dda�miars.Trustee sa�g postpoee sak ot�il or aay parcd ot tlir.
<br /> ,a Pkoperty ba' P�6iic aaoomoeme�t st t4e time aad phoe ot aaT prerio�y scbeduled sde. I.e�1�or itc deqpKe �a�sy
<br /> .... P��+c�e tE�propesi�,st aq�'�, ,.
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