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<br /> —f���"��''�' axa�tattMr so a�m o� �oez
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<br /> '"� ��'� Thia ]lmend�ent to Daad o! Tru�at antero8 into as o! this
<br /> .��. .° �;���°;,-� 20th day o! l�prii, 1992, by arfd betwean Or�q stia� aad Diaa�
<br /> :' ;,,,;�.���:,�, x. oQ/t�/i�n�, huaband a`nd wi`la+ (horoinatt�r rLo_t�rrad to as
<br /> , .�r M�VF7iVRM' A� ����r �ii0�1 � 0� �Y� a national
<br /> ,.,�y,. benking �asooiation, who maLntains an offica and plac� o! L_-�__ _
<br /> businesa et Ons Firat Nationnl Center, Omaha, Nebraska 68102, -
<br /> " ���' (haroinalter xafarrad to aa "TRUBTEE" and "BENEFICIl1RY") .
<br /> _ �-�-... . ., .�•�
<br /> ;f:�_�;,...,,.; +
<br /> - ���'• �'"s`�'�" Whereae on May i, 3991 the TRUSTOR aonvayed to tha
<br />-- �-��"'��'. �� TRUSTEE the lollowing desaribed propas�ty:
<br /> »..��,:c� _,,
<br /> �°���:;':'':_.�-"`'��`' .�� Lot lo, Regency by the Graen Subdivia3on, of tha City �T �� -
<br />_- ' t����•���'���� � o! arand Ia land, Hall County, Nebraaka►.
<br />��Y '` "`� ����r . a/k/a 2Z13 Staqeaosah Rond, Grand I�la�nd NE 68803
<br /> � y�etF� ��_
<br /> -�:_'i�' . .,,. ..." ' ��.
<br /> - , .�°�''�����, Said Deed o! Trust was duly recorded in ths mortgage
<br /> •-t===� „+�°R'�� ��. '"`�-. records o! Hsli Couu�ty, �T�bsa�lta as �nstrument /�i•10ZY9Z ir _ ----
<br /> �`+�•;, • - � ._
<br /> --�.-;- �� .-,= tha otf iaa of tha Ragister of Deeds. .---. —-�-
<br /> .� ' ��' � Whereas the Maker o! the Promissory Note(s) totaling �� .
<br /> ,�_. . . _ .,..:K. . •�. �_.
<br /> ` . _ .. �. �e�venty-five thousand and no/1o0 dollars ($75,000.00) datod a_,-.-
<br /> � ':�,�;��;•�. ' � May i, 1991 ia GrQq stine am3 Dians M. stine (MAKER) . "�°"'"""`
<br /> t�-.-�r-:-.
<br /> � . �,�,: �
<br /> " ; „ , ,,S,�, Whereas, TRUSTOR and TRUSTEE desire to apend Paragraph i�-�� �
<br /> �'�r.r;•..a ��
<br /> . t t •� �.. of eaid Deed of Truat to rQad as followa t —
<br />