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<br /> • . C���� C)� TRUST 1NiYH FUTUR� A�VA�IC�S � -
<br /> ' � 96- t�4 -
<br /> TF11S LJtEI� aF'Ii�USI�k mwd�e�a o!ltw 164h daY al�t�1V •��6 , by �d �"�+�G � = -
<br /> Tn►ctor�"�"'rii�i i. n�G iae�D QOH07HY R i�_H�lS€iA1�l AAID V1fl3'� _ _
<br /> whos�maYinp addnss k�2 E ��TH ST err�rrc����cr_: tur__ 69z�� -- - (MroYt'Tcustw:wh�tfw --
<br /> a+�a mony,uw 7n,slM.QMILIP M. K�I.B.Y ' ' _=-
<br /> wi►o�a m�sr+0 s�d�s�h 105 Y �8 STA •z:1'SCQ UFP N� 89381 (h�r�n'Trustw^), uui t�+a eww+'�cLirY. --
<br /> VI�Y iIItQRTGAG�CO�IAMiY •'"h°S'ma�+"�o'�dd`�cc b ---
<br /> szt2 C°l�C:.�U91�� P Q 8QK 230&&G4T7"S&L.��GF NE 69363-230fi� 1��+ '��•). __
<br /> FoA vau� co+usroc�r�aN.hc�,d�+��«,�r..xs�►s�on os onar��a �.nrn to�Ofx�E» Rs�F AND QOROTHY
<br /> I
<br /> (twWn 'BorroWYr'� wh�tf+�r WM ot mon) and th! D+:is." hac�iin Craat4d. tho nc�Pt ol which k h�rYby oClu�ttuq.�,wd, Trustot MnD�
<br /> irrwoc+bN 4�a� trmtf�r�, conwys and assfD�►s t�TnuW� lN 1fiU5T� WRH i'aK'EA OF SALE. tor th�Wrtaf9 and a�cwxY o!l.�ndr.
<br /> wtdor�nd subl�c!to thn tMmc and Cor�dit3ona h�t+�itilElr s�t fo�th�tha�M1 PropKtY.d�scr�d u foNOWa:
<br /> L.ot Tw�nty�fiw (26)� Bbck Two (Z� BRENti1NOOD SECOND SUBWViStOH 1�.th� Ciiy of Gnnd Wand� HMI —
<br /> CpttMy. N�brMica.
<br /> TaprthM wMh�11 burdMip�. bprownw►b.I�xw.atn��. wYti DYUpMwaY�•wMt+w1l���ip1►a.Pri�rlbOn and+�OP��++^�N IocaMd
<br /> tMrion ot Mf �nywiw D�MY►MO thaMo.�nd qr iw►tt. MwN �nd P�. �slons �nd ranwhWrs�+�rof. �nd such P�rsonal P�'oP�Y _
<br /> tlyt M�taeMd m qw Mprov�ta w a eo��IM�x� IncLdinQ.but not�mlMd 10.hMti+p v+d a�o�p pu�P�^�+^���
<br /> wa+ a,� nan.saw or nw� �wwes. r .ny, wn�cn „ansa w n�r nws.a .na w�aiwd: ar a wn�n, r+c4,dirw n�c«��s •�+�
<br /> uldtkn�ttNnto,Is hwDY d�el�nd 10 b�a D�01 th�►MI�atW Mcund bY tfM Y�n ol t1W DMd ol Trwt�nd M ot tM ta�poYq Whp
<br /> cwfrrd to INrNn as th�'PtoputY'• '
<br /> Ti�N a«s a Truu atwr srcun(U�a�r�+:a u�.v��wm.nd nanst�vtd�+c�d b�r a a��Y noa a cnd+c wrMn�nt
<br /> dwd Julv 15 1� .�w��r a.M a Julv 16 Z003 .h u+.«+ortia�v�r+e�oa�an+a,ne a
<br /> s 97 OOO.OQ�nd�nY w+d�r modMieitlonf.�wr+sbns and nnwwM ttwrof a tl+K�eo�nd�ny�r+d d fU�bwr�cw�ad�n�dwnas
<br /> b BOmow�r (ot NY Of Nwa If rt�D1'i tlw� Ori�} MrMM�d�t Purswnt W on� Or tAOtr D�aNStaY r1o1M Ot Cn��plwnMnli (�'M�Cawd
<br /> �o�,-� ro�a+. ar�+c a oawr sums.aw�c.a ey�.naw eo�roaet tn.�+ a�n. Kow cc�m. a«+�am�e. a��. .ne
<br /> .a..�a Tn�eor s.c+ora� n«.h:.�a cd�•r a•�«u a�a�.�d�.s=.�+a owossjons a earo+w.r ca a�r a a+.m r mon aw+
<br /> on�)to LMW�wh�ttwr dM�c� YWnct.�bso0+a or oontKq�►t �nd wl�Mfwr�risin0 bY noM.9uwnb� ov�rdraR a oth�wl�.Tfw NoM� tl�i�
<br /> GNd W Ttust �nd �►Y �td d oH� doCWnM�ls tt,nc s�CUt� th� NoM or ofh�wf6� �cubd H Ca�MNClion tfw�with, InclbYq wtha+t
<br /> ra�i�lton a�nr+M�s.*�a+��tY�v���"d+�'�a wsaa.na nnm.sna�b.n+�na so n«�in si cn�-lo.n M:aurn�+es•. _
<br /> Truseo�ao�+�rw+la and��iM wih L�eWIr�s fo�� - . _ -- -� — --�-- --—�—— -
<br /> 1. P�ylrNRt Ot IIId�b1�d�1MR N i�d�bl�s�s�cund 1+�tMyY sh0 b�paW wh�n�- �
<br /> z Title.Yn�or R u�. owrMr a a�.Proa�.�tn.riabe.r,a.uthaRr to conwr t�P�'o�+r.and w+.rwntc nwt rn� wn orrmMd
<br /> � h�by t� a Arsi r�d P��^ on th�Wop�H. w�Cx tor I�na �nd�ncurt�ana� set brth Dy Tn�qo� N wRi�p�nd d�Mr�rd to Wndr
<br /> � b�fa�rwa�tion of thls DMd d Tnist.and th��a:lb��nd iwwaY ot Mit Owd W Tru:l das nat vbla�anir�or othr obMp�tbp •
<br /> to ws�h ttwtOr I�subj�t. �
<br /> a T�A�wnenb.To par�+a.�u«n�r�wo�.:v�cw asz.s�rr�n�s and ar och.r s�w�.s w.hu aw r��pr now
<br /> or Iwr�Mr wi�d. . �
<br /> �. iraunr�ct.r�w.c��aa«tr�+v���w•�►a..n.sra r�cada wn,r+d+.�.m�•«a«a.a ca�.rao.•..ne wa+
<br /> ott�r t�aras as L�ndK mty► nquin.h anaunes u�d w�tl��n+p�ni�s�oc�v�to l�ndK rrn��p 4��s�n aaetbrrt n�rtwd r�x�d.
<br /> wRh b�s Wll��o th�I.�ndr. In c�ss of bss urWr such Potci�s.eh�I.rnd�r k wf�odsd eo adjwb aoMa and oanP�.Y cMins
<br /> Hw��d�r�nd�hav�thw option ot�PPhr�p�it a P�W tA�Inwnna Procwd+(Q to a�1► hd�DMdn+ss s�+rrd hM�Y�nd tn wdt •
<br /> ord�r as LMW�r maY dMmnirw.(iq to dw TrastDr OD!s4 us�d for ttw np�Y Or n�taatlOn W fh� PropMty Cc t7i1)t� �r►p at�►Pu�D��a
<br /> obj�ct sa�Nctay to Lantlr w�thout atMctinO ths ti�a W tl� Owd W Trust Tor th� Iu1 rno�xu s�eund Iwdt'B bNon wch paynwn!�r�r
<br /> looic Dbe�.MY�PP�^of procwcis b ind�bt�d�ss shV not�o0md or P�1�»tt�dw dtl�at�r papr.�►ts undlr ti�IValt.or ax�
<br /> mY dMwx tlwMrfd�r Ot h�wK�dr• � .
<br /> 5. E:CtAw. U�,cn writt�n drrwtd DY L.�cCrr.Trustor sMaY WY W I.�ndu. h wch muuwt as UndK mr�G d�t(pnaM�w18o1w►t tun�t t0
<br /> wAr lsndK w par as th�y e»conN dw on.or a�cw a th�4oroww�np�m all wca,ast�sm�na and otl�r,��ga w�u��Y.(�
<br /> tn.o�+n+aue+o�a,.vroa.rtr r�wna«c wq�,na N.nund.r..nd(.�tn.vnm�s o�.ny morw.w Mu++ma r:vurw br�.nd.r. .
<br /> a Yainbnanc�� R�pdrs and Compli�ne� wWf Law�.Tn,aa�nsr� a�.�rco.n�► h�ood ax�d�on ana npr: w�
<br /> promoty npalr.a naf�o��nr r►'�a�+�wtach m.y b�d�nyp�d or d�enYed shal not co�rmt or wnnit anr wwM or d�wtorWon ot
<br /> �!+*pran�nr=,h�t noe rwrou..a.nw�h a�skar any a th.improwe�nts an uw i�o�rcy,C!�!I t�ot eartu�+3,wuac or p.ra�t v+�►
<br /> �ct to b�daf�{n a upon ttw Prop�1Y�viotatbn of �ny Isw� adYw�a, a npurtbn:�nd sh�!Pq �nd P��y ��at Trustors
<br /> oost�nd�na�li�ns.�nain+br�and cfw�f�d.tmpos�d or as�a�d�+s4 tM Pr�opMY ar�nY p�rt th�noL
<br /> 7. Elf11t1f�1t OOtrl�Il1. I.�nd�r k h�nby +ssip+�d sll �omp�ttation, awards. d�ntip�s end othw WYrtw�ls or niW (�wrirW� •
<br /> 'P�ay.a.h tn conn.ocia+ Mria+ co�a.mn.�b++ a ouu� r.k:w ot m. aroo«�r o�wrt �, a �or conwy.�c. h rn, a oo�a.n,n.Ria+.
<br /> La+du stw c..ncid�a�t ks oadon w conxn.nc•.�vo�h md pros.a�t.b rs own rwr�..nr�ctlan or proww.qs�and snw siso o.
<br /> �ntit�d to m�k��nY ccmprank� Gr s«tWnmt in conn�ctbn wlth wch taiclrsp or d�n�pa. {n the euan! my Pa�++ W th�Prop�Ay i� so
<br /> Wun or dlrt�l. 1.�►da shaM haw t1w oPtlon. In ks sol�and absok�discrotion.to apcly�I such Proca�ds. af0� d�ductin0 tt�r�ltra"�M
<br /> Cos2��nd�ns�s hcuR�d by k n caruwctlon with wCA ProCNds.upon�nY �d�bt�drwss 2oa.r�d hu�bY and in suCh ordar as l�n�r
<br /> m�y d�,rmtie,or to�ppy WI wcl�Fhooa`cf�,aiD�u such d�ductiona.to th�rostontir,�s of th��rc�ty e�DCr► s�in conditlons as L.andr may
<br /> '°--•'- ...... . ^.r.''"�. «��S°n.:..e ...:,�..
<br /> - (�iwwn�.�.Qf�'T iy%IMNWt fif 1'7G��i�.S�O M�S�����O Of��G�Y�l{+ar�L�s�w viy'�pw��r �w
<br /> �ny 3al�u@ thwwndir or h�r�ur�dar-Any unappiW�unds shal CQ pald to Tn+ttor. .
<br /> F�'127.W0(7(O6) P�ys 1 ot 4 _
<br /> � �R1�INAL
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