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<br /> --... �. -• � -;��-- '�_--- -
<br /> °�,�.,.��°- �, u . _ . .. � :d__�:r_F-
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<br /> RE•REiLQRE)�.0 `��� `�.O a • �� ,�IE�"+��� ��1�ts�
<br /> 1�i�'1'F��iYITH�!t t4+e in►f+ro�u.t aaw��ttx erxWd p►�Y �
<br /> (iuwroR pow or lKS+esfbcf a p�t oi'tbe�'y?ortY•w r�l+�ts and a�kl,ik�u�h�l:ol+a ba ca�ut�by this Socun[y Ie�iun�1. -.
<br /> Al!itif i1W 1'W�j.'13�(IA t�Crted!U iA thit SCCUYiiy►ItY{tiM1D�t Yc th0"i�i'OQC�1Y."
<br /> BOFtROWF.i�C�VFNAN'fS tlut gotruw�u b lawfully xcirod�far enc�umbtanecs ofviroaxd.Borrawer w�h�ur�atc�ud w�
<br /> caavty tha PtopertY�sd tb�t thc PraportY ir• una�curhhrrod. cxc,c�1
<br /> daW.��:,a�a1lY tlsc tltbr to thc Pi'o'.xttY�n�t rU c3rLs�a rad dcmmu�.wb)o�ct to aay oncumbr�oi'rocord. _
<br /> TH1S SF.C1)Ul7Y INSTRUMPNC eotnbina tu�lfami vovc�u� 6or a�ticxt�l uso and uo�•untfonn co���r�nts wflh limit�d =
<br /> wrlujau by jurisdktjaa a coastiwtc a unifona�ocurity inst►u�rnt cav�in�rr3!pro�utY• -
<br /> UNIIaURM COVEIVAM'S.BcKCOwet�sd L�enc3rt co�r.aant atid�t�oe ao Colbws: wba� duc tAc
<br /> 1.Psyu��at d Pri�cipal�d i�tere�ti��Ys��i.aie�i�iiai. Bc.—.a�.: sAt13 {x�t1Y WY . .
<br /> pr;acipal of�od iataat ae�he d�bt evideacad by tho Note wd anY P�Y�and Wa clnrQcs duo under the Nac. _
<br /> t,Fti�ts for Tuces aad iuur�a. Subjoct a�pplicabic Vw or a a writ�eo waiver by Lendcr.Baruwer sb�11 Pay m
<br /> L,c�r on tbo day caoc�chlY PaY�aro due uader tt►e 1Votc.wuil the Nac Ls pAid ia futl.a sum(`Funds")for:(�)Yearly taxes
<br /> �ad as�e�tmaus w�auy auaia priority ovtr tAic Socuriry IaWume�u a��Ikn on�he PropatY�lb)Yeuiy kaselsokl P�Y�
<br /> or Qround reata aa tbe ProperiY.iF�ny:(c)Yearly hazud or�xaperty insunncc Preanituas�(d)Yeariy flaod insur�tac preasiwns.if
<br /> aay:(o)YcariY mort��tE��+�P�ii twy:and(��Y�PaY�by Bo�mwcr w i�ulcr.in a�o�dance with the
<br /> pcovisions of p�ra�rapA B. in litu of tbo pt�Y�uene of Rwtt6�Ye in�wuwee Prea►ium�. '1�es� itetas ue called "Fscmw Item.9.'
<br /> l,encla may.at ony ticne,eolbet aad daSd Funds in aa anxwnt ssot a eacooed�Ae aaweimum amount a{endet Ca a tr�da�lly re]aLOd
<br /> mortQa�e loan may roquice far Bort�ower's evaow accamt�utidu tbe fedud Rca!Fstate Sutka�cr�t Pm�odures Act of 1974 �s
<br /> �naxied from tia�e a time.l2 U.S.C.Soction 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA').uakss�wtEer Vw Ibai Applie's to tbe Fuu3�sets a k,cc�
<br /> amount If so�l.a�der may. at any time,oolioct+�nnd hoid Fuads ia aa �aount oot to exaal ttk {esse��aonnt.l.erida uay
<br /> estien�ie tbc aaaount of�due m IAe b�sis of etuceat data aad reisot�abfe estimatw of txpa�diwres ot'fuau'e Fsscsow Iwms or
<br /> �,ise i�a000c+d�ace��pQtic�ble 4w.
<br /> '�e Fw�ds sbsll be 6e1d ia�n io�o�bu wla�o de�o�its�re inwrod by a fadaal�eacY,ia�ua�t�iCY•ar eatity(iACt►tid'+r�
<br /> Lendei�if L� i�sucd an io�ioo)or iu�uy F�+detal Home l.an H�nk.l.endts sb�ll�1Y tbe Fuads ta pry the B9a+ow
<br /> Itaas.l�eocEar�aay aot cha�e Bo�rawa for holdin►��od�PD�Y�t1�o Fuads.a�natially aa�lyzin8 tbe escrow p000u� ' or vciifyia�
<br /> the F.sa�ow Imas,wkss Leader pYs Bcxtnwer i�a+est an tlie Fuods and�ppiicaUie law pennit�lrada to malw•:t���c�arga
<br /> }yy�re�r�r�i,a�drr may tequite Bofroaec m pay s ooe-tim�ch�r�e for sa inde�a�deat rnl estate t�c reporcin��cxvioe usod 6y
<br /> La�a ia�roaoa:tion wW�thiS iow.�mkss�Q�+c�b�Ww pc�ovideo ot�awisa Uakss aa�t is madc or�applicable 1ar+
<br /> rcau�es iatiaest w be prid.Lwaet sCiali noc be requirod w pay Ba�rawa�oy iazarst or e�s on�bc Fuads.Bm+nwa aad
<br /> l.eadei aoaY�ree io ari��.8oweva��t inta�st shall be paid ae the Fuads.I.eadcr sh�ll�whr,�each debit�F�nds wrs
<br /> aiuum!acxounda8 Of tAt Iiu�ds.sbo�'nn�a�lw aod dCbits b WC F�ods�nd t11e purpaa
<br /> mde.The Fueds arc p�as additioos�sac�itY far all sums sxurod by ttns Security►1a�rumesw
<br /> If tbe Fuuda bdd by Lx�kt�cad tAe amdmts pe�mitt�ed io be lield Dy appLcabk 4w,I�eadet shall a000unl to Borrowef fa
<br /> tbe c.uess Fuods ia aooacc�anoe�ruL d�e roquiremeats of sppLeabi�law.If the�of�hc Fw�l�eW Dy L,ra�der�t ny tima ie
<br /> not wPFicidr�:tq p�y tbe Fscrow It�aas whea due,Latider aoay so eotify Borroaw in eritiog.�ad.ia wc6 cs�e Bono�ver smll pY
<br /> �e Lrsder t�irc�aoiu�t oea�rY w m�ice up tbe dr�,fciwcY. Bamwu sbal]waka up the de�ci�cY ia no roae thao t�lve
<br /> �Y P�Y���Leaclrr's�ote di9aaioa.
<br /> — :. Zjppp�Y�Q3�IIID IGI�9[a���a.uicu`vj.�'..'�.'�.°.w�'�'w»j I..'�.«"..�"'«�,1.weL.r dmll n+trBT�1[ly rd'uod b BOC�ICf�iY g1{� __
<br /> hdd by La�der.If,�adcr p�g�aph 21,l.r.�dcr shall�cquit�e a scll the Pra�paty,I.a�dcr,1�to���or sabe of t�e
<br /> pr�oQaty�sh�tl apply my Fuads he3d h�Les�drr at tbe time of acqcisliion a sak�s a cradic aQ�iost tbe sums socured by this
<br /> �A�piraatio�d Pa�eNs. �J'oiess�PP1icaWe law providcs Wbawisc.all payaseAts reoavod by Lrrnckr under�s
<br /> 1 aad�sha116e �pplied: �rss,to auy pc�ya�ent cbar8es due nader tLe Nok:socon�l.to�mou�ts WY�b1O iu�dar p�r�rgnph 2;
<br /> t�d,tu i�u�est due:fa�s➢�.w Priacipal due:�nd Zast.to anY late cl�ar�cs due uoder tbe Nde.
<br /> 4,CWr�es;l.k�. Barm�vef sh�Il paY aU taxts.ass�uwt9.charBes.f�s aod i�p��ibutabb b tLe P!npaty
<br /> �r6icb may attain ptiocitY ova tbis Soc�uitY I�«�m�t.aod 1�s�td�psyme�ts or�md ras�s.if wy.Bacove�r sbill pag tE�e
<br /> ob�ioas in tbe manner P'nvided io praBr�pb Z.a if not P�id i�cL�t manorr,Barax�si�lt paY thaa oa oase d'a�ct1Y oca dre
<br /> pason e�ed paymeat Bariuxer sL�ll p'omP�Y fumisfi w I.eatler all ao6ces�af�mounts ta be+p�dd undar tbit p�ptt.If
<br /> Ban�n►�rr m�i�es d�ectly.Barowa sda11 prompdy furnish a I.e�c�coceips e�►idc�ein�tbe PsY�
<br /> ���' ., e�a lia�which Las priority ova this S�tY Insaummt unk�s Bo�mwst.(�)�g�xs in
<br /> Boe�xar sball prom�dy d,�'8 Y
<br /> . ����Y� �a 1ROC�r:�)c�oou.sts ia Qood f�it�t�e L'm
<br /> of t6c obli�atioa sxund by tbe lica in a m�cuoer�ooaxabie
<br /> uy,�« a�feods ag�iast eufaomomc of,3se liea ia, iegal proc�ags w�fr i� the Laida's�oQiniou ope�e 10 Pc�►a� d�
<br /> eafoioema�t of the liea;ac Cc)secutrs�n tb�k+oklec of the liea am�rc:�f�c�ory'w��der subn�6m�tbe L'ea b
<br /> `� e6is Se�a�tY�IE Ixs�det det�r.s•es chac sa�p�t ot the Propaty is sebject to a licn w6icb rnay aqaiu prioray ova 1hi�
<br /> „ Sxwity Insuumeat.IRa�1tr may�ve l�Crower s ootice idauifYiA�ihe lien.Burmwer sh�ll sstisfY tbo liai or nke aoe or more
<br /> of tbe ac[ioas set fart�above wis�u 1Q�d�:ys of the QivinB of naica �
<br /> Forw�aTL ar10
<br /> . ��-�V(N oa�s�.o� , Pao.2 a• �"�`-
<br /> � 793-1
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