<br />
<br />
<br />
<br /> 201009253'
<br /> i
<br /> Logan No: 871f1li£f0l K,oIIt1114.9tt(A) Pat), 5
<br /> f00s for the TRISler, to the (Went portnillod by applicalaln Inw. 'Iltlsior also will pay ally court costs, in addilion to fill other sums
<br /> provided h y law,
<br /> flights of 11'11stee. Irusloe shall leave all of the rights and (duli0s of Lander as sett foilll in this section.
<br /> POWERS AND OBLIGATIONS OF 111USTEF. ille lollowing provisions relating In the Mowers ful d ohliclatious of lnmtoe are (tall of this
<br /> Deed of IIilst:
<br /> Powers of Trustee, ht addition to till powniF of fYUSIOe arising fl!; a llMI lor of Islvr, 1FUR, t0e (;hall have: Ibo flower to take the iollowinc)
<br /> actions with respocl to the iroperty upon the wriUOrf loquesi of Lollder and 1 rustol: (a) join ill plnpa llillg and filing a slap or pint of
<br /> Ill(! Real hopeity, Irlrlllfdnlg lll(i dodicaliorl of sfroel,; or olbm ligbu; In thn public; (h) join in (tenting tiny oaSOMOIlt of C1019ting -illy
<br /> resuic.tiou on the. (teal Property; fund (c) join in any smbordinnlion of other agrrao-inlrnlt off(:cling Illis Deed of I rust. or Ilse intelest of
<br /> Lender under Ibis Do0d of Irust,
<br /> flustee. I'rusla±o shrill 1110ot all gualilicalicnls regffile d 1(a( llusloo urld(:r applicahln law. In addilioru to the Iiolits ancd relncidios °;el
<br /> forth above, with tespoOl; to all or any pout of the L'foprilly, Illo. I1u000 Shall hnve the light In foreclose by notice find stow, and Luildor
<br /> will have Iho right to foreclose by Ilidiclal foreclorum, ill either case in accoidnncw with and 10 1110 fL.fll eXl(:Ilt IxoVldfid by al)plicfflale
<br /> Inw.
<br /> Successor Trnasloe. Lender, at I eu(ler' option, fatly,.(-.<*r•rM nut to bolo ;appoint a Puccassnl i ius,lor to any 'l luslee appointed under
<br /> this Deed of I rust by tin Ittslru.nn~tlr r rl u r 01 0 ackclii lee qurl by Lender rind re, corded in 111x, Office of the iecoider of I1A1.1- County,
<br /> Slalom of Nebraska. Tlje InStr(uri4°n Est all r r,fNfnia its riddili(~j11 to ell odlor Illallr I , required by m, lte Ifiw, fho diet .s of lh0 origi1)al
<br /> Leild(i, 1 nfslee, and fr 1 for lib( f, 1 ~ nut p{' Fit a E i fi~r(flr r syr;lc 1)l inlermicn) whore lhitl Deed of Tlusl is; tecrnded, and the melee
<br /> and address of the Sucr ara:tn~3ly 1~Lvl I!(rrl~llrtl>fticiU shall h executed and ucl;nnwledgr?d by 111 Ibe flcn0ficiarles unrlLi Lhls Deed
<br /> of bust or then sfu:cta nlluf"s1. rho succ.SSOI 1111SWe, witholft. coflVOyaoc:e Of Ill(! Propony, shall Succerd to all the title,
<br /> power, and duties conferred upon the Tiusifle ill this 1)MUd of Trust rind by alaplicalbi law. Ihis plerwdUrw for ,uhShI lien of i1wStMe
<br /> shalt govern to the exclusion of all other provisions for Suhstif Ilion.
<br /> NO11CFS. Any notice rrr(luir0d to bo given under Lhi:a L)eod of llusi, iru:ludincl without lirnitfllion ally notice of cdorfiult and -fey notice of
<br /> sale shall be, (liven in writing, and shall IM eff(=caivrt wb011 actually doliveind, when t-icl(rllly mf:(iivod by te,lefac'simile (unless crtheivvise
<br /> requ.aimo.1 by law), whom deposited with a natiollaldy recognized ovm1liy111 coutirrr, 01, if olailrled, when depor;iled in Lho Unitr.d Slater; ininil, ns
<br /> first class, c erliliod or registered -nail posulcfo prepaid, cdiroctod to Iho a(I(dre ssns; sdaown nriai the beginning of this Do0d Of l n_fst. All
<br /> copies of notices of foreclosure from Iho holder of ally lien which Iris; pliorily over (his Deed of Trust shall he sold Io Lendoi's ndcdrw ss, fis
<br /> shown nsar the beginning of this Deed (if Viust. Ally p0rsou (nay cl(rnlrlo his or lint'Iddlcs;s for nol.icris under this Deed of l1w;l- by giving
<br /> forrrlell writlon notico to the other person of petsonti, specifying thnl Ihci purpose of the uolico is to change the person's fi ddless. For
<br /> notice purposos, IYUStor agrees; to loft) Iofidur informed od all limeS 1)1 llus;lnr''s cwll'Olli. ad(Ires s. Unless otherwise provided or required
<br /> by law, if thole is more than one Irllslor, filly riol.ico given by I (-ender to rally'Irllslor is do(nuod to ho notice, -.liven to all -iluslors. It will be
<br /> Tlustor's rrsponsihidily to loll Iho others of the notice from Iemlef.
<br /> MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. the fr llowind rrliscMllarlenuS 1)[ovisiolls arc=, n pall of this Deed of irust:
<br /> Anmrudments. What is wlitLen in this Deed of lit1st and ill Ilfn Related 0oe(lmertis is; IruS1(tr'S OW110 agleoIo0ot with L_encder
<br /> (oncoming tile, mrlllers coverud by lhi, Dried or Trust. i-n he eflecliv0, any (bongo 1)r ammndment to this Deed of lrusf outfit. be in
<br /> writing find Ilmst ho si( tied by whoever will he bound or obligolod lay Ilfn (halit)e or anlrn(bnonl:.
<br /> Caption Headings. Caption IlHarlinys in this Deod of -Must arc for convrnifloce pmposiris only and are not to hr, used to inteiplet or
<br /> define the provisions of this Deed of f rust.
<br /> merger. lhero slulll ho no merger of tile, intrrost or uslalfa (:mflled Lay this Deed of T7ust with any other interest or esinle. in tho
<br /> Property at any lillm held by or for the bolo it of Lrndrr in tiny capacily, Wilhoul. (ho VVlition consoilt Of Lenr.dr.r.
<br /> Governing Law- This Doed of 'T'rrntt will be governed by federal law applicnble to Lolldm' raid, to the 0xtesit not proomp(od by federfil
<br /> law, the laws of I.ho Stan of Nebraska without lagfard to its cuuflict>; of law provisions. This Pfirld of host: has be=en ar,oopt0d by
<br /> Lander in the State of Nebraska.
<br /> Choice of Venue. If there is a lawsuit, Irflslor agrOMS flpon Lendor'S 1of uOsI. to r',Obmit In Ilse jurisdiction of thn. courts of 11,111 County,
<br /> State of Nebraskal.
<br /> Joint and Sevoral Liability. All ohigal.lolls of Irustof fnidul fill,,; I.4wil of Irusl shrill he joint and severMI, Mid ;)It to 11USIOr
<br /> s=hall rnonn nach and every l'rust.or, l his mofi s; 111M on0l l rue;lur :iynind below is Iespunsiblri for all obligalinns in thi^ Deed of Trust.
<br /> No Waiver by Leander. rltlslar midcirstmds Lender will not yivo kill any of I endor's ligbl; uodor Ibis D(`.C) d of TruS1: urile;;s I endear (Inc)";
<br /> so ill wrilincl. Tho face that LO1)(ler clolayr~ or unfits to e (orci so filly right will not IllmIll that 1 01)(101 has given (Ill that ri(lht. If 1.01)(1011
<br /> does agree ill wlitinq to give. 1,11) orle of L.oodor's rigills, Illat (Ines nol rluaata Ilustor will n()I have to ro mply with 1.110 other lrovisions
<br /> of this Dolod of Tr(Ial. Trustor also underslands that if Lrindrr dies corfsont (o n r0gur~sl, that does not mean that lfuslor will not
<br /> hove to cle( Lender's consent agaill if the sit(.truliorl bnlip0ns ngaln. Irustor barih0r rmdetstfillds Ihal josl hoc"mm, L.ondni, 0onsonrS to
<br /> one or mom of Muster's requosis, dint doe, not m0aru Linder will be, re(luiled to consonl to any of Trustor's LuRre, requests- Truslor
<br /> wclivos pres()lalmenl, delnalld for prtynlool, protest, Find nolk(n of dishonor.
<br /> Sryverability, If a court finds Ilia( any provision of Illk Dor:d of 1lust is riot valid or !-1millcl not be (mforcod, that ff)(1 by itself will nol
<br /> fnean that the rest of this DOnd of 'f rco;l will nol ho valid or 0nfoic.ed. flmio lore, a co(IIJ will e111forr,0 Ihr, IOSt of the l)IOVtFions of this
<br /> Deod of I1wil evell if n provision of this Deed of Trtn;1 niay be,. ((-lul=l to h0 imerflid of 1-11millol('eable.
<br /> Sticcormors and Assigns. Subject to any limitations; s:Lal.r.d in Ibis DOOM ()1 -Lr(It;t on Iiomu feu Of lruslor's illIPICSt, INS Dr0(I of Must
<br /> s=hall I.)cl bindin(,I upon acid iollro to Ihr; twooril of t11o l arli0s, their socc:essols an(I of;Signs. If ownership of the i'ropeity becomes
<br /> vested in a person other than -1rlisloi, Lender, Wilholft Iloliccl to Iluslur, cony deal with Tillstol's suc•rn5sor5 with lrifolollGO to (bit;
<br /> Deed of flust and lhn IlldebIka(Io tit; by way Of (nth(-term ice 1)1 oxtewrion vvilhout. fele-asinq Ir'(I81or horn Ihei obligalien; of this Deed Of
<br /> I rust or llahillly under thu hldehledlie.ss.
<br /> Time is of the Fssonco. Tirno is of the, OSSe1)ro ill the p(1rfurmance of this L)eed Of Trrlsi.
<br /> Waive ,fury, All pnrlies to this [)end of trust hereby waive Ihr liOht to any jl.ay trial in ally action, procoodin(L, Or r.0untcrclaim hr0tlgllt
<br /> by tally party against any other patty.
<br /> Waiver of Ilonlestm0 Fxernptioll. -Iluslor h0re,by release's mul wfliv0il fill ricthls nild hollefils of Ihci limileslead exefnplion Inws (1f the
<br /> Slnw of Nebraska as to all Ind0bledn(is•; socurord by Illis Decal of Illist.
<br /> DuINIiiONS. The followint) words shall have the following niuaniugs VVllell used ill IhiS D00d 1)1 Host:
<br /> Bon0ficiary. Hie word "Ren(ifi(iary" moans Equitalal0 1lafllc, mid its s;uccuf3!mrs find nasictns.
<br /> Borrower. Ibe word "Borrower" moans 11DRI'llI C /\L. WJISI and AMY I_ AWO..Ulf~l and inclurim; fill ro siclnols rind co fn-llwis,
<br /> signing tile, Cioclil Agroool ill. and all their successors fntcl co=signs,
<br /> c=redit Agwomont. Hin words. "Ciedil Agwamool" nfwflrt than cwdil ngrn0nlent elated V)n(cembei tl, 2010, with (leant lilitit 4?f
<br /> $53,69,75 from Iflislor to Lender, togellier with fill rellewals of, exleusions of, nlodificalions of, refiruaficiruls of, consolidations
<br /> of, and rubstitutions for tile, promissory note of' ugmenrM111. The maturity (Isle of this Deed of Trust is December ',I, 2(113.
<br /> (..teed of Trust. The word!; "Dowd of Ilusl" mean this i)erid of tide;( animig lru5t.or, Lend(, mid 'Irusloo, find includes wilhoul.
<br /> lifnilalion all a Sic:I1)niont arld seculily inl0resl provisions rokilint) to Ihci Poll ;olull Propeoly and heel-,.
<br /> Enviro illienrai I aw.s. -11 lie words "E livilonnlelllal k1ws" moan flay Full all mol[(a, fodelal and loco( SlatulnS, t0d Ulati(1r1S allot oldinaoCeS
<br /> relating to the protection of htunful hra1111 of the (nnrironnwill, inriuding without limitation the Coo lpieharlsive 1'nvilollmenlal
<br /> Response., Compensation, and I iabilily Act of 1980, 1)s ;urfnudrod, /12 ll. s.(:. Snclivll 9601, (:L sr i. ("UERCI. A"), the Stipetfund
<br /> Amendment, and Reafltborirfllioll 19136, Pub. I.. HO. 9~) /199 ("SAWV'), Iho I10,.ordou^ Molc.rtr+i lumspolloduii Act, 119 U.S.C.
<br /> iecaioo 1801, Of soq., Iho RrSoulcr Conscivalion and Micov0ry Act, '17 ll. S.C. `iocboll 6901, MI Soq., Or other applicnblfi s;tfdo or
<br /> fodoial laws, rules, or mcl(llatious mlopled pursminl lhmo(o,
<br />