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<br /> 18.raa+cttosage Peacedure.Yt I.ender recluires immed�te papuent En tlsll andes parugraPS 9+Lendgr mny ,� :
<br /> �,;,
<br /> �I�fe ta�v.Lender st�aID be entit3ed to collecg ��;
<br /> � � [mti�al�e the po�er o4 sate an�l sinY ot������dPr�thisaPasab'raP� 1�• inchcd�ng. but nnt limiteri to. ': ,.---_-
<br /> � � p�penses tncurred ia puesuiQg �;,° ,
<br /> �� rea�onable uttosueys'fees und cosi4 qf�I41e evtdence. �
<br /> • IP the��sPr of syle is Iniaked.'i'rastee�aall e�ss3 a c�3Ece of d�nit in eac[�w�ntYb a�l�le��o � "" �"
<br />: � ' t�te Pro�ertY #s la.ated sud sffail muU cagies of such ��paw�Afte�r tIIhe tim r�e n€r�yby appl8cable Imv. �;f
<br /> ' sro�er aad to the other p�as��d by sp� ��-�-•.
<br /> $0 n�s�nd[n t6e manner prescrtt�ed by applica4le la�v.'Frastee, ���:_-.
<br />- �}�fee s6all give pub7lr natice o4 s�ie to the pessm at �e audion to the I�Ighest b4dd�r at the H�un�1 �f: --..-.
<br /> �.�.�•,..
<br /> � wtteouc atmagcl on�osro�,sflstl�seu ctae rroperty � ana tae any ordsr'�cs�cee =_-:�--
<br /> place��nder the terms designated�n ttce aatice of�ate in one or rtcore parcefs .�--
<br /> dEterffiines.TntstFe muY I+�/���ie of all or anY pam�o�t[�e I'mperty BY Fn�suc annonncemeni n3 tt+:t3m�� �`,Y':°l�
<br /> . uad piace o�any[u'e�tou�Sy sci�oduied saie.Len�ar iG4�it�em�Y p�the Pmperty at ao�sa9�. —__ -
<br /> �s T�td i�y the S�9�t�2�ecrex�r��4�� _
<br /> . U t�Ler�t�'s intesess3 in t63s SeczuitY �4� �� invoke the non�adis�`r.� 1�� r? salv °-.
<br /> immediate p�Y��t in fiill umder Para�a� , ---_::•
<br /> ' psor�ded in the Singie�'amliY Mortgage Forerla�ur��ct af�1994(°Axt")tlZ U.S.C.395!et seq.)tip�a9: : ���:_
<br /> � toreciosure oommi§ianer des3gnated mider tke��ct:;tm;�m��noe forecloswe an� to seIl tfrr D�c�;� �� _.,,::. _
<br /> � � ��«3�Prtve the Sew'etar�' ot a.�s9 righ�cd3Sisu�i3�• r:r,;i4;:'
<br /> �` .'�.;�, provtded in¢he A�. Nothtng in We ps�ding � �r� r;, t>
<br /> `�, ;,: availaBle t�a D.ea�s ander ti�is P�rag��g 18 oP apg�s�4e taw. F_',���'r;N�
<br /> � Upon rece€Pt of Pay�nent of the price Irt�,Tcu�`�e shall delt�er W the�surc6ases Trnstee's dYed co��yyx+�� �,��f�;.;
<br /> the Fmperty. '1`�e rec€t�is in the Trnstee's de6d�trnitr 9ze Drima f�ae evtdence o!the truth oi tbe�str�mtuis� — �i�
<br /> :..`;, ' �ade t6er�fa.Tnu�ee s�D upply ttte�r�eeds o�Uur;4s4e ua ths foliozvlc+$order:ia)to all oosts antl�mc�.m�( �...y�
<br /> •_ riUt�tO. �is.
<br /> ���_--,;; exercisin�the t�wer oi 5at�,an�t��indad'uag+�te pa]��aY the T�vst��fees adu�lly in^ss�re�, v —
<br /> ' exreed 5.40 `�o vti t�1r�acil�al amoant of�lte aote ai the time of the dect�ait�»ol,di�tdt�. �
<br /> : ,�i.`` ed by la►�},(}�)to�il s�ms sswred by ti�Ss Secmtty E�$ci1S�€������ _-
<br /> ' and reasanabie attoraeys'fees as p�i.��: .:�, , �r::."_._.
<br /> ' r,►ny escess to the perso��r pecsons le�a[ly enttttet�"(9►i fit NEF?—OOSS��'�.:. ..y' .
<br /> 950b362 ��,
<br /> 19.Roounveyance.Upon FaYment of all sums�:ure8 by thi�Security Ins�rument.l.ender shali reg�+i�!t�. .9 �[L�'oa °_-=::=,-
<br /> � �. to reconvey the Property and shall swr�nder this Sectiriry �nstc1rtis�tt and a11 notes evidencin�.d.°6L se�'r't�'C�i.:�}^'W►S . "
<br /> and witliou4 x.�ii�i 8p-t�t� �i��:4w_
<br /> Security Instrumeat to"�r.ustee. Ttust�.shall rernnvey the Pra� without warrantg+ . � ` ,
<br /> person or peisons tegaJiy�azted to it.Such person or persons sh�f���.aY anY record.adore a°sts. ;. 1 : , � ,:.-
<br /> � Z0.Sa6�Yitute'n'astee.[.ender.at its apiion. may frdm tim�:o time ret��*ve Tn.stce and ap�±cniA�.a�:�;u�"�'aF',`_:;,::.:';';ti,. ''�v�,�"
<br /> uustee to any TYUStee appointed hereun�3er bY.an instiumeat recarded in the oounty in tivhich tfus Sec�s?i�}n1ha�•a �,;�'";:�.,.
<br /> . ,. is recorded. VNithout com•eyance of ttKZ 1°r�percl'.the successar au�tee shall succee�to al1 the titde.p�r�kv�t����#'.�tisa.�;'�.::.` :
<br /> �o��upon Tnutce h.rcin and by applitable law::; ,
<br /> �;:
<br /> 21.Reques4 for NWices.Borrower requests that copies of the nnzi�ses of default and sale be sec�l�tu.�.�u!n����s�s —__-
<br /> � address whish iS�e�P�Y Address. ' .
<br /> � 22:Rtdess to tt�:�urltS'Iasnumtea�If one or mona riders ar�e executed by Borrower aaitirec�x'63d1tog�t7:�r . -
<br /> wnh [his Security�lnstturaent, the covenants of each.s�ch rider shall be incarporateb into are�lslu�!l�asxe.r�d�un9 �,i,.
<br /> . ;:.,rsj�;: supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security Insdument as if the rider(s)Kert�prsatco�lth.�s�Security , . --
<br /> , ,r�;rh( �. Instrument.[Check applicable box(es)1• � OtQes�S •caf � .
<br /> � [� Condaminium Iiider � Growing Fquity Ridcr C�'� Y) `::u:
<br /> [] Qiaduated Fayment Ridei. NII��Is�AG�t2l�rridkiru� =
<br /> ��: [] Planned Unit Devetopment Rider .
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