<br />shall pay tn Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency in accordance with RESPA, but in nn more than
<br />12 monthly payments.
<br />Lipon payment in ful) of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall prnmptly refund to Borrower
<br />any I'unds held by Lcndcr.
<br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, tines, and impositions attributable to
<br />the Pruperty which can attain priurity over this Security Instrument, leasehold paymcnts or ground rents on [he
<br />Prnperty, if any, and Community Association Dues, Fecs, and Assassments, if any. To the extent that these items
<br />are Escrnw Items, F3nrrower shall pay them in the manner provided in Section 3.
<br />13nrrower shall promptly discharge any licn which has priority uver this Security Instrumen[ unless I3orrowcr:
<br />(a) agrees in writing tn the payment of the obligation securcd by [he lien in a manner accepta6le to Lender, but only
<br />so Inng as 13orrnwer is performing such agreement; (b) contests the lien in gvod faith hy, or defends against
<br />enforccment nf the lien in, legal proceedings which in Lender's opinion operate tn prevent the enforcement ofthe lien
<br />while those proceedings are pending, but only until such proceedings are concluded; vr (c) secures from the holder
<br />of the licn an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument. If Lender
<br />determincs that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which can attain privrity over this Securiry Instrument,
<br />Lcndcr may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Within 10 days of the date on which that notice is given,
<br />Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or more of the actions set forth abovc in this Seccion 4.
<br />Lender may require &xrower to pay a nne-time charge for a real estate tax veritication and/or reportin� service
<br />used by Lender in connection wi[h this Loan.
<br />5. 1'ropertV Insurance. Bnrrower shall keep [he improv�ments now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br />Pruperty insured against loss by Gre, hazards included within the term "extended cuverage," and any other hazards
<br />including, but not limited to, earthquakes and floods, for which Lender reyuires insurance. This insurance shall bc
<br />maintained in the amounts (including deductihle levels) and for Ihe periuds that Lender requires. What Lender
<br />rcquires pursuant tu the preceding sen[ences can change during thc [erm of [he Loan. The insur�mce carrier providin�
<br />the insurance shall be chusen by Borrower subject to Lender's right tn disapprove Ro�'ruwer's chuice, which right shall
<br />nnt Ue exercised um•casonaUly. Lender may require Burrower cn pay, in cnnnectinn �vith this I�oan, cither: (a) a une-
<br />tirne charge for flood zune determinatiun, certification and tracking services; nr (t�) a one-time charge for Iluod zone
<br />dcl�rmintitiun and certiticatiun services and subseyuent char�es each time remappings ur similar changes uccur which
<br />reason��bly might affect such determina[ion nr certiticatinn. L3orro�ver shall also be res'punsible ti�r fhe payment of
<br />any fees impusecl by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in connection with the review uf any (lood zone
<br />determinaLinn resulting from an uhjection by 13orrn�ver.
<br />If 13orrn�ver I'ails to maintain any nf the cnvcrages described above, Lender may obtain insurancc cnverake, at
<br />I.ender's option and 13orrower's expcnse. Lender is' under no nbligation tn pwchase any particulnr type or arnount
<br />nf cuverage. 'Cherefore, such coverage shall cover L.ender, 6ut might nr might not protect Borruwer, Borrower's
<br />eqi.iity in the I'rnperty, or thc contents uf ihe Property, a�.iinst any risk, hazard nr liability and r�iigh[ pruvide greater
<br />or Icsser cuverage than was previously in eflecL $orrn�ver acknowledges that the cus[ of [he insurunce coverage sn
<br />obtained might significantly eseced the cust uf insurance that 13orrmver cnuld have nbtained. Any amoimts disbursed
<br />by Lender under this Section 5 ahall becnme additional dcUt of f3orrowcr secured 6y this Secw ity Instrument. "I hesc
<br />aimounts shall bear interest at the Note rate frnm thc datc of disbursement cu�d shall be p�ryable, with such interest,
<br />upun notice I'rom Lender to Borruwer reyuesting paymcnt.
<br />All insurance pnlicies required hy Lcnder and renewals uf such policies shall he suhject tn I.ender's right to
<br />disappruve such policies, shall include a standard mortgnge clause. and shall name Lender as mnrtga�ee and/nr as an
<br />addi[ional luss payce. I.ender shall have the right tu hold the pnlicies and rene�val certiticates. If Lender reyuires,
<br />13rn rn�ver shall prrnnptly give to Lender all reccipts oi' paid premiums and renewal no[ices. If Rorruwer ubtains �my
<br />form of insurancc covcragc, not otherwise required by Lender, fnr damage to, or dcstruction of, the Property, such
<br />pnlicy shall include a s[andard mortgage elause [ind shall name Lender as mnrtgagee and/or as an adcliliunal loss
<br />payee.
<br />In the event nf loss, Ciorrowcr shall give prumpt notice to the inswance carrier and Lender. Lender may make
<br />prnnf nf Inss if nnt made promptly by Ftorrower. LJnless Lender and Bnrrnwer ntherwise agrec in writing, emy
<br />insurance proceeds, whether or not thc underlying insurance was required by I,ender, shall be applied to resturation
<br />or repair ofth� I'roperty, ifthe restnration or repair is ecunumically feasible and Lender's secw'ity is no[ lessenecl.
<br />I)win� such repair and restoration period, Lender shall have the ri�ht to hold such insurance proceeds until Lender
<br />has had an npportunity tn inspect such Property tu ensure the work has been completed to I.ender's satisFaction,
<br />provided that such inspection shall be imdertaken promptly. I.ender may disUurse proceeds fur the repairs and
<br />restoration in n single payment ur in a series of progress payments as Ihc work is cumpleted. Unless an agreement
<br />is madc in writing or Applicablc Law requires interest [o be paid on such insurancc procccds, Lender shail not be
<br />required tu pay Bortower any interest or earnings on such proceeds. Pecs for public adjusters, or other third parties,
<br />retained by Borrower shall not be paid out of the insurance prnceeds and shall be the sole obligation of Borrower.
<br />If the restora[ion ur repair is not econnmically feasible or Lendcr's security wuuld be lessened, the insurance procccds
<br />shall be applied tu the swns secured by this Secw ity Insn•ument, whEther ur no[ then due, with the excess, if any, paid
<br />tu Bunowec Such insurance proceeds shall he applied in the urder provided fur in Section 2.
<br />If F3orrower abanduns the Property, Lender may tile, negutia�te and setde any availa6le inswance claim and
<br />rclated matters. If Bon uwer does not respond within 30 days ro a no[ice from Lender thaf the insurance carrier has
<br />offered tn settle a claim, then I.ender may negofiate and settle the claim. I'he 3U-day period will begin �vhen the
<br />notice is given. 1n either event, or if L.endet' acqui�'es the Property under Sectinn 22 nr otherwise, k3orrower hereby
<br />assigns to Lender (a) f3nrrower's rights to any insurance proceeds in an amount not to excecd [he amoimts unpaid
<br />under the Note nr this Secw•ity Instrument, and (b) any other of Bonower's rights (other than the righ[ to any refund
<br />of uneamed premiums paid by F3orrower) undcr all insurance pulicies covering the Vroperty, insofar as such righ(s
<br />NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFDRM INSTRUMENT pocMagic�ffnxnra� eoo-acd-iaaz
<br />Form 3028 1lO1 Page 4 0( i t www.dpcmagic.com
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