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20100934� <br />PARCEL 19 The Easterly Fifty-seven Feet (E57') of the Northerly Sixty-six Feet (N66') of Lot <br />Three (3), and the Southerly Sixty-six Feet (S66') of Lot Three (3) and the <br />Southerly Sixty-six Feet (S66') of I.,ot Four (4), all in Block Sixty-two (62), in the <br />Original Tovvn, now City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />KEARNEY COUNTY <br />PARCEL 1 A tract oF land being part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW <br />1/4 NW 1/4) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Seven (7) North, Range Sixteen <br />(16) West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Kearney County, Nebraska, more <br />particularly described as follows: Refercing to the Northwest Corner af said <br />Thirteen (13); thence southerly on the 'West line af the Northrrvest Quarter of said <br />sectian a distance of 908.6 feet; thence easterly at right angles from the West line <br />of said section a distance of 63.07 feet to the ACTUAL PLACE OF <br />BEGINNING, said place of beginning being on the East right-of-way line of <br />Nebraska State Highway No. 44; thence continuing easterly on the afore <br />described course (if produced) a distance of 75.0 feet; thence southerly parallel <br />with the East right-of way line of Nebraska State Highway No. 44 a distance of <br />130.0 feet; thence westerly parallel with the North of said tract of distance of 75.0 <br />feet ta a paint that intersects on the East right-of-way line of Nebraska State <br />Highway No. 44, said point being 62.94 feet east of, as measured at right angles <br />from, the West line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 13; thence northerly <br />on the aforesaid East right-of way line a distance af 130.0 feet to the place of <br />beginning. Containing 0.22 acr�s, more or less. <br />LINCULN C�UNTY <br />PARCEL 1 The West Half (W 1/2) of Lot Seven (7), Block One Hundred Fourteen (114), <br />Ori�inal Tawn of Narth Platte, Nebraska, and a11 of Lot Thirteen (13) of Belton's <br />Subdivision of Lots Five (S) and Six (6), Block One Hundred Fourteen (114), <br />Original Town of North Platte, Nebraska, EXCEPT the West Forty Feet (40') of <br />the South Forty-six Feet (46') thereof; EXCEPT that part of said Lot Thirteen (13) <br />conveyed by quit claim deed recorded in Book A-11, page 286, Deed Records of <br />Lincoln County, Nebraska, being One ( l) foot in width and Farty-four (44) feet in <br />length adjacent to Lats Five (5) and Six (6) of said Beltan's Subdivision; and <br />EXCEPT that part of said Lot Thirteen (13) conveyed by quit claim deed recorded <br />in Book A-11, page 334, Deed Records of Lincoln County, Nebraska, being One <br />(1) foot in width and Forty-twa (42) feet in length adjacent ta Lots Nine (9) and <br />Ten (10) of said Belton's Subdivision. <br />Page 9 of 21 <br />