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<br />� �• �liel!!!� OY �1'�!"Zy XlillL't'SMG. �Ofi`Ja':.r s�::l1 4;;;.� iha iratur,c��rrw.�cti +���w �x�i�uY �It:i•c.tllC��1��(iil thC
<br />- Pn�xnY i�uuittl�rltt�t lu�ati by iire. h�r�ts incluciac! within�hn tcxm '�cxRCwhii�►x►v�r;�z" ��i any o�hrr h+uanis, includin;, -
<br /> ilaxis ur ticwcfint, e�u w�hirh i.era:er requirr�: iiuurin;e. Tt�i,�i�t.uiu+nv.1tn11 ba iu:uutuinal in the tunounts ond for the pzriodc
<br /> tlwt l.c�xler royuin�. 'i'Ik i�uunuxY c�+rri�r pr.i��idln�the i�►wi.;n�o►ha11 b.y�ir�tn by Burnuwer wbja�t to l.eiuier's aAprav�l
<br />` whkh �Fu11 �r�t (+e unrrxwnrbly wlthheW, IF tianuwcr f�il�ta nwantuit�.�:aLCr.�c�ribal �►v�. l,r;i�J�;r tuay. i►t Leaider'e
<br /> qp!ivai.obtain cc�verx;c w prow�t Lu�;t;r�s fitFiiF�A i11C�PP�i!'k"•a"f�fil in�.'i/iuYii�Y Willl�►ilr'1sfa�1 I• -
<br /> AI! icuurartie; policic�:a��l r�sxw�ls ►�fu�!! !+c src�orxubk� �u l�q,xkY and shall inetude a sramicud u�rt�e clausc. [.eiider
<br /> sh�ll have the right w A+�W the palicle�wn!rr�w•i►!s. If Lend;:r t�uir�.Barmwer�tw11 pron�xly give ta Lu►der ull rec�ipts uf
<br /> paid pre�iuun�wiJ rcnewa!notices.In ihe e��cnt oP toss.Hcirruu•,�s,b�il�ive prattpt�x�kc to the inwruxe carricr anl Lpider.
<br /> l.euckr may malce�xnaf of loss if not m�de pcony►tly b�•Bc►rmHtvt.
<br /> Unlers[.eudu and Born,we�ah�rwise s�roe in writi�B.��tf:ur.u�cc pracce�s sl�al! ix:applicv�i to restoraiion or rWair of the
<br /> Propetty dan�ed,if the resioratian or rr�ir is ooanamicall�c:eas�ble and Lender's sxurity is not lessenod.If ttx:r��c.toration or
<br /> repair ic not oca►cu�ucally feasible cu l.endet's socurity w•at�l�i bc lacsenal,the i:wiru�cc procoeds sh�ll bt�yrplied to thc wms
<br /> �ecuroci by this Socurity iastnune�, wt�etAer or nat thra� ,1ue, with any rxoas pAid to Bonnwer. If Borrowcr abundons tht:
<br /> Aroperty, or does not�ncu•cr within 3Q days a ntnioe frr,r�i l.endcr that thc inuu�nce carrier has offered to settlo a claim, tlti;ri
<br /> Lenter may cdlect the insur��ce procoods. L�r mA}� use the pr0000ds to nepair or rcstore the Propt:ny or to pay siun�s
<br /> - sa�uned by this Soeurity(nstrument.wtxtlxr or r►ot tt�en.�iue.The 30�clay p�ricx!will begin when the notiee is giveit.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otticrwise �roe in�wrians. �ny ypplicacion of prococ�ds to principal sha11 na1 extend or
<br /> ' poscpone tlx;duv date oi the monthlY �Ymrnts rcfrnr�d to in paragraphs 1 ard 2 or changc thc anw�uu of the paycn�nt,9. If
<br /> under par�tgraph 21 the Prnpcny is�cquircd by Laydiic. Borrower's right to any insur-u�e policies and proxeds rewitiag from
<br /> �an�ge to thn PeoR�Y P�r w the acquisiticx�slull�±�iss ta l�ender W tbe extent of the sums socured by this Sxvrity I�iruroer�t
<br /> , itnwodiatcly priar W thc scquisition.
<br /> 6-Oocu[�acY.Prrservstioo.1Naintemux�e sntP Protecttoa ot tbe Pr+operty:Borrower's I.a�a ApplicaiLaa:Lao.iehoWs.
<br /> Borrower shall axupy,estat�lish.aod use th�Ptaptrrty as Bomower's princ3pa!residence within suty days afttr thc e:a uti�oa of
<br /> . ehis Se+curi.ty Ia�ctrumetu and sJsall 000eicwe w o�napy the Proputy ac Borrowa's prineipa!residu�ee for at I�c one y�ar�Rer
<br /> '� the cL�te of occupar�cy.unless l.er�cier other��ise��.�+ces ia writin�. which �••��s*,s!! �..;¢�;,sns�,�nably witht�eW,or unless
<br />,: extrnuating circurtutanees eaisi whieh u�e be3�it�d Borcower's oontrol. Bomov�ec shall not datroy. damagc� or inip�,ir the
<br /> .. ProputY. albw tlse Property w detetiontc, os a�rtunit waue on t1�e Pc�opeity. 6ocrowu st�all be ia defauia i�any forf�cicur+e
<br /> . oction or proceoding. whciher civil or criminzl.�.is begun that in Lender's good faitd judgmatit rnuld result ia fart'dwre af tlia
<br /> "` Prqx.rcy or othe:rwisc m�terially impzir tha lien.treated by this Socurity�*��*+�r*or L,ender's security intciest. $orrawrs;may
<br /> � ciu+e such A defxult and rcit►wte.as pravkkd iA,psragraph 18.by c�usin,g the action or prooeadic�r w be dismissed with a rt�tiug
<br /> y tt�, in I.eader's good fnith detumin�tian, ptsxludes forfdwre of tbe Bomnwu's intrsest in the Pr.�erty ctc other mat�zrial
<br /> �, iaa�itme�t of the lien crc�ued by this Securii�� Inunuuau or Leadex's security intensi. $orrower sha11 alur t�xt in defswft if
<br /> � A�arower.during the losa applicatioa procesa,;ave m�terially faLce or ia�ecutate inforass�tior►w stataaaus t�te�adQ(or fsited
<br /> to provide kxader with any msterial informui�ra)in ooru�oaion wit&.ti�e law evidenoed by the Note.ir�cluding,6ut not Li�ted
<br /> w.rePrcstniatioas 000cemiag Bonrower's ocaa�ancy of tbe Property:zc a principal�+esidence. If this Seauity InswmmF is�an:a
<br /> � IeaselwW. Bocrowcr s1�11 ooa�ly with all ti�o prov� of tbe lase. If Bormwa acquires fce titk to ltrt Pmpeit};,'rhe
<br /> tea�dwkl aud tbo fec dtte sfwll mt awse uakxs Lmc6er u�rees to the mergu in writu�g.
<br /> - - ...
<br /> ;,� -----�-- -r.=rnrie�iioa ei i.eauers�ID Uld!!1�OpelCt',LF Bnrrower�idTs to�j�pfi�rm tl�e covrneoSS!md a,p°rcea�s rntKsissd ia --
<br /> this SowtitY Instrua�eat,w ther�e is a 1tp,�p►#�oeedia8 tt�st rtcaY significaatly affect Lender's ri�'ss ia the Property(sucb as a
<br /> proo�aling in banl�n�ptcy.probate, for oo+xlesms�tion or forfeiwn or w enforce laws or�).tha�I.eocier m�y da aad
<br /> P�Y for whatever is neoeuary to prdxt the w;clue of d�e PropeRy wd l.ender's righis in the Property. L,ecuier's�ctioos mry
<br /> includa poyiag aay su�s sa:ured by a lita +�•hi:h � priority ova this Security L�stnunmt, appeuieg frs .�rt. P�Y�B
<br />. �rasonable auncaeys'fas aod��tetiaY oa tbe I"toperty to m�lce c�epai�s.Although;,ender may rake action�x t$it par�griph
<br />: ':h � ?,Irnder does not have to do so. .
<br />� !fF' Aoy aca,xiats disbursed by Irnde�uzde�this p�r�npb 7 st�ll beo�n�: addidooal dcbt of Bormwa�ecur�d by c�is
<br /> .�,`: ' Soatrity Ias�maot_ UaLeas Bormwer aad Luxirr�groe W wber teras of paymr�t,tlxse uao�uus sl�ll lxar u�from tbe
<br /> `� date of bisburst.a�mt at tiae Note rate aod chail;be i,�y�bk. with interesi,uprnc.rpatice f�om I.eader w Bq��q�
<br />'_�'_ p4Y�• .
<br />: �• �.Moetp=e I�xr.If I�eader roquiro��u�ortg�e insurance as a 000dition of
<br /> In�truaxot. Bonnwa shall p�y tbe premiums W m�intaia tl�e �10g the loan sewtnd by this Soca�rity
<br /> �� mo�tgsgc iasuranoe oov � �SaSe insuraox in effoct. ff. fa any nason. tha
<br />. � essge roquind bY Letyder t�{�sa or ceases to be in�ff'act.Bormwu�hall p�ay tbe preatiumr�+cquimd to
<br /> obtain ooverage sub�taaeiadG�eqnivakat ta thc aacrstg�e inwranoe pneviously in effax, at a oost wbstaotially equivaknt ta tbe
<br /> oost w Borrowu of the c�rtgage i�ur�oce prc�inaucly in effect, fran an�ltrsnate mortg�ge inwra.pproved by I.eader. If
<br /> � substantially equivaknt mortgstge ic�suraacc mver�is not avtiLbk,Bonnwer shall pay W La�der ach nx�oth a sum egva!w
<br /> �� one-twdftb of the yearly mortgage iusurioce prrmium bein8 Paid bY Liorrower wh�n the iiuuranoe o�vaage lapu�d or oaccxfi ncn
<br /> , be w�ffax. l.er�ler will aocxpt,use ood raain tbese�ayweats as a lass resave ia lia+ of mort�o insuraaoe. L,osc r�e
<br /> ��
<br /> 1� f�30?� 4f�0
<br />, hp3d•
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<br /> �� .� !
<br /> � . , „.
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