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<br /> �-�-r,a�•��;�� rondemnutiun o�nihcr�uking af uny r:u1 of�hr 1'rupeny. ��r fi�r c��nvcyuncc in licu nf c��nJcmn•rti�►n.ar�hcrcby u..i�nc u
<br /> - xhull bc p•ricl���LcnJcr.
<br /> - -_�"'�"'� lo Iix rvcnt of u twul �aking uf Ihc Pro�ny. Ihc pr�xccd, +huli 1►� uppiicd tu ihc tiwn+ ,crured hy �hi�. Sccuriry __
<br /> In�trument, whcther ur nut thcn dur, with uny excc�ti puiJ ta BorroWCr. lu the event al c�p,�niul iul�iny ul�hr 1'nqxny in
<br /> -;�------- �- which�he 1'uir murkel voluc ui'th�Pn�pctty immediutcly bcfore tlx �uking is cyuul tu or grcut�r�hun�hr umuont ui'�Ix tium.
<br /> � +�" ;"•-"'�.� " ticcureJ b thix tieruril In�trum�m immcdiul�ly Ixiorr thc�uking. unlc++Burrow�r and L.cnJer ulhcrwi.c:��trec io writing.
<br /> .,r�_�'. �r,•-;KA' ° Y Y
<br /> _`�'�•��„�,������ the rumK Mwured by Ihl+Security In�tn�mrnt ,hall t+r rcJucrJ by �he umuum of il�e �r�x:«i� �,�ui��ri��� i,� ��+� I��Uowio�
<br /> �+�r► 1'ruction: lu)Ihe rotnl umounl ul lik.umz+erumJ immcdiulely t�cloR the luking.divWrd by Ih11hr tni�murkc� vuluc ut'�hr
<br /> �,O�dC�- ���' �_ , --
<br /> Rupcny immrdia�cly heforr tlk Inking. Any 6ulancr+hull Ix paid lu Nurr�►wor. M Ihc cvcnt ui'n par�iul �ukinE ol'thc -
<br /> ����� .�+,�, Properly in which thr fuir murke�vulue of�hc Propcny immcdiu�rly buli�rc Ihc lulro�!ir Ic►,Ihun Ific amuunt ��f Ih� wm,
<br /> -_,,,�����:.. su�urcd immcdiutcly before thc �aking, unlc.x Burruwer anJ Lcnd�r �wh�rwiur ugrcr in wri�in� ur unlr,. up��lirut►Ir luw
<br /> �` � - ''' rnhenvi�e providex.tlx prucreJ� ,hull hc upplied lo the�ums.ecured hy�hi�Security bt+�rument whe�hrr��r n�n the.um+ure
<br /> ''"�"�', . . . [hen Juc.
<br />� �r���;:': . +��.• If Ihe Pmperty i+ubandoned hy Burcuwcr,ur if.after noticc by Lenikr 1��Burruwrr that Ihc cunJcmnur ul'1'en tu makc
<br /> a� :.. . 's un awurd ar+etQe u duim for Jarnagcs.BoR�►wcr i'uil.�o R+ponJ to LrnJer wiihin i0 Juyti ulier�hc dutc thc notirr i�given. —
<br />� .. .._, ' Lendcr is authorized w rollec�und upply the pnnecd+.u�it�oplian,cither t<�ie+torution ur rrp•rir of'ihe !'roperty��r�o thc � _
<br />��'r.�.�•: .n�,i.. �* � � sum+�ecured by�hi�Secu�ity Intiwmcnl,whether or nut then due.
<br />�'r y:. ••.rTi:e�:. Unlers Lender and Borrawer uthcnvisc agm�in wri�ing, uny applicu�iun af pnxcndti to prinripal shull nrn extcnd ar �_
<br /> po,t�n�thc duc Jute of the munthly paymrnts Rferred t��in p�irs�grs�ph� I auJ?ur changc the amuunt ol ruch puyments. _ _
<br /> �t.;;,` 11. Borrower Not Rele�sed; Morbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Exten�Nm of thr timc for puymcm ur
<br /> �
<br /> � ' modification of umohizution af the.umx,ecured by thi+Security In�trument Fra�led hy Lenckr to uny�ucre.�or in interc.�
<br />�a. ,'`% ,+•n��,,. •� Y R . .
<br /> ., ..��_....� , of Borrowcr xhull not operute�u rcleux: the liubilit of �he dri inul BoRUwer or Borrowcry wrres,or. in imcrest. Lendrr
<br /> _�_ .� __ ':. �' _ shull not be required�u commence praccedingx againtit uny succetitior m interest or refu.e to rxtend �ime ti�r puymern�r
<br />�t� � ��: �� . a�henvise modify nmextiza�iunof►lir.uniy+ecurcd hy this Security In+trument by reux►n�•f�my demund mudc by the oriRinal ,_-
<br />,;¢ � Borrower or BoRUwcr's .rucceuur+in in[erest. Any furtxarunce by LrnJrr in rxcrci+ing su�y right or rcmrdy�hull nat be a _
<br />;��, " wniver of or prcclude the exerei+e of uny right ar remedy.
<br /> •.;',. "''. • , 12. Successors and Ass(gns Buund:Joint and Severral Liability:Co-signers. Th�rnvrnunt�and ugrcemen�+of�hi�
<br />;;;;�, Security Instn�ment +hull bind und bene�t�he xucccssor�und ussignx ut�LenJer und&�rrowcr,subjrct io ihc provi,ions of
<br />�r. � �, r , ° ' parugruph 17. Borrower ti covenumti und uRreements shull t+e jant und�evwrul. Any Bortuw�er whu co-,ign+this Security
<br />��e Instrument but does nw ex�rule Ihe Nute: la)is ca-,igning thix Security Imlrument only ta mort�ugc.grunt and convey th:n -
<br /> ' ' . Borrowerw intrRSt in the Propcny under the tcnns of Ihiti Security[nsin�mcnt; (b1 is nut�nrumully��bli�!u�eJ to pay the sums �
<br />�'�" ' " . secured By thix Securiry Inrtcumcnt::md lcl ugrees Ihat Lendcr und any uther Borrower muy ugree to extend.mcxiify.forlxur �r._.�
<br />�'• '� • or make uny accomm�xlations with regurd to the Iern�s of �hix Securily In,trument or thc Note wilhout �hut BoROwer ti
<br />,• -,
<br /> cunsent.
<br /> f"�"" '' � 13. l.aan Chargew, If�hc loun zecured by thi+ Securiry In��ninxnt i, .ubject io u luw which �ets muximum luan
<br />�',- � •;r. ,.- ..�...-�__ . charaes.und�hut luw is finally inMrpretcd+u�hut thc intcretit or�►th�r luun chivE�cr collectrd or to h►�rollected in conncction
<br /> � � wilh the loun cxceed ihe parmitted limits,�han: lu1 uny�ueh ioun chorgr shuii lx rcJuc�,i hy th�amuunc nrrr�,z:icy so reduce =-��
<br /> � �hc churge to thc permitteJ limit:anJ lh)imy sums ulrcudy aillccted fmm Bom►wcr which exrecded�miiu�d limit.will bc ____
<br /> � rcfunded to Borrowcr. Lcnder rnuy rha�,r U�muF,e Ihi.rcfund by reJucing thc prinripal uwcd under the Nac or by mul:inF u =_
<br /> ; .• � ' direct puyment�o Borr�wcr. If u ret'und reduccz principul,thc reduction will Ix��rcu�cJ u�u purti:d prepuymen[without any
<br /> • . prepuyment rhurge umler thc N.ite.
<br /> • 14. Notices. Any nuticc �o k3orrowrr pmvided ti�r in�hi� Securiry In+trumen[ ,hall Ix givrn hy drlivcring it ur by ____
<br /> ' ' mailing it by fint cla��m•ril unlc+s upplicuble luw reyuirc,u,e uianoth�r metlxxl.Thc notice,hall he dircrtcd tu the PiropertY =-..--
<br /> • � • . Addres.or uny othcr udJrc.,BoROwcr dcsignu�c,hy n�,tirr�o Lcixlrr. Any nuiire tu Lcndcr�hall Ix givrn by t'irst clu,+ __
<br /> ,, .. mAil to Lender±uddrc.,,tu�ed hercin or any ulhcr adJ2 tis l.cndcr Jrtii�i�utcs hy n��ticr tu [�orn►wrr. Any nolicc proviJcd fur _.._
<br />. •,•,, . in this Securi�y Inxtrun�ent �hall hc d«mrd �o huv� ixtin �ivcn w Borrowcr ��r Lendrr whrn �iven u+ provided in ihi, .�,
<br /> , � -.;:!.- purogruph. �:��
<br /> • � , `� ' ° 15. (iuvernin}�l.aw; tieverabilily. Thi+ Srcuri[y In.trum�m .Iwll Ik E��vcrncJ ny fcJerul law ai�J �hc law of�hc y �.,_y,
<br /> , < jurisdiction in which Ihe Pru�xny is I�xuted. In the�vent thu�un}' provi,i�►n ur cluu,r uf thi.Securily In+lrumrnt in•the Notr
<br /> . ' runfliet.with upplicuMe Iciw..uch conllirt sh►dl not ulfcct o�hrr pro�•i.i�xi.�,1 thi,Scrurity Imirument or the Nu�r u•hirh eun �—`�v
<br />. •• � he given effect withoW ihe ennllictin� provi.i�m. 1i►thiti ctKi ihr nrc�vi+iun�uf Ihi. Srcurity Intitrumcm and thr Nate urr `s_ ...
<br /> ' " • deelured to lx.rveruM�. --�
<br />� � l6. Burruwer's C'opy. lioROwcr�hull tx�;ivcn anc runlumieJ cupy ul Ihr NiNr anal ul ihi.Security In,trument. --�_-:_
<br /> • • 17. 'IYAnsfe�oithe 1'roperty or u Reneficiel lnlerest In Borrower. II ull i�r an�•ran uf thr F'r���xrty ur uny imerc+t in ---
<br /> • ��:�
<br /> ;, it iti sold ur�rantifrrmd lor if u brnrtiri:d intrm.t in BuRO�eer i� +uld ur tramferrrJ ancl Borrowcr is nat u na�urul penunl
<br /> �. withuut Lrndrrc prior ���rittcn c��n�em. Lcndrr muy.at it���ptiun. reyuirc itnmrdiale pa�ment in t�ull ot�ull ,um,+ecureJ by
<br />� thix S�curi�y In+irument. However.thi�optiun.hull�wt hc exrrciud hc l.rnJer il ctrrc�,c i,rrohiNited by f�Jerul luw u�ut' �.-
<br /> " • Ih�Jute of thi.r Sccuriry In.trument. �_-
<br /> If Lcndcr excni,es Ihi�opliun.Lrn�kr�hall�!ivc Bi�rruwcr natic<<�f accclrr;iliun. l'Iw n��lirc,hall pro�•idc a�xriixl of :�.�;.
<br />� • nul le++thim�0 duy.t'rom thc�1;�ic Ux nutirr i�drlivcr�J ur mailcd a�ithin�vhich Bun•u��rr mu�t pay all�um,,rcur�J hy thi, 'i.�-;
<br /> '" • Srrurity In+trumem. Ii Bum�wcr t'uil. tu puy� �hr.r �um, prior �„thc c�piratiun ul ihi.periixl. l.rnder ntu}• invokr uny �_:t
<br /> RmrJie.�xmiiUeJ hy thi.S�YUrit� In��n�mrm ai�haui funher nutire�,rJesiuoid un Hurc����cr.
<br /> ' l8. Borrow•cr's Ri�;ht lo Itein�tutc. II li�,rru��cr inrr�� ccn:�in r�►nJi�iun�. l3urro���r •hall ha.•r ihr right ��� ha�•r �
<br /> . cnl'arrcment ol'thiti 5ccurit�•In,tn�mrm di,r��nlinurd al.m� iiror priur lu the r:ulirr uC i;i►� da�,i�,r,urh uthcr prri�xl a. �
<br /> �
<br /> tiin}I�F.mnh��tynnk��uc'MYcddle�Ivel�IF11R�11\�fN1�IF.\1 1 nd�nml�,.ruaw. V,�NI �p.�cra��l��P����•�
<br /> �� .
<br /> � .
<br /> `
<br /> i
<br /> • ' ' • 1 , ' .
<br /> .� ;
<br /> . . . __ - ,� - - -
<br />