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<br /> � h'DR�.EST ' � 'tJFSis.7SJ�i+,NATlONAL.iSSc�C/ATlON ASS/ciN!'iPEtV F f3F '
<br />_ �� L EASES AND R�NT _
<br />- 9�* 3��
<br />- ,This Aui,qnrr�nt,rr�de this 29 r!ay of Jti'1.�+ . 19 96 by snt�
<br />. bet►t�een��srt ��_ a er, Loia E. fdalkar. David A. Walkar and�Deborah K. Wa lcer
<br /> ("Auip»or'1,and NORWEST BANK NEBRASKAr NATIONAL A550C1A�lON f"sissiprtee'!. _
<br /> Ir is ayrerrJ�s!al/ows:
<br /> 1. Otfiniticnr. As use�d in this Ayreement:
<br /> A. "Alo�tgage"sha!!maan tha!certain peed of Trurt in iha�nrincipal sum
<br /> of S o 00 . � Julv 29 , �9 96 ,
<br /> exe�cuted by ,as Trusror,to NORWEST BANK
<br /> NEBRASKA,NAT/ONAL ASSOCIAT/ON,as Beneficiary,upon the rea/estate and inu�ror+ementa
<br /> deuribed in Exhibit'A'; which is�ttached heroio end by this�efe�ence inrorporated herein.
<br /> B. "Note"shsl/m�an ihai cQrtain note Secured by the�_1D7.OD0.00
<br /> De�edof Trust,execu[edcontempo�ran�arsly therewithby Rnhert �_ �tait�er and T.ois E. Walker
<br /> and_I�avid A. Walker and Deborah I�. Walker ��ker,�nd N41^l�'WEST BANK NEBRASKA,
<br /> NATIONAL ASSOC/AT/ON,as payee,and seicured by ihe D�d of Tius.'.
<br /> C. "Loan"as he�inafter used,sha/1 me�an the/aan in rhe amount of S 107.000.00
<br /> as evidenccd by the note and secu�d by ihe Lkeri of Trust,as�11 u any otlier
<br /> sscwing inst�m�nts.
<br /> NOW, THE'REFORE, fa-��in consideration of the•i�aaking and funding ofs�i�a Loan,and fa
<br />- other good and va/uabb coruid�rratie�n, the re�t:eipt wfisn���s her�by acknow/e�dg�d:,4tsJprfor,for itsN1;
<br /> its suc�cessas.Dersona/mpresar:t�.'c r+es,heirs and astiyns,has l�argrin�ed,sald,tiansferred,assigns�d, .
<br /> conHeyed,ut over�d da�i�red,and by rlisre p�nts does l�errbY�ain,se/%rransfer,�esriy�n,and
<br /> con�y�s security fa�tfie repayment of the abows describes.+indebt�ss and the p�syment and pn-
<br /> forrr�ancs of al/of the tams ind condiilau of tir@ Note u�,Wort�ebpe ssrlafencino rlu same_snd anv
<br /> �ndall wmendinerits,extir�slons and ranewaJs fAareaf,aU/ras�s nowr or har+e.sfter executad�tf,esFiny --._._...----- ._ -
<br /> tM Mortp�yed Premises,and a//rents,issues,profits and income and wms of money which m�y naw
<br /> a'he�afiAr be or beaome due�md owing unde�and by vinue of said i�sas,ir beinp ihe int�ntic�cr
<br /> heneby to establish a aomple're ir�nsfer and assipnment of the/e�ses P.�Gy�ssiyned�nd a/I the;.�lt
<br /> therevnder unto rhe Assiynee,iis serccesson and assigns,iog�ether with�.a riy�Nr,but without the
<br /> oWig�riun,to cdllecr a//of rhe sai�rents,lssues,profits and income�rising or acsruing,or w�ich may
<br /> bscome dus at any ti�r.e du�in�the life of thls Assipnmeni,Sssiynor furtlrer aqrees,upon demarx!
<br /> thsreof, to dfeliver td a�ad depo�sit said laases with.4ssiynee.
<br /> . As�rsar hs,r��C c�uynates,constitutes and appants Assiynea, ita s�ocessors and assign�s,witJ'i ' '
<br /> fu//powpr�f wbstitutian,it�tiue and lpwfu/attorney with power for it and in its narns,p/ac�►�nd
<br /> stard,for in t/t�namt of Assiyrnee, io ask,derr�nd,col%�ct,rec�iva,raceipt and yive fu!!sra�com-
<br /> ; pAts acquittances for any and a!1 renta,issues,profits and inc�hereby sssigrwd w�hich msy be�vm�e
<br /> due and payab/e by/sssees or vtfier occup�nts of the Mortyrap�d Premise.s;snd at its dlscretion to fik
<br /> any c/a/m or i�ke any oiher�ction or procoediny to m�ks any sett/ement of any'C/sim,erthAr in itr
<br /> own name or in the i�vrw of Assf�ror,or orheiwise,�ich tha�4rsi�nee,or any sca�sor may d�em
<br /> derirabP��h order to col/ecr and e�rForce the p�ymenr of any and a/l rants,iswes,��its�rnd incoms
<br />-� hvrei�s�ssigned. Th�lQSSees an�'occup�nts of the Mortyayed Premises,or an y pan hereof,ane lureby
<br /> expmssly authwized'a�directed to pay a/l rents and aums herein assi;�d whrch would be p�yab/e
<br /> � to Assipn�r,exce��fw.=this AssiDnment, ro the Assiyreae,and io t�ar�nri t and deliver such payment
<br /> to dhe A�"Qraee or surh nomins+e as ii may t�tesi�nate in writirr�,deliv�red to and received by such
<br />; Irssee or etccupani,who is expreu/y re/ievari af any and aff duty,li�bility or obligatlon io the
<br /> • Assiynor in res,pecr af a11 payments so made
<br /> � Assiyn6e s�'ralf fi�,�r,�hereby is,vested virirh iulf powier to use sttsu,ch measu�er,leya/and
<br /> � equitablc,as in irs discr�rion may be deemed,,�ecessary or p,roper to enfQrce ihis A,qreement and
<br /> ro co!/act rAe�ents,issues,profits and income a�signed heceurrder,i�ctuding the right to enter upon
<br /> the pramises and io pke possession ihereof,and Asslgnor h,�reby g�rants full pow�er and authorfiy
<br /> to the Assrynee[o exencise all r6ghts,privi/eg�es ano'po�en herein granit*d�i any and a/1 times here-
<br /> �ftoi,without notice ta Assignar,yrith full poYaer to use and apalya!!of the rcntr,i;;ues,prolits anat -
<br /> incnme heie:n assiQneal to the payments of any indebtedn�ss or/iabi/ity of the Assignor to the
<br /> .4ssignc�ee,in wch order as�4sciynee may determine. ,
<br /> w ww2u�ohoacMaq
<br />