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<br /> �,�sT�r���n oF �rxusT 4,��..�=
<br /> (Wlth Future Ali�ance Clause) �
<br /> a
<br /> l. DATE AND PART�.S.The dsKe ai t0is Doed oi Trust is......�Y..�T....�,9Q6...................and the partks aad tb�eir .
<br /> aci�iresaes�rc at fdbws:
<br /> Gxa�TOtt: �..�it & �l°�'!�A.K:..�►7�?................ n�vtnB. &.�4'►�..�!,..?��.
<br /> po ec?x z�;i. .................... .�:R.� ��?.. .....................
<br /> !...��r...R��?,..�..�6���� .. .!i!A?�?.R�ta..�I�i...6�9s�.......................
<br /> �c��J,.�u���c.#:....�9�:�$:9.1��... ....................... ......................................
<br /> ........................................................... ..............................................................
<br /> •D Re!'a ta tLe Addeadam weic�is auuhod aad inoapontod hercin fa additio�oat Gndor:.
<br /> 'iRUS'I'FE: �.�: �!�4D.�Y.�?.............................................................................................
<br /> WC?Q.p.,�. .�T�?,..1!?E ..�8�8�......................................... .............................................
<br /> T�SC�x�T_�t..#:..:4:?-49���5Q.............................................................................
<br /> t.Fi13�F3t: Q"�"'�"'.'�'�?..�.�.?��..�..?,�:4�..Q�.�.�;1�t�.$�5?G�.o�.����.
<br /> . 11Q, E. 9;IIi„ .......................................................................................
<br /> � . �.x�?:�t?�#:¢�:�7.�QQ9���Q........................._..................................................
<br /> . x„ ��IVEYANt.'E. Fa Eood�nd vaiwbte aon�icie�ioa, We reoeipt uvr�suffideacY of abidi is sdmow�bdEod. a�!eo�
<br /> s�ure We Secwed Debt (6�aesfter def'wed), Cxant�or irrevocal�ty gr�rus, coaveys aed sells to Trmt�a. i�trwt tor 1he� .
<br /> - -------
<br /> --�:�:.�.....L..,��,..^..��;�he fdkwri�e de�cri6ed araority:Lpts I,2.3�4.5.6,?,8�9.10,11�12
<br /> - • - - �- � -- - ---- - - -- - -
<br /> and 13� Hlock 7.� Qarks Rr3�ditian t� tra City of t�Tax] Riv�� Haa2� Ccxmty,Nebreska_—�
<br /> i. .
<br /> '�flc ptoQaty is loc�ted in ..I'�.................... ..... .............................�.........................................
<br /> . �(c�r>
<br /> #'.9,�.��T. .. ................. ....�.��� ............ .,Nebc�ica.....��� ......
<br /> .(Address3 , �� (�Y) (71►CoM) i
<br /> ' "�'oSetLer atit6 all rights, �s. aqrataaanoes* �Ys�, �a�1 �1E�• oi� and � N�ts, cmps, tioUtt, a�t
<br /> diversioa paymeats or t6ird pa�ty p4yn�ats m�de w ao�s pcotluaus,�od aU acixiaa aod fware imp[�ov�s,�d.�
<br /> .. fixtures. aad reQl�oeax� that m�Y �o'�, a x aoy time io tbe fi�wre. be pKt ot tbe�N an�e dex�ibod abore(a�
<br /> •;' �efared to ss"PmQaty'>.'ILe term Pro�party also iocltdea,but is not limited to.aol'aod sii�vater wrdis, aaler, '` ' ,
<br /> tesa'voirs.reservoir silr,s�t�d dams IacAtod on tLe ral.eatale aod a11 riqri�n aod vvaler rishts ss.toc�lrlecl�1be Pr+oQerty.
<br /> lia�revts atabiisi�ed. ,
<br /> �� 3. �Y[AXDViiiM OdLE�ATTON I.DHTI'.'ILe toW 'sxi�aaa�ot of tL�Secure�Debt(here.a[te�det'uKd)savred by Wds
<br /> �' Deed•ort 7'nut at my ooe ti�ae si�l!aat eacaead S��.Q.�[u r Q4.........:........................ .This limitatbai of:rooa�t do�
<br /> na isclude iaterest. io�o cl�rges, oommitmeat foes, 6cn�aa,8e�, att�o�neYs' fas aad oWa� cMrSa valid�y
<br /> � made�wsuaot u.this Ue+�ct'af Truat and das aot appip ux�dv�aom(or ieLerest wc.aved oo znch adv�oa)mr3e ander d�
<br /> serms of this Deod of Tr,usk ta �rotect I.eades's senrri�t��d to pafam aiy of tf�r�m�aMS ooetaiaed i�diu Deed iN
<br /> Tnut. Fut�re advaoas are coatem�►lated aod,atong wi1�otba fad���ligstia4s.�cr socvred HY this Deed of Trust evw
<br /> Wa�h all a part may not yet be advaoced. NoWing in t6is Deed a�Truu,however. strill a�tute a oommitmeat to
<br /> ...-�re ':�flt fi�tt!!+e�s cx advanoa in au}r amc.Mmt.elay s�tx�m'tt�t�v.riid�tsc�i t�b+¢z,6'-rta3 to'sn a seg�rs'�
<br />. wrtitia8•
<br /> #.��5E(.'tIRED DEBT D�FII�IED.7Le term'�enued Detic'"iacludes,.�ns�is not limim�to,the follo�ving:
<br /> A. 'ILe praaissory notefsl. oontrac4(s), S�otY(s) a �tha eW'sdaice of debt de.�ibed 6ebw 9ad all ex�msioo�s,
<br /> reoewtis,�modificatioas a subatiwtia�os(Evideace of Debtf: ............................................................. .
<br /> .............................................................................................................................................
<br /> ......................�......................................................................................................................
<br /> .........................:.:..................................................................................................................
<br /> ..••.•.••..........••.....•.•.....•. .��.j..Aor,aw�ti i.a.r.acre a.o�wi.a�irrr�i rru....ahviir date► •.•.•••••••.•••..••...•...........••
<br /> �.�u OffD Oi ilMJiT INO � � �W•
<br /> e uw�.r..s�.�.•�r�c..s�.ca�a.�w n�woasT-Z�s,��wc�aar.r��n�s �=-- `yk^�„—
<br />