<br /> � - - ' • -- - --�__-_..
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<br /> ��*� J'�l���
<br /> At tik �q�ii��i ��f L,rnd�7, all ix any {wrt ��' Ihc A(t�a..<i firc a�d c4�rRca, pccrucd int��r�.�l wxl �i►ki�l �h:lt h:tii+ct�
<br /> imnxYli�icly duc wx1{►a1'ahlc.Aftcr glviup txKic�it rcquimd hy law,u{x�n tbc cxrurrcncc��i a default cx s�nytlnx il�cr�.s►ftcr.
<br /> In �kiftinn, l.��Sc���a11 he cnlitk�l t�� �ll thc rea�edies(+t�rvitlal Ay law. tbc Soc�crxl DcM. Cnis Doa1 uf T�wt wW twy
<br /> n�l�l�v1 J�x�uuwx�is iuclwi!►�w�itMwt lunl�atkx�,thc��wcr�o scU thc Propc�ry.
<br /> TF th:r�ic a ckYa�dt.7'rusiee vh�►11.in�W�tl+u�N�a�}atb�'�lutd reme�y.�t tl�c a�yu�..�t of Ihc Lcadcr,ad«vtl.ce and�cll
<br /> thc Pn►{x�i1y 0.:a wtx�tc�x i����aratc parcric at�w1►lic awYi�i to ihc Glgbesl I�iikfcr(�x��stch�nd cnn�•cy atxolutc tiitc frec
<br /> ur.d clest M at�iptu, ti11e uwi iatcrcu��i�Kanta'ut wch time aud pl.u�e�►�Tructa decignates. Trustce shall gl�e�x►tice c�'
<br /> r�ale inrluding th�time.tcrn�s and pixe M sate tu�d a destYiptiex�ot We Muperty to tk se�td�s rcyni��cxi b��t�e ay��;:c�h�c I,.v:
<br /> iu ettc:Y ai tlr:limc af ltx prc�}x�s�.d sa[c.
<br /> Unx�calc��f U�c{xc�+erty�+nd to ihe cxtcnt not�►rnhit+ited by law.Tnutce allall malce and delivcr a doed ta tGe Prapeny�oid
<br /> wb�.�6 a�aveys ab�u�lute �itk tc� thc purc0a�cr. and afeet fust payiaR a11 foes. charges sind costs, sh�l) pay W I..a�der alt
<br /> moncy� advaaraf f�x rc{�airs. tax�, in�uranoe. lie�s. assessmcx�t.� aad priar cncuu►br�nces and iaterest theroo�, aad tbt
<br /> �xieiriry�i siad iotercxt vn tbe Sccvrod I�M,paY�AR the sw�l�u, if any.to Graotor. I.ender uiay purd�ase tl�e Pro�erty.'iT�e
<br /> racit�ls ia aay ciood of maveyanc�e sfu�ll f�jrima faeie evideacr of tbo faets set Cath thueiu.
<br /> All rert�edie.c sre diuicx�t.cumulat�ve ancl not e�clusive, ane!the Lendcr is entitted to all remedies provided at law cx equlty.
<br /> wl�etaer et�+Cet.cly�ei fcxW cr not.The s�cceptance by i.ersaer oF any swn in{+�yment�x�rtial P�5'eiesu m�e Seauod Debt
<br /> aficr the tutanc'e is due cr ic aceekrntal or af�er fixectvsure proca�diugs are fiWd chall nc�t mnstitute a wtiver af Leader's
<br /> rigM to r�qt�r�full and rnniplde cwc of any eaist3n�dcfauIt. Hy uat eaercisiug any�cmaly cxi Crr�ator's delwll. L.cacks
<br /> das aot wyve LccWer's right ta lster rnasi�fa We evc�mt�default it it��oatinues or hs�eas s�$a+u-
<br /> 1�.FXPF.N.SEC;AQVM14'ES(Nl C(1VE1VAN7'�:A'ITl)RNEYS'FEF.S;(.YH.LF.(-'7'ION CQ6TS.Except wbd�probibitcd
<br /> hy taw.Gnator utroes to pay alt of l.axier's expeaces if CxAaior Mex�es my mveaaat in this D�oed of Trust.G�natw will
<br /> �.u��+ay M,ae�uwa a��c�t�oa's ex{+caxes ianurcd ia colkctia8•i�,g.�re��+s a t�'�-�s���y a�any
<br /> invaucKies,irudlts.iacpoctioas cx�x1�ex�mia�tioa hy l.enda in r�peet w tLe ProQeAY. Gcucs�x�gras to PsY a11 mats
<br /> and expaua iecvmed by l.ender ia enfcxdag cx p�otatia8 I.rnder�s d81us �nd remedles n�uder this Dad of Tnut.
<br /> iacfudiag.M�t not litnitod to.attcxneYs� foes.p�r�a1 fea.ocwrt msts,snd otLet legal ea�Peoses.Oac�e tt�e S�^cvred De6t is
<br /> fi►lly aM fia�py p�.l.ender agrces W nle:�se tD'u Dad c�i Tnut aad C,�antor s�g�es to FaY for aoy reccx��:stiao oQSts. All
<br /> sncD amauots are duc c�demand aad wiU bar intetest from tde tiroe of We advanoe at l6e ti�best tate in e.ff�xt, from time
<br /> W tune.as pravidod in the Evidencx o[DeM and is p�oittad pY V"�-
<br /> 1��Gl��fwa.��na�""��A�l� ��R�A AL,V [7fff�flRl/�/vS SVW1fL�+� N� W � •7►�iLV�a. ��� tYr17\I�Q�Rr1� Mi�w
<br /> waias, witl�ont timitaticua. ttsz CamEvreheosive Eavinonmeatal Responce, Compts�sation and I.iabiliry Act (CERCLA, 4�
<br /> U.S.C.4501 a soq.),at!�eber Foderai,.sl�te aad kx91 taws.reEulatioas.ord�aaaoes,wurt ardaa.atto�neY E���
<br /> or i�u�ve {etta:s maoarinS tlsx: Ix�Wic ba1tL, safety, �velfare, eaviroament or a 6rua�+dous suDst�oe; aod (2)
<br /> `H��ONiS$YbGt�G�CR IIIG7�S �y IDi.�C. fidl0aLt1PC Of biT�'b01�S L3iiC�'►�1• W�� Qd� Ur OOiOlialOiDl �Y�Ch �
<br /> ,;,,��;u� � � tee subsnnoe a�a�nws « poceati�lly daiaa�s co t�C w� aea:w, saray, .�rlrare a
<br /> �_._._,:...a...t.. .�iNww Hwdta�inw_ anY lndYtt�OClS defllOL+d 3S ��t7�011i IIq[G�'�il.� fQx3�C il�b6�CCi.�
<br /> � - CIIY1�tttlYrcul. aw w+w............. ....�..----...._
<br /> `�p1LC avi°1C"Of �`�1i7�I�005 SO�Mt�1l'e IitidEY iiij�iIL'L'ti�'.'A!���Y. Cil�lU[ii'�flSC�1S. �Y�f�ti:iW��tEGt 10�.
<br /> exapt as previously disck�sed aad xkt�ow{odged in wrifmg: maouf�eturod,ttr,�tod.rdmod.or 6�tt1led(�y
<br /> A. No H�rxdous Sub�uaoce has�an.is.cr wili he bcatod.tr�ospo�kd.
<br /> aity peisoa oo,�a�der a ab�wt tbe Property.cxecpt io tLe adia�rY coixse of busiaess aod in saect aoaipli�ooe witft
<br /> all�plicabie Ear�e�Isw.
<br /> B. Graacar aas sxx m�wiil na eause,ocxuribute eo.or pa'mit tne cdease of any xar�cdoos substsnae oa�ue PraQaty.
<br /> C. Gr�rior will ;.�•�,�:ray aotify l.ender if(1?a reies�se or tLreateood ceie�se of Hara[dous Substaox aocurs a0.
<br /> � �a abau Rbe Propertp or,migrates cx tbreatens co migrate from oarby prope�'cYt ar 121 tbar is a veolatba d
<br /> �p Eaviroa�aeatal iaa onoo�tmg 1Le Property.in such aa eveat,Gnot�or�rill qke�.neoas�rY�action i�
<br /> avcord�ocr wiW Env�+000xatal Iaw.
<br /> D. Gr�ot�or is� no kuowledge of ar re� to bdieve thn�e is �ny pcndios or tLrateued investig�stiios. daian. ar
<br /> P�°8��Y trind r�l�ting to(11 aoy Ha�+dous Substaoa bc�ted ao,�mder or abo�R We Prr��r(y;or(2)ah'
<br /> viol�tioa 1+y Gantor a�oy tet�N of�ny Fsviroomatal Law.CuanOor arill immedi�ldy aotify I.m�itr in rrci6oss as
<br /> sam�Grmtar 6as res�oa tc�belie��e Wue is any safi pendiaa or theateneA iovadEatlo° cVi�.ar p[000ediqs.In
<br /> suc�ao event,t.e�der hu the rlLtW bot nol the oMiEaRioa.to p�rticfpate in anY�P�E��E��
<br /> ta rarive a�pies d aoy dunima�ts ret�ting to soch P'oo�'n8s• �� �������.
<br /> E. Crrotor�od cc�cr.y tenant have baa.are�od s6aU rem�n in fnU oompii�oe Y�aPQI�
<br /> F. TAere are na ac�.3i�rgiau�d sux�8e taiks,P'iw�te d�amips a oQeo welis 6ucatod oo a wder the�ty aod no suc�
<br /> tuat�,dum�cx�wdl wiA be addui unkss L.eoder fvsi eoas�ts in wridng. ou li� aad 000fvm th�t
<br /> - G. C�tor wiD re�tulAdY�t t!�YtnpeYty,moaitor tbe acxivities aod opa'rtiws PropMY•
<br />- aU permits,liceases a approti�ais req�irod by aoy appi�rabie Enviroomentallaw are obc�aod�od aoa�ptiod.v�W.
<br /> H. Grtiotor will petmit,ar canse�ay ten�ot to nermit,I.eoder or l.wder's sigmt W eater�d iaspect tLe Plropaty�nd
<br /> � revkw alt neoonia at aoy rc�oo�bk 6n�e to aanmiae tl1 tne exisieooG. �oc9rioo aa mtare of �nY xa�a�aom
<br /> SW�st�nce cx�. un�er or abcwt the PmpercY; (2) the existence, {oatioo. namre. aod m�gnitode of aoy f�a�'do�s
<br /> 5uP�taace that has ixea retes�sed oa.uoder a�Uout tbe Property:a/3)wtxthv a oot Gaat�a aod aey teaant ac+e in
<br /> - c�m�iia�tcti ait��+!i�ai+te Frviraomeotai i�w.
<br /> I. Upon I.ader's request and�t aay time. Gr�ator agrees.at Gr�otor's exp�se.to engzge a quyifled eavira�tai
<br /> engine�to prepa��e�o mvironmeotal audit of tLe Pmpaty aad to subooit tl�e re.wlts oi wc5 audit w I.e�kr. 'tbe
<br /> cboic.�e of tbe eavirona�ental eagiaeer w�M�will perfixm wc6 aiudii is subject u►l.e�der's apppval.
<br /> - 1. i.cn�le*has We ti�tW.but eot tbe oMigation.to perfarm�y ot Camtot's oblitatioo�uoder tbis sectiao at C�nntar's
<br /> K. As�oonsoquenc�e of any brexL oi�ny re�seat�tioa.w�rrantY a prom�s�made io Wis sectioo. (1)Gr�otor wiL
<br /> indeawify aod f�oW I.end�.'r aud lxndet's sueaessas ar atsiaac t�armjess ftam aW � �iacludia� vritLoat
<br /> dert�nds. lisbilities. dam�8es. clr�nup. respoose�od remodiatioa oosLS.pe�altiex�d e�Pa�ses. � �t
<br /> {imit�tio�all ec�1s c►F lidgatioo aad atkxneYs� fecs.which i.ender aod l.endet's wooersats ar assip►t m�y sust�u;
<br /> arwl(�)rw t Pr�rNr'e di.ccretioe.l.eadet wy reiease�is Deed oi Trust aod ia teNr'o Cxaotor wiil provide LJeader witb
<br /> cnllateral oi st ieast equal valut to We Propeity secwr�d by this Dced of Truu without prtju0�1CC to my ai e,twia s
<br /> riahts uoder this Ueed oF Trusi.
<br /> DRK
<br /> � .��
<br /> e���wr..sw•��..St.C�nd.MI11�l:0-3l7 23�11 Fom�AGJCO D�+IE�.5A3
<br />