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-- �''�"�'�`��T_'- ��Y�^�Yir'*'4- ' . - '�.'.'�`a��_---.?�r=- <br /> ' �. <br /> '- � .,. - ----�'iee��..... . „��rr.ttiifW�. � <br /> .. '{ . .___ -__. -_ <br /> _ -o_.;-�_=4��: _�-� 92— 1o.��s - <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower c�nd Le,nder fu�iher covenant ond agree ax fallows: <br /> 17. Foreclusure Procedw'e. If Lender reyuires immediAt�:payment In full under purngraph N,l,ender muy invukc lhc <br /> powcr of r,ule ond any othcr remedicvpcmti�trd by applicablc law. Lendcr xhall b►:cntitled to collect ull expcnses mcuRCd <br /> in pursuing the r�emediea provided in ihi�prtagruph f 7,including,but not limited to,rcusonabic ultorncyY'fexa s�nd cust�of <br /> title evidencc. <br /> It Ibe power ot swle ix lovof�ed,7tustee shall record a notice ot'dei'AUII in each county in whkh Aay{wrt of Ihe <br /> -,_,?� propertq is located and slwll mail coples ot such notice lo Ihe ma�aer prescribed by appliatble I�w to Borrower and <br /> - -- to tde other peraons prescrtbed by ap lics�ble Iww After the time required by npplkable IAw� 1�ustee snWl give <br /> publk notfce of srle to tIu persoas��o the nwpner prescribed b npplkoble Iww. 'iiruatee.withuut demoad aa <br /> - -= Borrower.xtwll sell the Property�t publk auctioa to the highest b�der wt the lime�nd place ood under tde terms <br /> " ---_-_ ___ ' desi��ted ia the ouUce oP swW in une ur more parcels nnd in uny nrde�7lrustee determines. 'Itiu�tee ms�y perstpone n_ <br /> snk of�11 or Any parcel of tbe Property by public announcemenl At the tfine Aad place ot�y prevtously scheduled <br /> - sak. Lendcr oo�Its desi g�e e moyQ urchase the Property at anv sale. <br /> � Upon receipt of pAyment of the Price bid.7�ustee shalt deliver to the purchs�cer'IYualee'.4 deed c o n v eyi eg t h e <br /> Property. The recitals in the 7lrustee a deed shAll be prfma fACie evidence a�lruth of the�tatemenis made thereio, <br /> _ � 7lruatee slwll Apply the praceeds of the sale in the following order: (s+l to s�ll costs and expenses of ezercislnR the <br /> --_=__�-��:+� power of sAle.�ad the snle,iacludi�g Ihe pAymeqt oP lhe'IY�ustee's fees actually incurred,not ta exceed f i ve 9�, <br /> __ �-_,�-� of the p�incipW iunount of the nole p1 t6e time of Ihe decluntion of�iePAUlt, und reasons�ble attorneys'fees �x = <br /> rmitted by Is►w;lb1 to all sums secured 6y this Security Instrument;and(cl Any excess to the person or persuns <br /> __ _= <br />