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<br /> Ualesc Whetwise�+greed in wrcting,�tll insatra�u:a prtxeuix shr4U t►e��►tlexl In Ihe rutoration ur r�Euir uf tl►e!'ro�x:riy
<br /> or to tt�Secure�)fkht,whzthtr a•�snt Ihcii duc,at I�eiuk:r'x c�ptios�.An)�api►1ir.atiun of proceecis t��rin�:lpal siwl!uuf
<br /> r.xtencl cu psxitpona tl�c due ctato ui'Iltu sctu:cluia:i!puy�ue�til iwr chan};a tiw umr,wnl u(any paynk:ui.A+�y�:k�ur•wW be
<br /> paiJ ic�u� t;rrntur. i�t�?r���criy G+Ac�ui►a.i by I..a�Nic�. �,�aziia'� -r;�;tU tc►,�r�y ir��u��,-��►.�1+�i:a sa�.i �.1;,��
<br /> resultin�f,ron�d»n�ge to ehe P��t�nciy l►ef��e tha s�cquisitloit stwli pa;s to I.er�dcr to du:r.�teat ot tts�Secur�i Uabt
<br /> iiucnediite[y beiarc the+wcyuisitiun, -
<br /> ZQ. ESCROW F(DR'i'AXES A1`l"J LN.gUWNC,E.Uulcss otberwise pr�ti�icicd in a sr.�aratc a�reen�enl,Grr�ator will ewt
<br /> be required to pay to I.endur�ncl�for taxes aad iiuuru�ce tn escraW�.
<br /> 2L F1NMiQAL REPOR't'S�ANi?AI�tF[UNAL U�ClJMEM'S.(3tantar will providc to I.endcr u,pon request,Any
<br /> �'uuocaaf stateroent or infot�natic►n Lender may decm rcusonaM�nex�essary.Grnntar agrecs to sign,dcliver.and file
<br /> s�ny additional documents ar certificationa thut i,ender may ccm�idGr ncccssary to perfect,coatiawe,s�nd prcserve
<br /> Gr�ator'c obli�ations under thia Security I►uirun�t and L,a►der'�tien status on U►e Pmpeny.
<br /> wuler this Secttrity Ir�tYunwnt am joint atui irsdivieiuul.If Grantar sapfis this Security Instr�um�.nt but dor_s not sign an
<br /> ovideaa of debt.Grantoc duna zo otdy to mortgage Grantar's interesl Io the Property to s�:cure pa}�ment of thc
<br /> Saurcd Debt and Gramcor docs rtoi agrce to be personally tiabk oa the Sec�ued Debt. L[this Securi��r Instnunent
<br /> saaucs�guaranty betwcen Lcndur and Grantor.Graauu asrcxs ta w�ai��c any rights that may p�esent i.toder frwn
<br /> bringir�g usy action w cluim against Grantor or any PartY iadebtr.d undcr t1w obligation.'Il�csc right�ma�+iaclude.but
<br /> are mot limited to,any anti�defici�ncy or one-action luws.Granttu agccs tbat Leadcr and any party to this Security
<br /> Lsstn�ment may�nd�modify or make any change in the temu of t1�is Security Instrumeat or any evitiencat of deht
<br /> without Graawr's ooncent.Such a d�ange will not re{ease Grantnr fram the temu of this S�ecurity Insinunen�The
<br /> duties aod benefits of tI�i�Security Lastruinent shal!bind and bencfit it�o su000ssors aad assigns of Gra�sior aad l.ender.
<br /> ?.� APrLiCAdLE lr►W.;�3EVEQAalId1Y;1NiERPRETA'ITOI�t.7�►is Se:curity Insinuncat is govcmed ify the It►ws of
<br /> the jurasdictioa in which I.,entkr is located,except to the extent athcnvisc requircd by the laws of tlt�jurisdictiaa
<br /> wherr-tbe PropcYty�r hfcxt�d T�as Security Ins�rua�ent is comp{etc and fully intcgratcd.'It�is Security Innt�un�ent may
<br /> not be wneaded or mc�di�ied by ora! agreeme�t.Any sectian in ihis Security Instrument,att�chh�ncats,or any
<br /> agrxanent seLted b�tha Securr,d Dcbt tttat�onitids with ap�aticaWc I�w wiU not be effeciive,unless Ilwt Yaw expressly
<br /> or impliedly permits the variAtions by writtea agreemea�If any s�cciion af this Sccurity Instrumeai cannar be eaforoed
<br /> aocordiaR to iu term�A,thut section will be severcd and wiU not aftcct the enforceabiliry of ttse remrsiader of this
<br /> �ec�ity Iastrnment.Vdhcnevcr usad,thc singWar sball indude thc pfural aad Wc plural tbe singulas.Tl�pptiot�s aad
<br /> headingS of We s�r.�sions of Wia Scc.wity Instrument are for ooavr,n�cnce a�ly�aad are not to be usod tcr ioteipcet ar
<br /> de6x tl�e tem�s o!'thi�Sactuity LosnumcnL Time is of Wc osse.a�oo ia lhis Scrsttity Lsstnmo�eot.
<br /> Z�. SUCCE�OR TItQJSTF.Ii.L.ender.at L,ender's option,maY ftoln tirae to tune n.�zo�z Trusiee and appouea:�
<br /> wccessot trustee wit�aut any otbe�forasality tt�an the desi,�naiion ut writing.'t'�successor truotee.withoc�t
<br /> ooaveyaax of tbe Property,shall wcceed to a!1 We title,power and duties c�oofemed t�oa Tnistce l�t t�s SaauitY
<br /> Inurucneat aad ap�ikabia law. ' .
<br /> M. N07I(,�.Udas oihe�wizc nequined by luw,a�y aotico shatl be g�nn by delivuiag i�.or by mailu►g il by 6�t ds9s
<br /> a�Lo tbe.#DIx�o0�lte A�itY's Adc�+esc oD D�iDe 1 of th�SeCtuitY I�straIDeat,or to su1Y Otl��i'ess�deslfR+atO�iii
<br /> . _..,.,. .. _...._... —..----
<br /> ��osioe to onc graafor w�!bc dccaxd te Ix notice to a!!�cs�.
<br /> 26. WAjVERS.�coeni•to tEte csteat pmhibited by faw,Graator�vaiva aU agpraisemc�i aud ham�estr;d txt�tio��
<br /> neL�g W tbe Pro�erty.
<br /> 2?. O��it'C�.�M'B.It ctterl•ed,the f�wing ue applicable to eLis Secuiity InstrumeaG
<br /> II �koe o[Qtedit.T6e Secured Ucbt includcs�revolviag liac of credit provision.Altl�ough tba 5ecus+ed Debt ,
<br /> au�y be raliuxd to a um butaacc,this Security Lnunu�sst w�ill rcrosin in effcct witil rekased.
<br /> ❑ Co�►n i.o�.Tbis Security Instrument secares an obti�ation incurred for We ooestructioa of s�
<br /> iaopmaemrmt oa thu Pco�ertY- .
<br /> ❑ Phtr+e�Gruitar gnnts to I.endk�r a ucurity interest in all goods tl�st Graatot owr�now or ia We
<br /> ' future ond tLfft are ar will become fixt�ues relauA w the Ptaperty.'Il�is Scctuity Intirume�t wffioes as a
<br />, fiaanang statcunaat and any casboa.photographic or otver rcprodtxtion may be filed oE reaArd for puipaes
<br /> • of Articie�l u�t6a Uniform Consmerctisl Code.
<br /> Q ltii�es.The.a�,venants and agreemeat�of each of the riders cbecked below are incorparated iaW aad
<br /> suppkmeai and r�mand the tertns of this Security Insirumeat.[Q►cck all applicabie boxes]
<br /> Cl Coodominium Rider Q Planaed Unit DeveloQar�*su Ridu ❑Ott�et ......�..�.........
<br /> Q .�.�itlio��i T�a�r.
<br /> , � � �
<br /> SIGNATIJY�Se By�lxlnw.C3rantor agctes ta tlse tem�s.uc#ao�sreaaats aaatained in this Secwin•tustrumeat aad in
<br /> aay�attacbmeats Graat,�r�Iso aciu�owlutYes recxi�aC af a copy o€tlois Seauity�Gsstsu�neut on the datc sts,ted oa page 1.
<br /> i�/� I ` .
<br /> ......... . .'..�1�:............... ... 6 ........ .......... .. . ...._.... ....07/ZE�96
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