<br />(C) "Lender" is CitiMortgage, Ina.
<br />Lender is a Corparatian "
<br />or�anized and exlsting uader the laws of New York .
<br />Lender's address �S 1000 TcChnology Drivr, O' Fallon, MO 633b8-Z240
<br />(D) "1Yustee" is First American Titic Campany .
<br />(E) "MF.RS" is Mortgage Electronic Registration 5ystems, Inc. MERS is a separale corporaiion that is
<br />acting sqlely as a npmines for Lender and Lender's successors and assigns. MBR$ is the b�neficiary
<br />under this Sec�uity Instrumart. MERS is or8anlzed and existing under the laws of Delaware, and has an
<br />address and telephone number af P.�. Box 2026, Flint, MI 485p1-2D26, tel. (888) fi79-MER5.
<br />{F) °Nate" means the prprnissnry note signed by Barrower and dated December 4, 2Q10 .
<br />The Nate states that Borrower owes Lender One Huadreci Twwty 8even Thousand Nine Hundr�ci Fifty
<br />Dollars
<br />(U.S. S 127�9SS.QU ) pl�s interest. Bnrmwer has promised to pay this debt in regular Pereodic
<br />Paymenis and to pay the debt in full nat later than J�auary 1, 2A26 .
<br />([3) "Property" means the proporty that is descrihed below under the heading "Transfer af Rights in the
<br />Property. "
<br />(H) "Loan" means the deht evidenced 6y the Note, plus �nteresl, any prepayrnent charges and late charges
<br />due under the Note, and all su�s due under this Security [nstrumenl, plus lnteresl.
<br />(I) "Riders" means all Riders In this SecurJty Instrunaent that are executed by Borrower. The fallowing
<br />Riders are to be executed by Borrower [check dax as applica6le�:
<br />❑ Adjushable Rate Rider � Cnndominlum Rider Second Home Rider
<br />� Balloon Rider � Planned Unit �evelopmeni Rider 1-A Faznily Rider
<br />[�,X, VA Rider � Siweekly Payment Rider Qther(s)' �specify�
<br />�ther(s)_
<br />(.� "Applioable Law" means all controlltng applicable federal, state BItd IOC� statutcs, regulations,
<br />ordinances and administrative rules and orders {thai have the effect of law} as well as all applicable final,
<br />non-appealable judicial apinions.
<br />(K) "Community Association Dues� Fees, and Asses�unents" means all dues, fees, assessments and oiher
<br />charges that are impvsed vn 8orrower or the Property by a condominium associativn, homeowners
<br />association ur similar argan�ation.
<br />{I.) "Blectronic Funds Transfer" means any transfer nf funds, ather than a lransaction originated by
<br />cheek, d�aFl, or similar paper instrument, which is initiated thraugh an electronic terminal, telephonic
<br />instrurnent, computer, or magnetic tape so as to arder, instruct, or authorixe a t3nandal institution to debit
<br />or eredit an accvunl. Such term fucludes, but is not limited to, paint-af-sale transfers, autamated teller
<br />rnachine transactions, trsusfers in�tiated by telephone, wire transfers, and automated clearfnghouse
<br />iransfers.
<br />(1� "Escrow Itams" means those items lhat are desrri6ed in Section 3.
<br />(l� "MiaceAaneoua P�roopeda" means any compensativn, settlement, award af damages, or praceeds paid
<br />by any third party (other than insurance pruceeds paid under the caverages descri6ed in Sectlan 5) for. (i)
<br />damage ta, or destrucEian nf, the Property; (u) eondemnation or ather taking of sll or any part of the
<br />Property; (iii) conveyance in lieu vf condernnation; or (iv) rnisrepresentations oF, or omissions as to, the
<br />vatue and/or conditian of the Property.
<br />(�) "Mortgage Iaeurance" means insurancc protecling Lender agalast the nonpayment of, ar defauli on,
<br />the Loan. ��.
<br />001127.289352 c�..7� CitIlvlartgsge'7 YS
<br />NE8RAS1(A - Singls Family - Fsnnla MadFreddle MaC UNIFQRM INSTRIJMEM WfTH i�A
<br />�$A(Nq (0870) Pagr 2 af 15 �nkide: y� Fortn 8028 1l01
<br />