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2Q1009329 <br />DEED 0� TRUST <br />(Cantinued) <br />Page 4 <br />Carrem Taxe�, Fees and Ghar�es. Upan raquest by Lender, Truator shait execute such document$ in add3tion to this peed af l"rust <br />and take whatever other action is requasted by Lendar to perFect and r,vntinue I�ender's Ilen on the Real Praperty. . Trustor shalf <br />raim6urse Lender far all texes, as deacribad below, kogether with ail �xpenses incurred ih recordfng, perFecting or corrt3nufng this Deed <br />af Trust, including withvut Iimltatian �II taxes, fees, documantary stqmps, �nd ath�r charges for r�cotdir►g or regisiering tMis Deed of <br />Trust <br />Taxes. 'f'he foAowing shatl cnn�titute t�xes to which this secdon applies; (1) a specific tax upan this fype vf Deed of Trust or upan <br />all qr any part af the (ndebtedness secured hy this Deed vf Trust; (27 a spsciflc tax vn Trustar which Trustnr Is authorized or. <br />required to deduct from payments an the Indebtadness s�cur8d by this type of Dead pf Trus� (3) a tax nn this type o# Oesd of Trusf <br />ohargeable agafnst th� Lender or the holder of the Credit Agreement; and (4) a specfflc tax on all or eny porllon M the Indabtednesa <br />or on payments of principaf and interest made by Trustor_ <br />Su6sequent Taxes. If any tax tn which this secUan applies is enacted subseqwent to the date pf thls qeed pf Truat, this event sha11 <br />have tha same efF�ct as an Event af befault, and L�nder may exercise any ar all af It� avallable remedies for an �vent af Default as <br />provid�d b�low unlesa Trustvr eithar (1) pays the, tax before it becomes de�inquent, or (Z) cor�tests the tex �s pravided above !n the <br />Taxes and Llens sactlon end depo�ib w[th Lender cash or a sufficient corparate �urety bpnd or othsr security satisfactory tn Lender. <br />S�GLIR�IY AGREEAREM'; FINAhfCING 5TA'1"EWI�NTS. The fallowing provisinns rela#ing ba this Deed of Trust as a securily a9reement are a <br />parF of this Desd pi Tiust: <br />Seaurity Agrasemen� Thfs instrument shall aans�tute a Security Agreernent to tha extent ar�y of tha Proparty constitutes fnctures, and <br />t�ender shaN have ai� af the rights af a secured party under the lJniform Comm�rclai Cndr as amended frpm time to time. <br />Sscurlty Interest. Upon raquest tay Lender, Trustor shall tske whatever action is requested by Lender ta perfect and contlnup Lender's <br />security fnterest fn the Personal Property. In aclditinn to �awrding this Deed af Trust in ths reai properly reoords, Lender may, at any <br />time and without iurther authorization from Trustqr, fiie executdd oounterparts, copies or'reproductlons of this Deed of Trust as a <br />flnancing statement. Trustar sh�li reimburse Ler►der for all expensas Incurred in perFecting ar continuing this secur€ty Interest. llpon <br />default, Trustor shall not r�move, sever or datach the Persanal Prnperty from the Property. Upan default, Trusbor shali assemble any <br />Personal Property not afflxed to tha Praperty in a manner and at a plaoe reeaonably conveni�r►t ta Trustor snd Lender arid make it <br />available to Lender within three {3) days aiter recelpt pf written demand from Lender to the extent permttted by applica6le law. <br />Addresses. The matling addresses of Trustor (debGor) and Lender (sscured party) frpm whicM infvrrnativn conceming the 5ecurity <br />irrterest grarrted by this Deed af 'Cru�t may be obtafned (each as required by the Uniform Commercial Code} are as st�ted an the firs! <br />page of this Deed of T�ust. <br />FURTH�R ASSURAlVGES; ATI"4fiNEY-IN-FACT'. • The fallowing provis�rrs relating to Eurti assurances arnd attorney-in-faot are a part of <br />#his Deed of Trust: <br />Further Assuranaes. At any time, and from time ko time, upan request af Lendsr, Trustor wiU make, execute and deliver, or will cause <br />to be made, exeouted or delivered, ta I.ender ar b Lende�'s designee, and when requested by Lender, causs to qe flled, recorded, <br />refiled, or retecordad, as the ease may be, at such times and in sueh affic�s and places as l.ander may deem eppropriate, any a�d afl <br />such mortgages, deeds vf trust, seourlty deeds, sacurity a�reem�r�s, flnancing statements, ccmtinuation statements, instrumsnt5 at <br />further assuranae, vertificates, and other documents as may, fn the sole opinion of L�nder, ba necessary or daslrable in order to <br />effeetuate, complete, peHect, cvr�ftnue, ar preserva (9) ' Tn,rsto�'s obifgat3ons under t1'ra Credit A�reeme�t, this Deed of Trust, and <br />th� Ftelated Documents, and (2) the liens and sacurity interests creatgd by this Deed of Trust as first and priar llens on the Property, <br />whether now nwned vr hareafter acquired by Trustor. Unfesa prohlbited by law or Lsnder agrees to the cnntrary in writing, Trustor <br />shail reimburse Lender far al) casts and eupenses incurrad in connection with the matters refnrred to in this paragraph. <br />Attvrney-ln-Fact. if'�rustor falls to da eny of the things ret�rred to in the precedtng paragraph, t,ender may do sa for and in the name <br />of Trustor and at Trustor's exper�se. For such puryases, 7rustor hereby irrevacab�y appoints l.endar as 7rustor's attomey-iro-fact inr <br />the purpase of making, executin9, delivaring, filfrig, recording, and doing all othar things as may be necessery or deslrabie, in Lender's <br />sole opinion, to acoomplf�h tha matters referred to in the preceding paragraph. <br />Fl7LL P�RF'ORMAMCE. Ii Trustnr pays all tha Indebtedness when due, 6erminates the credit line acoount, and otharvvise pet�fortns all the <br />obllg�tians imposed upon Trustor under this Deed of Trust, Lendar shal) exeoute and deliver to 1"rustee a request for full reconvayance and <br />ahaEl executs ar►d deliver tn Trustar sultable stetemenfs of tgrminatlan af any �inancing stetement on fila evidencing Lender's security <br />int�rest in the Rents and the Person�{ Property. Any reconveyance fee requ€red by Is�w shall be paid by 7rustor, 1f permifted t�y applicabt� <br />law_ . <br />EVEt�!'CS DF pEFAUI»T. Trustor wiil bg in default under this aeed oT'frust If any of the fnilowing happen: (A) �"rustor corrtmits frawd or <br />rnafcas e� matetia! misrept af any time In aonnectInn with the Credit Agraement. This can include, for esc�mple, a false statement <br />about Trustor's income, asseis, Itabitities, or any other aspects of 7rustor's flnanclal conditian. (B) Trustor does not meet the repayment <br />tarms. nf the Credit Agr�ement. (C) Trustvr's actian ar inaction adversely efFects the callat�ral or Lender's rights In the cal€ateral. 'This <br />can inoiude, far example, fai)ure #o mairttai� raquired insuranoe, wast� or destructive use of tha dweiling, f�ilure to pay taxes, deafh of aA <br />persans liab{e on ihe acaount, transfer af title ar sale of the dwelling, creatian of a senfor tien on the dweiling wlthout Lender's permissian, <br />foreclosure by the holder of anpther lien, or the use of funds or the dwelfing for prohlblted purposes. <br />FtIGHTS AND R�hN�DIES OM DEFAULT. If an Event of befault occurs under this I]eed af Trust, at any time thereafte�, Trustee ar Lender <br />may exercise s�ny a»e or mare af the following rights and rBmedies: <br />Accel�atfon lipan D�fault; Addltlonsl Remedfes. If any Evant af Default xcura �s per the terms af the Credit Agreement <br />secured herehy, Lender may declare a11 indebtedness secured by this qeed of 7rust to ba due and payable and the same shati <br />thereupan became due and payable without any presentment, demand, protest or hofice of any kind. Ther�after, Lender may: <br />(a) Either in person ar by agent, w(th nr without bringinq any aatfon nr prviceeding, or by � receiver appointed by a npurt and <br />wlthaut reg�rd to the adequacy of its security, enter upnn and take passessian af the. Properry, ar any part therevf, in its <br />own name or in the name of 7rusteQ, and da any �cts which it deems neceasary or deslrable to preserve th� value, <br />marketabilfty ar rent�bllity af th� Properly, or parr of the Property or in6erest in tha Property; increa�e the lncams from the <br />