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� � �; �; �� ; � � , r� 201U49309 <br />20. <br />ll. <br />zz. <br />23 <br />24. <br />2S. <br />26. <br />27. <br />Unless otlierwisc a�reed in writiu�;, �ll insurxnce proceeds sl�all be �pplied to the restoratiou or repair of the Property or to <br />che Secured llebt, whether or uot. then due, at Beneficiary's opt.ion. Atay application of proceeds to priucipal shall not <br />extend or postpone the due d�te of tbe scheduled payment nor chauge the amouut of �.uy pxyn�cnt. /1uy excess will he paid <br />to the Grantor. If the PropeRy is acyuired by Beneficiary, Trustor's ri�Ltt t.p auy insurance policies ancl proceeds retiulting <br />from damage to the Yroperty before ll�e acyuisition shall pass to I3cncficiary to the extent of the Secured Debt inul]edixtcly <br />before the acquisition. <br />ESCROW TOR TAXES AND 1NSURANCE. iJnless otherwise provided in a sepxrate agreement, Trustor will not bc <br />required lo pay to Iieneficiary funds for taxes and insurance in escrow. <br />FINANCIAL RE�ORTS AND ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS. '1'rusror will provide to T3eneficiary upan rcyuest, ai�y <br />finxncial statement or information Beaeficiary may dee�n reasonably necessary. Trust.or agrees to si�;n, deliver, xnd 1'ile auy <br />xdditional docunaents or cert.ifications that Beneficixry may cousider necessary co perftet, continue, a.ud preserve Granlor'� <br />obligatious under this Securit.y Instrument and Beneficiary's lien slacus on the Propeny. <br />J!DINT AND INDNZDT]AL L�ABILITY; CO.SIGNERS; SiTCCES50RS AND ASSTC'rNS BOiJND. All du�ies under <br />t.his Securiry instrumeut xre jc�int aud individual. If Truslor sig�as this 5ecuril.y l��strument but docs nut si�n au Gvidencc ��1� <br />debt, Trustor does so only to morl�age Trustor's interest in thc Property tn secure payment of the Secured Debt and <br />Truslor does not agree to be personally liable on the Secured llebt. if this Security InstrumenC secures a guaranty bel.wee�� <br />Beneficiary and "frustc�r, Trustor a�rees to waive any ri�hts that may preveut Reneficiary from nringin� auy actian or clxiin <br />against Trustor or any party indebted under the obligal.ion. These rights mxy include, bul arc not 1'united to, �ny <br />anti-deficicncy or oue-action laws. 'Trustar agrees Chat Beneficiary and any pxrty to this Security Instrumeut �aaxy extend, <br />n�odify or make any change in the lern�s of this Securiry Instrument. or xny cvidence of debt withouC 'I'rustor's conscm. <br />Such a change will not release 'I'rustor from the terms nf this Security Instrument. '1'he duties and beuefits of tliis Security <br />IntitruYnent shall biud xn�l beuefit t.he successors aud assigns of Trust.or xn�l i3eneficiary. <br />APPLICA$LE LAW; SEVERABILITY; INTERPRETATION. 'I'his Security lustrumeut. is governed hy tl�c laws ol tltc <br />. jurisdiction in which Bencliciary is located, except. to tlte extent otherwise rcquired by Ihe lxws of che jurisdiction wliere <br />thc Propert.y i� locatcd. '1'L�is Security Instrument is complete a.ud t�ully integrated. This Security ii�strument inay nnt hc <br />xmcnded or modified hy oral agreement. Any section in this Security Instrmuent, at.lacht��ents, or auy agreerncnt rel�ted tci <br />Che Secured Debt t.hat conflicts wit.h applicable law will not be effeclive, unless thxt law expressly or impliealy pcnnits the <br />variations by writ.leu agreement. lf any ticction of lhis Security [ustrumeiat cannot be evforced according to its terrns, that <br />section will be severed xnd will not affect the enforcea.biliry of the remainder of this Security Intitrurrieuc. Whenever uscd, <br />t�e singular sL�all include the plural and the plural t.he singular. The captions and headings nf thc SCCU011ti of tl�is Sccurity <br />]nsirument are for co��venieuce ouly xnd arc not to be uscd to interpret nr define the tenns c�f tl�is Security In�trurnent. <br />Time is of lhe essence in this Security Instrumeul. <br />SUCCESSOR TRLJSTEE. Reneficiary, at BeneTiciary's option, tnay from [ime to time remove Trustee aud appc�int a <br />successor trustec without. other fonnality than the designation in writing. 'The successor Crustee, without conveyancc of <br />the Properly, til�xll succeed to xll the title, power and duties conferred upon 'I'rustee hy this Sec:urity lnstru�neut an�l <br />applicable law. <br />NOTICE. Unless otherwisc required by law, auy nocice shxll be given hy deliverin� it or by itaailing it by first clxss mail <br />- to the apprc�priaie pxrey's address o�t pag� 1 of thii Sccuriry lutiirunze:nt, or tu �riy ot.l�er ad�lr�s:: ;�:,ic�r�ted in writing. <br />Notice to one trustor will be deerned to be notice to xll trustors. <br />WAIVERS. Except. to tlte extent prohibiied by law, 'Trustor waives all �.ppraisernent and �omestcad exemption rights <br />relating to the Propercy. <br />OTFIER TERMS. lf checked, the following are applicable to this Security instrument: <br />❑ Line of Credit. The Secured Dcht includes a revolving line of credit provisiou. Although die Secure�l 17cht may be <br />reduced to a?,ero balauce, tl�is SecuriCy lnstrutnc»t will remain in effect until released. <br />❑ Constructian Loan. This Security Instrumeut. secures a� obligation incurred for Ihe cunstructio❑ of an in�provculeut <br />on the Property. <br />❑ Tixture Filing. Trustor �;ranls ta Beneficiary a,r•ecurity interesl in all goo�ls that Granl.or owns uow or in thc future <br />and that are or will become fixiures related to the Property. "I'his Security lustrument suffices as a finxncing <br />statement and any exrbon, photographic or other reproduction may be filed of record for purposes of Article 9 of the <br />Uuiform (.:omancrcial C.ode. <br />❑ Riders. The covenants and a�reements of each of the riders checked below are incorporaced into xu�l supplemeut and <br />amend the ternis of this Security►ent. [Check �11 applicable hoxes� <br />❑ Condominium R.ider ❑ Planned IJnit Development Rider ❑ Ut.her .................................................. <br />❑ Additional Terms. <br />--- .. _ _ _. _..._.---. . _ ---� --_--_ __ .__ � .._.___ _..: .__ � _.___----- <br />SIGNATURES: By si�;ning below, TrusCor agrees tn the tenns and covenants contained iu this Securily lns[rutt►cnt aud in �uy <br />a[tachrncnts. TrusCor also acknowlcd�es receipt ot' a copy of this Securiry Instrumeul ou tlae datc stated on page 1. <br />. . . . . .�:Cti�. . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . .�: .��. . �� ���. . . . . . . . � �: .!.°. � : i ". . . . . . . . . . �1.� .l0/'`� . .C._.�Sf!//a .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <br />(Si}ni�cure) Elio D. Castillo (l.�atc) (Si�iature) Flavia Castillo (I)ate) <br />ACKNOWLEDGMENT: <br />STA'1'� OF N.�4r�ka . . ..... . .. . . . . . .................. ... . . C"OLJNTY UF Ha�l ....... . . . . . . .. .. . , , .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. .......... } ss. <br />° i� ; " ; �°'�> Tl�is instrument was ackuowledge�l before me this ........]Ozh........ day of,camber,.2n.1.�.............. <br />by Elio. p..Gastilla; Flavia G.astiqv,. and Wifa . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . <br />My comnlission expires: 11•14•2014 <br />... .................... ..... ..... ...... ........................ <br />'��� (Nntar Pnblic) <br />arah Campa <br />� C) 1994 Bankers Syst o� - z /page 4 of 41 <br />