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<br /> Qotto�er nla� cur� iueh r d+f�ult �'d ninsUtu, aa prov{dod Mi pu�qrai�h 16, by c�usinq tha �cUan or proc�sdinfl to b�
<br /> � d�amisswd wA{���uiw�y liur2,In l�ndsc's �ldth d='!'•'!f"'^•►'^",'+�'wdw itx(�iture o1 ih�0«roww y 6ii�(is4 In tha tYaa�rty m ;
<br /> othw nwNn�al k�7µuGn�ait ot t�a tNn uta.;ed by this �curity �n+�rum�n� a Lmd�►'i satur'�tY intK�st. Botrower shall dso De k► `
<br /> dehuq N Fiurrowec, durwip tha ban�p�i�:atio+►Wa�:asa.{�ava nulwiaAy fatca or i+iscwrat�Inla�natk�n or st�ta�a�ls to Londar (o+
<br /> kUacl ta ptovklu Londur with �ny rr�ate�'�sl fnWmu�tiot+) h conn�cUon wAh th� loui �vldancad by tht Noto, fncluding, but not
<br /> li��fiod tn. ropresentaUone concern4�,� Borrow�r's otcuPa��cy ol ihe Proparty as a princlpal nsldence. If this Securiry
<br /> Instrumsnt Is: on � luasehold. BcurPµ� s�wY compy with �A the provl�lan� ot the tease. If Borrowa acqukes fea titla to the
<br /> Property,tha IuauehMd�nd the fr�ttk sh�9 nol merge unla�n Laidw�Agrw9 to iho ma'ycr in writln9_
<br /> 7, pcatqcti,sn ot L.andar'a Rights in fiw Prop�rty. H E3asowar tils to pc:icum the covenants and agreemonis
<br /> ca�twlnnd in this Security ��stru�x�t c:ifiero fs a legal proceed�ny that may siynlHcantty attaa4 Lender's riyhts in ihe Property
<br /> (such �:a e Rraceeding in b�^kn�tel. EXC�atr.tor condwnrutbn or twteitura or to entwce laws or reyulaUons).then Lende►mayC�
<br /> dt1 UIlI FlAy t0I Wh0i0V0��.1' f1�CitSYY tD{NOtlC1 111f YUUf 0�lI1E PI'O�Mrf�fld L6f11�61'- righta in the���:�xN. Lender's actions�
<br /> may kicSUda payisi9 �ny suma aectwttl Gy a fi�n vrtkch has ptiwiry ovar tt�ls Secu�iry InslrumanG ufi!:��'r•^. �n caurt, paying •
<br /> n�sonuGlu attameys't�as and entaii�on the Prape-r.!�U;n�akc npa'rs.Altha�l?a�rr�aar m�y take actien u.�c`u-«+ry�r'+praPh�
<br /> 7, L��idoo daaa nnt have to do so.
<br /> fu•y amouniM disbur..od by Latiwc¢ undec p�usyr'Aph 7 shaA b�ccme �dcL'ilatul debt ut Borrower secured ta rydo Sectu�yt .
<br /> Instnimont. Unleao Bortowu and taxle► s9ree to oth�r tems o1 paymmt, thoso�rtwi+nts shaU bov{nlersst hom the date ot
<br /> d{sburr,amnnt�t tha Note�ate and sAsY tu pa►y�bla, wiN Intarssl,upor+ natice hom Lmde►to Bcrtowx requostiny payment.
<br /> (3. IYIO�tQS� (1tftIM1'1C�� N lendor requkod mwWaq� {nsiaanc� as a condidon of maklnp lha loan sacured by thi�
<br /> Secuiity piutrume�t, Borrowor shuJl pa��the prernkuns r�quiru!ta makitak�lh�nwrtq���M�sur�nc�In otl�ct.N, ku any reason.thM
<br /> matQAQo fnsuronca Govengo nqulrnct by L�ndK laPaa cu cwissa to b�In �fNct,Borrow�r ahall p�y tM pnn�iums r�quind to
<br /> odt�hi,aovK�fln subslantiaYy equlv+►YMI to lhe moAqa9��^w�anc� Prw{a+uY�^ NI�, at � wsl wbstantialty equhlalK►t to th�
<br /> coil +a �urroww of the moRp+�qe Y�suranw pravtousy In Nl�ct. kom �n ulwnate mortyaq� {n�unr approv�d by LendK. li
<br /> sub�U�ntloly �quNatw+t matp�p� hsu'+u�ce cev��y� b nol �v�Yabte, BcxrowK ch�ll pay to Undw�ach morith a wm eqwl to
<br /> on�nv+�Itlh al tha ywy matyaq�ht�'rnc� P+�+m �^fl W�bY Bo�row�r wh�n tM Inwnnc�cor�ray��aDNd c►c�aa�d to
<br /> b�kr•Nlaot. L�nrJK wiM acc.�pt, uco�nd��►th�sa payrr+�nb �s� bss nsarv�In Nw o1 mortyay� {nsw�nc�. Lws ��rv�
<br /> MY�'�t+nta m�y na bnp�t b�nqul�'W.1�1 ltu�oWion ol L�ndK, N mort9a� fnwrsnc� covK�Q�(�fl�1��fY1W11� Nta�0�1hR pM�Od
<br /> tha�l.�nd�r Nquk�.) p►ovklyd by�n�1surN �rov�d by L�n+f�r s�fn b�corrws wallabl��nd 1s obtak��d. Borrowa sh�M WY
<br /> th�pr�wnlum*nquk�d to maYitaM�mxlp�p� insurinu In Nlecl, a to pruvld�• bas ra+wv�.until th� rsqukMna►t tor rtwApaGe
<br /> Nwr�naa«idA k� �ccord�nu with any wrkt�n�pr�rwnt bMwe�n Borrow�x�nd L�nd�r or�pplicabl�yw.
<br /> 9. 111RpiCt10�1.Lrndr or Ro �pw►1 m�y mak�nrsanabN�nUiea upon�nd Insp�ctbns of tha Roprty. Lender shaY ylw
<br /> Barower notic�at th�tlm�ol a prk�to�n inspactton spscayfny nason�bw csus�for tM insp�tlon•
<br /> 10. Cond�mnallon. me v�r..eeds ol�u,y •wara w clalm ta dsmty�s, dK.a w coosequentW.n conn.dion wdh any
<br /> corid�xru�ailon a otMr U�khp o1 �ny parl 01 tha Property. a tot convayancs in Nw of condem�aWui, are her�by asslgned and
<br /> shptl be p�id lo Lrnder.
<br /> In the ev�nt o! � toWl takkE� 01 lhe RopKty, the proueds ShiW b� appli�d to the sums seuu�d bY thls Secu�Ry
<br /> Irtt�Wmam. whMher a nof lhan d,ur,witA u►y excess paid Yo Borrow�r. In th� avent ot a partial takin� 01 t1�e PrePertY i^wti�e
<br /> tho fair mukN valua of the Proppt�irmiediatety betore the takinfl is �qud tp a 9rMte►than th�smount oi tlur sums s�cured
<br /> hy thts Sacurity InsWmeru Nvnedfutey b�tore the Li,k�g. unless 8ortowu and Lendar othawise a�a ki w.Ntiit� tM saa�
<br /> ar,au6d by thla Sacurityr Instru��rd shall be rducsd by tM arnax�t nf tM P+� ��by th�foYowinp tr.u.ii�x►: (aj�t
<br /> ' ta1a1 amou�t o}the sums secursd➢mucY�teiyr betore th�takk�9• dividad by(b) the fak rtwk�t vrJue of th� Property t� �
<br /> botora the taWny. My batanu shaY�be paid to 6orrav:cr. In the w�nt ot a pvtial t�klnp o1 the Prop�rty h which t3w falr nwket
<br /> w3�e of the Propaty hrr�diatety beiora the t�iu�Q ia(o3s thr+ tM Mnau�i at th� swrw aaauwi krxrNdi�SdY mafia�e the taWnp.
<br /> unless Borrowar md l�nder otha�ise agnt in w�i!'er,; a w►waa �ppl{caW� 4w oth�rwiss provides. the p�oca�da sha�N b�
<br />- - -- --��o�1�3Y11'1���.`Uf4�Dj/'RMS�.'��Y II1SVSa71Rli MmRitw�uf�inii iiwr�iibTii w.o ili:.'i tS�. -- .
<br /> n u,. Proparey ia.bo,donec�Gy s«►owa,or if. attw rt�+t�x by l.w,d.r to sarroM+�r t1,ae cne �n«on«�w t►�ice� _.__...
<br /> award or setlb a clalrn tor darr�agr.. Ba►clwer te� to res;�ond to lond�r witfdn 30 days a�iw the dNe tha notice ks gN.xr.
<br /> Ls�nder is autha�ized to coNect and apply ths proaee3s. at ks optlon. eitha to nstoration or �apair oT the Proparry or to the
<br /> swnc secursd by thls Seairicy Insinxnent.wh�thrs�oc not then due.
<br /> Llnlass Landa and Borrowa othervvise a�'ee i� writin9� any appYc'.ttlon ot procaeds to prncip�l sl�: �4 admd,or
<br /> postpo�a tha dua date of the monJ�j puyrt►ent�re'fe�i�to In para�aphs 1 ond 2 ot char►ye th�amaint of si:cl:.ytiz��ncs. �
<br /> t t. Borrawor Nof Rel�ased; F�� 8y t.�eradvr ldot s Waiv�r.Extens�w►ot me mme�ur Fayene�^�a+r
<br /> modmenlon o1 amo+VSati«�ot v,e aums seeured by�etws security Sr:svum.m g�anud by Lend.r to any succoss� n fntarese d�
<br /> Bo�rower shall not o{�ocate to reMws�tM Yability a°tl'.a oripinai Borrower w Borrower's suacassua in intrfst Ilsnaer ShaN not
<br /> be rsquY�d to cormee�T4� ptocoecJin�s �pains� any aucc�ssa fn IntNlst a rNus� to extend tim� for p4ymrrt ot oth�wis�
<br /> modify artwWtat7on ot the su�s seouced by t�a Socuriry ItuWmet►t by nason o1 any dMrnnd m�dt by tha C�'Sgind Bortowar or
<br /> . Bortowit's suCCesson fn Inte[esi My loebroCaraCe by I.�ndr in a�cM'dekfp �uly rlyht ar rert�f.ihaY nof b� a waiv�r Of Or
<br /> pra�.tda the�xerdsa of any righE a renx�ty. Th� covenants and
<br /> 12. Succ�ssor's and Assigns Bound: Joint and Srv�ral Uability. Co-sip��s.
<br /> a�reements ot thk S�curity InsUunr�n!sA=tl b4id e�d banefd the succa,sors�nd assl�ns of Lander�nd Bort+asw�r.subJecl to tM�
<br /> provtslons of parag�apr► �7. 6oaov.ar•s cov.mancs oc,a aqre.m.nts :n.a a jant ana swapJ. nr�y Rortawec�a so-sign:thia
<br /> S�auity Insirum�nt but does not acecuta the Note: (a:�is co-signing ttas Sacurity Instrumont only to moRpag�r�u►t�nd convsy
<br /> thpt Borrower's intarest in the Pro�paty und�r the taes ot thls S�cu�ty tnstruma�t; (b) ts not person�My �ed to pay ihs
<br /> sums secured by this SecudCf Ir:strumeni; and (cJ.agrMC that Lends► rnd any other Borrow�r may oyroi to �d,naetit�/.
<br /> torboar or m�ice any accommodayuns with ryazct t,o r,ha tert►x ot tl�is S�uuity Inatrumw�t a the Note writhcu.t that Borr�wer a
<br /> conserd.
<br /> 13. l.o�n Cl1i�g�a. IC Cyo k�an secucad �p thls Security MsUUment Is subJxt to a law wNctr s¢!� rtwxknum loan
<br /> ' chuses,and thai taw is firtaYy i�•.t�pr�sa that th�Intersst or other loan cfwges coYected or to be coAectsd h coru►eotiai
<br /> � wRh the loan wccosd th�pMmitt,ed WmCS,ihan: (�)any such loen char9e shaM b� nduced by the a�r►w�t n�cassary to rsduca
<br /> fhe ahufle to the pemwtted Wr•it: and (b) u►y wms �Irwdy coNected trom Barower whkh owcseded Permilted Hrtrts wiM bo
<br /> rMunded to Barower. L�nd�t tnay choosa to mako thls retund by nduck►p th�princlpal aw�d under the Note or by rtwkk►y a
<br /> - tL�e�! �eyri►!nt to 8os*ewr. ft a nfuiui nducac prncipai. ttw r�ductlon wlit ba traated as a Pu� V«A+Yment withaut ony
<br /> pdtpaymrnt ctwufla under the Note. ,
<br /> 14. I�otFCW.My notice to fiortower provlded(or in this Srcuriry Instruma�t sh�11 be ghren by deFradnfl it a by nwiNt►9 k
<br /> b��,flrst dara m�1 unless appac�Dl�t�w requlrQa us�of uwthw mothod. Th� notJc� shaY be dlnct�d to th� Property A�ldnss
<br /> or��ny other addr�ss Borrower d�slqn�tes by noUce to Lendar. My notice to Lmder shall b� give� 5y first dass mail to
<br /> L'ond�er's addras at�ted hu«n u any olher addrasa LondK d�signata by naSka to Borraw.�. Any notice provided tor in thk
<br /> �curtty Instrom�+t shao W downtd to nave barn giwn to Borrow�r or L�ndK whan q:ven�s providad In thk p�rograph.
<br /> 1S. GtW�ming l.�W; SlvYribility. Ttiu Security Instrument sha4 be govemed by tederal law and tha law ot tha
<br /> �wisdictbn tn whkh tho Property ts bcated. In the e��ent tha4 any pravisbn or clause ot tF►is S�curity Instrument or the Note
<br /> oonlKcts wiih applicable law, suci� wr�fll:.t shall not atfect other provislons of thls Security InsVcur,ant ot the Note which can be .
<br /> qiven sHect w'rthout the conAictinp pruvlsion•To this end the provislons ot this Security I�stru►r.aW acLet tl� t+lote are dec{va1 to
<br /> �e severabb.
<br /> 16. E30trOwal's COpy.Ba'rawr shaL De yn�se crta c�t'�om�d �°Py °�V►e Note and o�te�s�Ir�sirumani.
<br /> F7316.1MO(3:]BS P�ye 3 ot S �T
<br /> 96120
<br />