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<br /> � ..�.,'M�iRs.,�CIW, ! �+,a`Y„��* . ..:.�.—�. � _
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<br /> — �ISYI��
<br /> _ __�� � o�r�ale,and Ihe sAle�Including lhe psymcnt of the'I�uWee's fees actually incurred.not to exceed 2•0 `1b at
<br /> � m j==y.-�_��� !be princlpal amount ot the nate at the time oi the decloratbn of dePAUlI,und reasonAble�+qorneya'fe�w�g permUted ---_
<br /> _ by law;(bl to All�uws�ecw'ed bY�his Securlty lostrumenli and Ic1 Yny excecs to the pe�un or perROr��ef�o��y enlilkd
<br /> �..�.;:�s.',�� a t�.
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon paymcnl of all ,umti �ccured by this Security Inwtrumcnt, l.cndcr,hull rcyuehl 'Itu�►tcc to
<br /> � ��,s+w�:���y-•� reconvcy the Propeny and Khull �urtendcr this Sccurity In�►lrumen�and ull nwc�cviJcncing dchl sccurcd by Ihis 5ccurily
<br /> �' ' f' � ' Instniment to 'Ihis�ec. 'Ituxlce shull rcronvcy thc Propcny wilhaut wurramy ancl withoul churgc w�hc �xrtion ur�nun.
<br /> � �--������-�
<br /> . • •�. Icg�lly cntitled la it. Such pc�san or per.wx�s shull puy uny rec�xdution coslx.
<br /> •_����-*� � 23. Subslltute 71ru�tee. Lcndcr,u�its uption,muy frum limr io�imc rcmavc'Ilru�lrr unJ appuim u+uccrs,or tNrtcc u�
<br /> _ ,.�...: ,._ _.
<br /> uny 'Ihistee uppointed hereunder by un in�tn�ment recorded in Ihe county in which �hi�S�wuri�y In,�rwuent i. rcrurJr . --
<br /> "�j.�. "`"' Without camcyance of�he Propeny, the sucrexsor�ruslee shull succced ta ull the iitle. �x�w�r und Jutie.runfemKl upon
<br /> <�iP_�-;;�rt�'�, ;- A 'Itus�ee hemin and by upplicublr luw.
<br /> 'u'�-`=�-' ° } 14. Request�or Notices. Borrower reyuexts thut copies of Ihe naticrs af ckfuult anJ sule tx xent to Burrowcr�actdresx
<br /> �,.�:u��:�;;• '.
<br /> F..�--�— ._.
<br /> ---�:��• -=�• . , �, which ie:�he Property Addresti.
<br />� •�` �•' 1S. Rfders to thls Securlty lnstrumenb If one or marc ridc�ure cxecut��l by Burc�►wcr und r�rurdcd togelher wilh
<br />— _ ._Y �+•q,���''�'•�. _..�..
<br /> _ this Security ingtnament,the covenant.und ug�c�ementx af each wch ridrr shull tx� incur��rutrd into und�hall umend and �,s,.,,
<br />�`,;�;-,��-r,..,'�"' `�� supplement the covenanls and ogmements of�his Security Inslrument us if the�iderlsl wcre u pun of this Sccuri�y Inxln�mcnt.
<br />�� p �,���T r, (Check applic�ble box(es))
<br />-=------���,;.,,.,- -.., ...��. -
<br />-�— • `� b :�t��~ �Condaminium Rider �I•4 Fumily Ridcr � �
<br /> 5,�,,;:..;:a',���;°� ' �Adjuslnble Rsite Ridcr G�___
<br />���lii�]'44AL�ft`� .� . `
<br /> /^�T�,��-�.`,�4.� 6�.a._ui4i
<br /> '�?�'���7..�.� : �(iroduated Payment Rider �Plunned Unit Development Rider �Biwc�*ly Poyn�nt Rider
<br />°"��`�� `,'��� -J- � `� Rnte Im rovement Rider �Second Hnmc Rider
<br /> -.� _.__ ....__ �8u11oon Rider � P --- _
<br />,.����• i_�'���' �. � •
<br /> �i f.•
<br />�,�: ..' . '.. �Otherlsl�specify� N�•�:
<br />�°<+�.'i _uw--.{,�i,:,�'':'r.-�::�_ i.+ftif �;
<br /> .. a�..�
<br /> L;f, �� " :':,� BY SICiNING BELOW,Borrowcr uccepts anJ ug�ees to thc lerms t�nd wvenunls contained in thls Securily Instrument
<br />�'., � � ' and in any rideds)execu�d by Barrower und recorded with it. _
<br />��c� `;•' °. .. °
<br />�,��'i;��t, �.:�:��gti;.�; • , Wimesses: _a
<br /> :w�—
<br />�?;,: . •. ,r� � ,. �:
<br />�:�;.�ti • –�c� IScul) � '�_:_..
<br /> _.
<br />�� ;' „ . _-�.��,,_ .. Paul A. Ja ub Skl -eorrowcr
<br />� �• �� � , :�� � . • 507 36 3332 : - -
<br /> � , Soaal Secunty Num6er _
<br /> .,,r /� �1 n
<br /> � , �.�Y..s._�� 1.-.,V�,g�wJ�d�.e.� lSeuh -__—
<br /> � ' '
<br />� •' � Ruby E. Jeku wski �Rom.N.r e�.;f:-��
<br /> � ' Sociul Securiry Number �nA en a�o �
<br /> ;r,.:,,' ��:r,;" , •�,�;.'�� —
<br /> . ' ' • � STATE OP NBBRASKA, Hell County xs: -°�
<br /> 5 -
<br /> " � ' • On this Bth duy of Mey, ].992 .bcfore me,the underxigned,u Notury Public
<br /> , � duly commissioned und yuulified for,uid county,perxonally cume peul A. Jekubowski and Ruby E. Jakubowski� ;.�
<br /> " _ � eech in his end her own right� end as spouse,of each other •�������W'n to bc�he . ,
<br />, � identicul persons(s)whosc namels)urc xub.xril�d tu the foregomg instrumcnt und acknowledged the execution thereof'to 4•.' '�''�°_
<br /> • be their volunwry uct und deed.
<br /> • � �! Wi�ness my hund nnd noturial scul at GTend Island� Nebreska in said county,the
<br />- �: ,, ;;;:��,.� dute aPoresaid. GEMEaAI NOUA9�Sqb ol Nea�tki ,(�,� ` �•ft>>,.�-,� f . ,
<br />'�'"� . : My Commission expires: DAVID F DOH Naury Publk �---=
<br /> .., ' M�CWn�a.E�P.Au�s.1997
<br /> L � . • ECONVHYANCE �"�
<br /> „ 4, . • TO TRUSTEE: �'". �.
<br /> _�.��' � " � ., , � �'�� The undeni�ncd is thc hulJer��f Ihe n�xc or notes s�currd by thi.DceJ i�l"IYusl. Said notc or notrs,together with all �
<br /> `1';�•�' other indebtednrxs scrurcd by this[ked uf'ilu.t,havr been paid in full. Yuu arc hcrcby directrd lo cunccl said notc or note,
<br /> nnd�his Dctid of'Itust,which urc dclivered hrrchy.und tu rcronvey,withoW wamanty,aU thc c��ute now held by you under ,�,i��•�-
<br /> �his D�:cd ot"ihist ro thr�xnun or�xr.onx Icgally rntid�J thcrcto. �}�'
<br /> E�,:.�'.
<br /> ' F:
<br /> • Dnte, — `
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