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24100934� <br />to the west line of said Lot Thirteen (13) a distance of Twelve (12) feet ta the <br />point of beginning. <br />PARCEI., 5 A tract of land be�inning at the Southeast (SE) corner of Lot One (1), Neville's <br />Subdivision of part of Sections Thirty-four (34) and Twenty-seven (27), <br />Township FQUrteen (14) North, Range Thirty (30) West of the 6th P.M., thence <br />running West along the North line of Sixteenth Street (as platted) a distance o� <br />Eighty-eight (8$) feet, thence North One Hundred Seventeen (117) feet, thence <br />East, Ei�;l�ty-eight (88) feet, thence South along the East line of Lot One (1), One <br />Hundred Seventeen (117) feet to the place of beginning, <br />FARCEL 6 A parcel of land Ten (10) feet square in the northwest corner of Lot Nine (9), <br />Block One (1) of McDanald Place, North Platte, described as follows: <br />Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot Nine (9), Block On� (1), McDonald <br />Place, North Platte, Nebraska, thence south along the west line of said lot a <br />distance of Ten (10) feet; thence east parallel with the narth line of said lat a <br />distance of Ten (10) feet; thence north parallel with the west line of said lot a <br />distance of ten (10) feet to the north line of said lot; thence west along the north <br />line of said lot a distance afTen (10) feet to the place of beginning. <br />FARCEL 7 A parcel of land Twelve (12) feet squar� situated in the southwest corner of Lot <br />Two (2), Block Six (6), Flynn's Additian to North Platte, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the southwest corner of said Lot Two (2), Block Six (h), Flynn's <br />Addition to North Platte, Nebraska, thence east along the south line of said Lot a <br />distance of Twelve (12) feet; thence north parallel with the west line of said lat a <br />distance of twelve (12) fe�t; thence west parallel with the south line of said Lot, a <br />distance of Twelve (12) feet; thence south along the west line of said Lot a <br />distance of Twelve (12) feet to the place of be�inning. <br />PARCEL 8 A parcel of land Ten (1�) feet square situated in the southwest corner of Lot Four <br />(4), B1ock Five (5) of Peniston's Addition to North Platte, Nebraska, describ�d'as <br />fallows: <br />Cornrr►encing at the southwest corner af said Lot Four (4), Block Five (S) of <br />Peniston's Addition, thence east along the south line af said Lc�t a distance of Ten <br />(10) feet; thence narth parallel with the west line of said Lot a distance af Ten <br />(10) feet; thence west parallel with the south line of said Lot a distance of Ten <br />(10) fe�t to the west line of said Lot; thence south along th� west line of said Lot a <br />distance af Ten (1 Q) feet to the place of beginning. <br />Page 11 of 21 <br />