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_ -.,�...�,�—� <br /> :�' ,j��y�S,�R . .,y.�t.. , .. � _ _ _ <br /> — "�: :;*,�w!�":�f:'e�r'''x+'' ".:— — <br /> �•.M. � , . �. .�M. ."" <br /> _- . i ' ' . . • .n� _� . .���A���� <br /> 1 � <br /> - .�,��._:��:..a�-.:.:� 92_ �o��s� ___-- <br /> _��A•N^¢•-,���-.�-L�::� <br /> '._ar4 1�•yd.�._A/ <br /> �"���'-"#�`���"�•-.'�� TO(lE1'HER W17'N nll the impravcmenl�now ur her�aQcr emctcd on Ihc pmpeny.:aid ull cuu:mcn��,ap�uncnuncc.r, <br /> .--.�-�---.--•.--�-;� und fixwrea naw or hercaftcr u purt of�he pmperty. All Rplac�mcnt.wic! �lditiunx ahvll alr,�►bc cuven�d by thir SccuNiy <br /> --=-��..:;t.=: Incuument. All of 1he fnregoing is referred to in�his Securiry Intilrumcnt ur the"!'ropeny." <br /> _.���.`��{`�+'���" A•. f BORROWER COVENANTS that Burrawcr is lawfully rciud uf the��lu�c inreby ronveycd wul hu,tiu righ�to grant — <br /> �^�'����%��-�''"=�4 �� and convey the ilroperty and thut thc Pruperty ih uncncumbered.exrcpi f��r�n�umbrunccs uf recurJ. Bnrn�wcr wurcw�tx wul <br /> -j' �•., '1 will defend genernlly the tidc to ihc Propr,rty uguin,i uD cluimx And�knwnJ.,rubjrc�ro any encumbrw�ccti uC r�w�►rd. <br /> ��:'�`-•�,,.��"` THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cumbines unifom� covenunla far nulfonul u,u und nun-unifium cuvenants with <br /> _ "�`"`"^'�'�'-= '�-=' " Umited vurintions by jurisdiction to conr•ti�ute u uniform vecurily instn�menl cnverin�e reol prupeny. _ ,__._ <br /> !�',f��;�;'%���._._. <br /> �-_ <br /> 2'-.:s :�r.,� 4��. UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower LnJ Lendcr covenant und agree us f��IlowK: <br /> ,� . �. '� � 1. Payment of Principal and Interextt Prep�yment pad I.Ate Cbarges. 9orruwcr shull pn►mptly pay when due thc <br /> < ���iW�:+sw��t�+. _ principal of and intems�on the debt evidcnreJ by the Nate und uny prcpayment und lute cbu�gex due under�he Note. <br /> �i�.,�•,•_�:,•,�::i 2. Ftiads for 71�uces and Insurance. Subjecl tu upplicublc luw ur to c�written waivcr by Lenikr.Burrower shall pay to <br /> ` � Lender on the day monthly puymcnts urc duc under the Notc,until thc Note i,puid in full,u xum 1"�undx")for:(u)ycurly <br /> °-- ° � taxes ond assessments which muy auuin priori�y over this Security In�lrumr:m as n licn on the Pmpeny: (b1 yearly Icuschold <br /> _� ` �� �n � ` - � payments or ground rents on the Prupeny, if Any: (c1 yearly huziud or propeny inxurance premiums; td1 yeurly tlaod - <br /> _ _-,� <br /> ::;.�. <br /> -`� .��s�. a:..�,..r.•� ' insurance premiums, if any: lel yeurly mortgage insurunce premiums, if uny: und if)uny �ums p::yablc by Borrowcr to <br /> _. <br /> •_�� •• <br /> • � • Lender. in nccordance with the provisions of parug�ph 8,in lieu af Ihe pciyment of mongage insunuKr premfums. The.ce =- - -- - <br /> : ltem��re culled"Escrow Item�." Lender may,ut any time,collecl and hokl Fbndti in un umaunt not to exceed Ihe muximum <br /> e' '�''°� �� •.� amount u lender far u iederally related moAguge lonn may reyuire for Bortowerk eKCraw account under the fedeml Real <br /> =�I�` '.',' ` �' ' E�tate Senlement Proccdures Act of 1974 as umended from timc to�imc. 12 U.S.C.#2601 er�ey.C'RFSPA'7,unlea�s another <br /> }��� • �•��.�� •�-�� ° law that applies to the Funds sels a leszer umount. If tio,Lender may,ul any lime.collect and hold Funds in an wnount not to — <br />'':�?�±_'�,;,:,:•:}k-�.;►1(���r.`• '�` exceed the lesser amount. Lender may estimute the umounl of Funds duc an Ihe basis of cuRenl datu and rei+sonable — <br /> " 'M[^I1• ""_ — <br />_ =��� �. ;•Lt';�..�F,�:.��;,; • esdmatex of expendi�ures of futurc Escrow Itenis or othenvise in accordunce with upplicuble luw. �=•--- <br />- �;j� �(�;,y:,.• ° � The Funds shall be held in an institution whose depositw sue insured by a fedcral ugency, inslrumentulity, or entity ��= <br /> •• • , (ineluding Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Fcderul Home Loan Bank. l.ender shall apply Ihe Funds to puy <br /> ' Ihe Escrow Ilems. Lender muy not charge Borrower for holding und applying ihr Funds,unnually analyzing thc escrow <br /> • ' � account. or verifying the Escrow Items, unlesx Lender pays Barrower interest on the Funds und ttpplicabk luw permitc _ <br /> " L.ender to make such u chiuge. However, Lender muy require Borrower tv puy a one-time ch:u�e for an independent real <br />- J � estate tax reponing service used by l.ender in connection with this loan,unless applirable law provides othenvise. Unless un :3=�:�--- <br /> � . ,:z'�„ „ agreement is modc or ppplicuble laa�requires interest to be paid.Lender shall not 6e reyuired�o pay Borcower any interest or „� __ <br /> � , eamings on the Funds. Borrower and Lendcr mAy ugree in writing,however,thnt interest shull be paid on the Funds. Lender ____ <br /> , . � xhall give to Borrower,wi�hout charge,un unnuul accuunting of the Fundc,showing credih and debits to the Funds and the �,,,�__--- <br /> put�wse for which each debit to the Fundx wus mude. The Funds ure pledged us udditionnl securiry fiir nll sums�ecured by � __ <br /> ' • this Security Inswment. `�'0�':,b. <br /> - '°�'�--. !f the� held by lender ex�eed �he umounts permitted to be held by upplicnble law. Lender shnll account ta �'_ __ <br /> -,, - e <br /> , f� Horrower for�he excess Funds in accordance with the mywrementx nf npplicublc luw. If the umount of the Funds held by _— -. <br /> " � . Lender ut any time i� not sufiicient to puy tha Escrow Items when duc.LcnJer m�y so notify Bormwer in writing, � ,:.;�__ <br />" , ' such case Borrower shull pay to Lender the umount necessury w muke up the deticiency. Borrower shall make up �he .�� <br /> .. . deficiency in no morc than twelve manthly paymenlc,ut Lrndcr's sole discretion. ��''. <br /> � Upon puymen�in fu l l o i'A l l�ums se c u r e d b y t h i s S e c u ri t y I n.r t r u m e n t,L e n d e r s h•r l l p ro m p d y r e i u n d t o B o r r o w e r a n y °-- <br /> Funds held by Lender. If,undcr paragraph 21.Lendrr.hall aryuire or�cll the Propcny,l.ender,prior to[he acyuisition ur ��'��'' ' <br /> sale of the Pmperty, shuU upply any Funds held by Lender at the�imr ot ucyuisition nr sule as u credit ugainst the sums �',"�°''�'L'� <br /> ����-:_ <br /> � . secured by this Security Inslrunxnt. .,r:�---- ---- <br /> • . , 3. Appllentton aP Payment4. Unle..upplicuhle law provides athenvise,all payment�c mceivcJ by Lender under �,��"'�="�. <br />- „ ' � parngmphs I und 2 shall t�e upplied:first,to;uiy pmpuyment ch:vges due under tNe Note;xecond,to umaunls pAyable undcr =T��-�'""-- __ <br /> �;._,_._.__. �. <br />. � puragraph 2;third,to intere.r•t due;fuurth,lu pnncipal due;and lust,�o uny lule churger;due under the Nae. . _ .�_ <br /> • 4. Charges; Liens. Borrawrr ,hull pay ull tuxrs, u++c..ments,chorges,fineh and impositions attributoble w the � • .. - <br /> • . ' ' Property which may uuain priority over Ihix Srcuriry Imtrumcnt,,md Icuschuld p•ryments or @round rents,if uny. BoROwer t 'r;;,;.. <br /> • ; shall puy thesc obligutions in the m•rnner pruvided in parugn►ph 2,or if not paid in that mannQr.Rorrower tiholl p�y them on -•„,w -'� <br /> � • � , time dircctly to thc person owrd puymcnt. Durrower shull pmmpdy fumi,h w Lrndrr ull noticcs of amounts to be puid undcr ����`'•,;:�;t•- <br /> .,,.r'.. <br /> • ' i this par�graph. If Born�wer makes these paymentx dirertly.Burmwer xhall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing : :„,,,,. <br />: • . �,,., . � the payments. -.::..-:;;,�,�� _ <br /> ��•',,..�•� � Borrower shall promptly dixchurge uny lien which hur�priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrument unkKS Borrower:(ul ugrces • ������ <br /> ' ,�;'..~ ° in writing ta the puyment of the obligation+rcurrJ by thc licn in u mann�rucceptuhlr to Lendcr;(b►contetits in g�wd iallh Ihe � rrr _ <br /> ." -��:�•.:�::=- <br /> � � lien by,or defends uguinst enforcemrm uf thc licn in.IcEul pr�xeeJing.which in the l.endcr's opinion operute to prevent thc � � • ;. ti <br /> I enforcement of 1he lien;or(c 1 serurcs fmm�hc hulder uf thc licn•rn agree�nenl.atixf'�ctory�o Lcnder suboniinating the lien , . <br /> ' . � to this Securiq�Inruument. If Lcndcr de�crniines Iha�any pun of Ih�Pr��pedy i�suhjcr�to a li�n which may atrrin priori�y • <br /> •. ' ,_ � �.` � over Ihis Securiry Inytrument,l.cndcr may givc Burrower a notirc idrmifying thc lien. Borrowcr shall satist'y the lien or take , : <br /> one cx more of the uctions xet fonh utxwr within IOJuys ot'thr�;iving of nuticr. �.,�J�. . <br /> ��• ' , S. Hazard ar Property Insurvnce. Bnrruwcr.ha►II krep�hc impn�vcmenls now cxisling on c�rcaftcr crected on the � <br /> , I'ro�xrty insurcd against lass hy I'ii�,huzurds inrlu�k:d within thr tcrm"cxtendrJ ro�•eragr"anJ uny othrr haiards,including �� � <br /> � Iloods ur flaxfing, for which Lcndcr rcquire. in.ur•rix:r. '1'lii. in,urancc +h;►II In maintainrJ in �hc:unuunt, unJ for Ihr : <br /> . , Furm J02lt 9I90 �ry.C�_n)n�xrsl <br /> • � i . <br /> � <br /> 1 <br /> i <br /> 1 <br /> . :; ____� _ - ' - <br />