<br />KN�W ALL MEN BY THESE FRESENTS that I, Wilma L. Langenheder, now residing at 118 East
<br />14�' Str�et, Grand Island, Nebraska, dc� hereby nominate, constatute and appoint Ronald A. Langenheder, nuw
<br />residing at 1905 South Wesimoreland Road, Red Oak, Taxas, my true and lawful attomey in fac�, for me and
<br />in my natne, place and stead, and for my us� and benefit.
<br />A. Td RECEIVE DEBTSAND PAYMEN7S To ask, demand, sue for, reeover, collect and receive
<br />all suah sums af maney, debts, dues, accounts, legacies, bequcsts, interest, dividends, annuities, etnployee
<br />benefits, insurance benefits and demands whatsoeve�r as are now ar shall hsreafter becnme due, owing,
<br />payable, or belonging to me and havc, ase, �nd talcc a111awful ways and means in my name or atl�erwise far
<br />the recavery thereof, by attachments, arrests, distress or othervrise and to coxnpromise and agree for tlre same
<br />and give acquittances ar other sufficient discharges and releases; .
<br />�.^ m B. TODEAL WIT'HPROPER7Y. For me and in my name,
<br />to make, execute and deliver, to bargain,
<br />contract, agree for, purchasa, raceive and take lands, and all or a,ny interest in property and accept the
<br />possession o� a.t1 lands and all ar an� interest in praperty, and all dceds and other assw�ances in thc law
<br />therefore and to lease, let, demise, bargain, sell, release, cQnvey, mortgage and hypothecate lands and all or
<br />any �nterest in property upon such terms and conditions and under such covenants as my attamey in fact shall
<br />thin�c �t, irnespective of the state v�+ithin which said property is located;
<br />C. TQ CONDUCTBUSINESS. Also ta bargain and agree for, buy, sell, mort�ge, hypothe.ca,te and
<br />in any �.nd cvery way and manner deal in and with goads, waras and merchandise, chose in action, and other
<br />property in possession ar in action, to buy, sell, assign or transfer stocks, bands or personal property, and to
<br />make, do and transact all and every kind of business of whatsoever nature and kind;
<br />D. TO DF.�4L WITHSECURITIES. Also to sell, assign and transfer stacks, bonds, mutual funds and
<br />ather securitiss.
<br />E. TD EXECUTE INSTRUMEN7S Alsa for mc and in my name, and as my a�ct and deed, ta sign,
<br />scal, execute, deliver and acknowledgc such deecls, leases, mortgages, hypothecations, bills, bonds, notes,
<br />receipts, evidence af debt, release and satisfaction of mcNtgage, jud8ments and other debts; to pr�pare,
<br />execute and file federal and state income tax r�turns, and such othcr instruments in writing of whatsoever
<br />kind and nature as may be necessary ar proper in thc premises;
<br />F. TU.D�FAL WITHBANKI4CCOUIV7SAND DEPOSI�"BQX.�S: Alsa ta make withdrawals from
<br />or depasits to any bank account or savings or loan account or other cash accaunt in my name; and W entet
<br />and have fi� access to any safe depasit bnx in my name for the purpase af adding property thereto ar
<br />rennovin8 Pr'aP�n3' therefrom;
<br />G. TO R4TIFYACTS. Giving and granting unto my sa.id attorney in fact full power and authority
<br />to do and perform evcry act ne�essary, rayuisite or proper to bc done in and about the prernises as fully as
<br />i might ar could do if person�lfy pmsent with full power of substitution and revocation, he�+eby ratifying and
<br />con�rming al! that my said attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done by vittue he�af.
<br />not be �ected by disability of the principal. (Section 30-26b2, RRS. 19�F3)
<br />