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2oioo9342 <br />West line of said Lot Five (5), a distance of Twelve and six tenths (12.6) feet to <br />the Northwest corner of Lot Five (5), thence Easterly along the Northerly line of <br />Lot Five (5) a distance of Sixty-six (66) feet to the division line between Lots <br />Five (5) and Six (6), thence Southerly along said division line a distance of �'orty- <br />four (44) feet to an iron pin, said iron pin b�ing Eighty-eight (88) feet Northerly <br />firom the Southerly line of Block Fifty (50), thence Northwesterly across Lot Five <br />(5) a distance of Seventy-three (73) feet to the place of beginnin�, containing <br />eighteen hundred sixty-eight (1868) square feet, more or less. <br />PARCEL 3 A pottion of Lot Six (6), Block Fifty (50) of the Ori�inal Town of Grand Island, <br />described as follows, to-wit: <br />Beginning at a point in the division line between Lots Five (5) and Six (6), said <br />point being an iron pin Eighty-eight (88) feet distant from the Southerly line of <br />Block Fifty (50); th�nce alan� said divisian line in a Northerly directian Forty- <br />four (44) feet to a point in the Northwest corner of Lot Six (6); thence Easterly <br />along said Northerly line of Lot Six (6), Sixty-six (66) feet to the division line <br />between Lots Six (�) and Seven (7); thence Southerly in said division line a <br />distance of Eighty-nine and seven tenths ($9.7) feet to an iron pin being Forty-two <br />and three tenths (42.3) feet Northward from the Southerly line of Block Fifty (50); <br />thence Northwesterly across Lot Six (6), a distance of Eighty and three tenths <br />(80.3) feet to th� place of beginning, containing Forty-four Hundred Twelve <br />(4412) square feet, more ar less. <br />PARCEL 4 I,ot Three (3), Block Fifty (50) in the Original Town, now City of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska, exeepting a portion of said lot described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner af said Lot Three (3), thence South alang the <br />East lin� of said Lot Twenty-four and five tenths (24.5) feet to a paint Eight and <br />five tenths (8.5) feet West at right angles from the center line of the West side <br />track of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, thence in a Northwesterly direction <br />parallel and everywhere distant Ei�ht and five tenths (8.5) feet from the center <br />line of said sid� track to the North line of said Lot Three (3), thence East Thirty <br />(30) feet alon�; the North boundary line of said lot to the place of beginning. <br />PARCEL 5 Lot Eight (8), Block Fifty (50) in the Ori�inal Tawn, now City of Grand Island, <br />excepting a partion of said 1ot described as follows: <br />Be�inning at the Northeast corner of said Lot Eight ($), thence South Forty-three <br />and four tenths (43.4) feet along the East line of said lot to a point Eight and five <br />tenths (8.5) feet West at ri�ht an�;les from the center line of the West side track of <br />the Unian Pacific Railroad Company, thence Northwest para11e1 and everywhere <br />distant Eight and five tenths ($.5) feet from the center line of said line of said side <br />track to the North boundary lin� of said lot; thence East along said North <br />boundary line Twenty-two and eight tenths (22.8) feet to the place of beginning. <br />Page 4 of 21 <br />