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<br /> __--_ _-==;._� 9Y)(l&'f'H�R W17'H nll thc impmvrnxnta now�x hereafter crccted un�hc pn�pi:ny,wul nll raxnknt..appuhcn�cr. --__
<br /> uid flxtures now or hercal'tcr A pan of ihe pn►peMy. All rcplaremenlx suW�liliuns �fwll�I�bo wv�7t�1 by U�ix Security
<br /> --_- -- Incuumcnt. /�►II uf Ihc fixcguing is Ricmnf to in�hlr Secu�iry Inquunxcm uw IFw"Prupeny...
<br /> _ - - �-"'�r� BORROWER COVENANTS tlw� &un�wcr ix I�wfully.ei.ed of�hr r�tWC hcreby convcycd n�uf ha�Ilu righl tu�tn�n� ��
<br /> "'����� �xf cnnvcy thc Prup�cny unJ�hai�he Pru�C ny iv unrncumbrnYl,c�cc{x for etxumhru�MC���f rccorJ. Burn�wce wurrant�►onJ
<br /> ��.�.��'�^ will Gefc►NI gencrally�hc�i�lc lo�hc Pn�ty+���inst�11 cl�ima a�l�icrtwrKlv..ubJc��t�o any cncumM�un�c,uf nw�KCl.
<br /> ;_-����►�-�'`" THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cWn6inc� unif�xm c��vcnan�. f�x rwtiunal uK wxi non-uniiurm cuvrn�uus with �_
<br /> ''� T �+ limi�al variationK by jun�dfctian ta cnns�iwtr a unifum�aecurity instrumeat rnvenng rcal propeey.
<br /> � , • ~'y� UNIFORM COVENANTS. &►rrowcr wNl Lcnder cavenant und agree us Pi�llaw.:
<br /> ` ' ,�;4 :�; r,•.,; l. Paymeal ot Prtacipal�nd Interesli�'�'PaYmeat and l.Ate ClwrRes. Burtaiw•er�Iwll PromP��Y P�y when due�hr
<br /> �`;i;�Y��-••�.. �•,� pri�ui 1 af a�xl imrrcat an lhe debt ovidenced by the Nae and any prcpuyment and lote charges due wxtcr ihr Nate.
<br /> ..�•o r �}:i4� ::.�,�.
<br /> .;__,�_��:r�i����;�.. FLnda for 7L+ces snd Irtsuranea Subject to applicable luw�x la a w�tcen waiver by Lender.&xrower shall pay ta
<br /> ;;�;��'�c,�ry I.end¢r c�n the day mon�hly pnymems s�re due under�hc Nate,until Ihe Nae is paid in full,u gum l"Funds"1 i'or.(a)yeady
<br /> ---� � taaes and assessmcnts which muy su�aia priodty over this Security Imtniment u�u lien on the Pmperty:lbl yeurly IexcthoW _,�.
<br /> :;h'iF„t�;:,,*�;:'.�� p�Yments or ground rems on �he Prapeny. if any: lcl yearly hazord or property insumnre premium�: ld) yearly flood
<br /> ~°°hY�i:f�i:;�K�=#�; .' in•curance premiums. if any: le)yeuly mortgage inaurrnce premiums. if any: und lfl any �ums payuble by Barrower�o `��
<br /> __— =.-°.�=� �+�--�_ Lender, in sccrordance wilh ihe proristons of parsegraph K, in lieu af the paymem af mongage insurance�niums. 7hese —
<br /> _ ---=as:�c��:.k'^:�.:';�r�;.i,.
<br /> �•��• items Are culled"E.�crow Items, lxnder muy,at ony time,colleci and Iwld Funds in un umounl nut to ezceed the maximum
<br /> _ '�, ' '". � ' '�' "° umount a lender for A federally�loted mongage loan may reyuire for Bwrower�escmw uccount under the federnl Real
<br /> � _,t J�y�.,�M.:;� � Estate 5enlemen[Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to�ime, 12 U.S.C.$2b01 et sry.("RESPA"),unless andher
<br /> = ,.-e,��,-____,,';� " law�hat upplies to thc FS�nds se�s a lesscr umouat. If so.Lender may,ul Any time,callect und hold Funds in an amoum not to
<br /> _ _',:e �-�. ' '.:""; " exceed the lesser nmount. Lender muy estimute the wnuunt uf Funds dur on the t►asis of cument dsua �d roasanablo - �
<br /> •,;� •�,,.
<br /> _���. � - - f, estimatrs af eapendi[ures of futur��scrow Items or Mhenvise in uccordance with upplicnble law. �._
<br /> - �- The Fundg shall be{tiekt in a�inslitution whose deposits are insut+ed by u federai ngency. lnstrumemaflty.ar enlily =-:--
<br /> �,�'.�`�� .,�'. , � �inctuding Lender.ii'Lende�is such an inseimtion!or in un F�ederal Homr Loun Bnnk. Lender shull a 1 lhe Flmds ta �"`""u
<br /> 1i y PP Y PaY I7`s::•�-:
<br /> -- ��`-" `,'• the Escraw Items. Le�der m�y nd charge Batoa•er for holding und apptyi�g the Fbnds,annuully :ur.dyxing the escrow ��•"--
<br /> ' •-�' "��:+���+ - nccount, or verifying the Escmw Uems, unless L.ender pays Burrower iat��nc.t an the Funds and applicable luw permits _
<br /> _�;� : �,� ,;, Lender to msikc such u charge. Hoaever, l.ender muy reyuite Borrower to pay u one-time churge for an independent reul
<br /> � .�. estate ta�c reponing service useJ b}Lencier in connection with this loan,unless applicable law provides othervvise. Unless an
<br /> :���� ' J•""`''��+�°```:��`.�� agreemem is made or upplicable laa teyuires interest lo be paid,Lender chall not be reyuin�ct to pay Borrower riny interest or
<br /> _ ,;.,�.,�;"��''�a� eurnings an the Funds. Borrower and Lender mAy ug�ee in wntiog,however,that intercx�.[�all be puid on the Funds. L.ender
<br /> �;jy�� -:;, � .,� shall give to Barrower,without cha2ee,an annuAl accounting of the FLads,showing rredit�and debits to the Funds nnd Ute
<br /> _''�.+ punbse for which eitch debit to the Fonds was m�de. Tt�e Flmds ure pledged as uddltlon;il xecuriry for all sums secured�by
<br /> ; ._ ��_..+.. `%�►8....� this Security Insuvmcnt.
<br /> �•-- • -- v ..:;,.�._ -_
<br /> •,-`- , ;r:.�„ If the Ftinds held by Lend4r exceed the umaunts pennitted to be held by upplicaDte law. Lendar shatl uccaurx�to - -
<br /> ' �:��3t•' Borrower for�hc excess Funds ia u.r�ardance with the rcqu�rements of nppliruble law. If the umount aF the Funds held by
<br />�� • • `,.•,'.'��'� Lender ul any timc is not sufficient to pay the Es.:row I�ema when due,Lendcr muy w rK�tify Bortnwer in wriling,and,in
<br /> '''��' ' such case Borrower shull puy to Lender the umuunt necessury �o make up the deficienry. Borrower shaii maka up the
<br /> - �.. . . ,.t•i,.� :� .0
<br /> '�','y:
<br /> .,�•,:,;,�,�• •;•, deficiency in no more thon twcl�e monthly payments,ut Lcnder's sole disrretion. �..,
<br /> o: ;f':�-��,.?�/:.
<br /> • ;.;,-..+,j,<.� Upon puyment in full of all sums securcd by�his Security Instrument,Lender sha10 prompdy refund ro Borrower uny
<br /> . !,� ''�'�+t�•+` � Funds held b Lender. If,under m rn h 21,Lender shull uc uire or sell the Pro l.ender,prior to the uc uisition ur ��
<br /> • . , t; Y P� � p 4 Pe�• 4 °s--
<br /> � '�'''i�<',?:°'��` sule of ttie rt ,shell a I un Funds held b Lendcr at Ihe time of ac uisition or salc us o crodit u ainst the sums �� ''
<br /> ', �;,`'•;: ;�..,,f;� •u � Y pp Y Y Y 4 8
<br /> • ,'i1�>��'�;,.lt(p�;Y`; ,. secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> - •,+.�, ��1'�°�=���«�a ry; 3. AppNention oP Paymenls. Unless upplicubk luw provides�itherwise, ull puyments receiveJ by Lender under
<br />'��+�:'''•`� ''"`.•,���r5��:'�, purpgmphs 1 and 2 shall lx applied:firsl,to uny prcpnyment churgcs duc under�hc Ncxe;second,to amounts paynble under "==
<br />':'�°' .`,,:�. , f.,i','�r�-
<br /> .;.•,;j;��; !s.«;:;� pa�agraph 2:third,to interes�due: fourth,to principul due:+�nd IaS�,w uny late churges due under the Note. �' '
<br /> ••; • `t''`.. -,••'- 3. Ch�es; Liens. Boaower shAll puy ull tazes, assc,sments, charges, fines and impositions anribuwble ta the "
<br /> "•, �" �• :. Prc+peny which may uttuin priority over�hic Security lmtrumem,and lea�ehold puyments or ground�ntn,iF any. Botrower -�
<br /> � �"' • '� shnll puy thesc obli�eationc ia t�hc manncr provided in puragraph 2,or if not puid in that munner.Borrower shall pay them on �-�_�
<br /> ?�'�' "�'�"•'�`Y"','' time directly to the person owrd payment. Bnrtowcr shall prompdy f'urnish ro Lender all no�ices uf amounts to 6e paid under •- _
<br /> ,,,��ti-,.; ;
<br /> -i,� ,.�r.,;`.4,�;r��i,� this para�mph. If Borrower malca�s theuu puyments directly,Borrower shall promptly fuminh to Lender receipts evidencing t„y�.
<br /> ,.�;r'4�';;f:'ir;�<:;;'• the payments. c:_b:v,
<br /> ° �r" '� "�'rf�,� Borrower shnll prompth discha�c any licn whirh ha+priurity ovcr thix Secunty Insuument unless Burrower.(a>agrees �,_�,,__;
<br /> . . � �+t�*>;;;'r,',,��
<br /> �;�, •f�,��A • in writing to the payment of�he obligation�ecurcd by the lien in a manner a�reptublr tu Lemler;Ib)contesls in goud fuith the �,.:.
<br /> `�•, • ' lien by.or defcnds ugainst enfarcement of the lien in,legul prorcedings which in thr Lendcr's upiniun operure to prevent the c=if7;�
<br /> ' �� ��"� �T enforcement of the lien;or(cl ucurcs from the holder of the lien an agrcemenl�utisfacwry to Lender subordinating the lien '`•"'
<br /> .�;��v��t�' • to this Security Insdument. ➢f i.ender determines thut any part oi dir Property i�subje�ct to•r lien which may attain prioriry ".•'<��
<br /> •, ,.t,,�:. ,�.
<br /> • • -,�:, • over this Security Instrument,L.ender may givc Borrowcr a noticc idcntifying thr lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take „���_
<br /> % •• •`."� one or more of�hc actions xt funh ubuve wilhin 10 duy+ol'�he�iving uf noticc. -'
<br /> , ° S. N�zprd or Property Insurance. Burmwer.hall kccp ihr improvements nuw exi.ting o�hereafter r►ected on�hr ,
<br /> '�;�;�', , Property insured uguinst lo�x by fin,hazunls inrluded within thr tem�"eztendrJ coverrgc"and any other ha-tards,including '
<br /> ''c -> ` Iloods or flc�odfng, for whirh LenJer reyuires ine;urance. Thi.m.urancr.hall he maintnin��in the am�wnts und for the �.
<br /> ne � ,
<br /> �.
<br /> i�tw 3Y28 9�9Y qu.¢v?n/n�uXrr r
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