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<br />� .. � - _� : �. WA►RRAN'I'Y DEED � �+�-
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<br /> � 1. The City of Grand Island,Nebraska,by action of ita GYty Councu on January
<br />:. �`�-=
<br />: 27, 1992, enacted Ordinance No. 7782 wWch directed the conveyance of the real eetate
<br />; ' ' * desscnibed below and the manne�r and terms thereof.
<br /> � . 2. Ordinance No. 7782 was published in the Grand Island Independent e___—
<br /> �� ��'�� ' � � acxording to law, and notice of such sale and the terma thereof was publlsbed in the Grand
<br /> 1 ' � Island Independent, a newspaper published in and of general clrculation in Grand Island,
<br />,::�-�'', Hal! County, Nehr�.Rka, for three consecutive weeks. on February 4, February 11, and
<br /> February 18, 1992�aU as required by Section 16-202, R.R.S. 1943, as amended.
<br /> � 3. No remonstrance against such sale was�iled with the City Counci!of the City '�`
<br /> � of Grand Island Hall County, Nebraska, within tbirty days of the paasage and pubGcat�on
<br /> ' , „ of Ordinance No. 7782. _
<br /> �.�`=:�—��_
<br /> � ; V 4. Section S of Ordinance No. 7782 provides that if no remonatrance is 61ed � • � ��������
<br /> . . .. .
<br /> .;...
<br /> • against such conveyance, the Mayor and City Clerk shall rnake. execute, and deliver to '` ��-�
<br /> � EDGAR G. McMULLEN and BETTY J. McMULLEN, husband and wife, a warrenty �""'i''"r��:.-
<br /> . �.�•��
<br />� deed for said real estate, and the executioa of such deed is hereby authorized without ���—
<br /> • further aation on behalf of the City Council. �_--'=LL-'�"^-'
<br /> , � -.�:..�----
<br /> ��'.`•°�� -
<br />- 5. NOW� THEREFORE, the CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, a � ��� ��.;=.
<br /> � municlpal corporation ia Nall County, Nebraska, as Grantor, in consideration of Nine � •� - �
<br />` " . � Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($9,500.00) received from the Grantees. hereby granta, im_,. ...__..__
<br /> ` �• bu aius, sells,conve and confirms unto r�;:;b,;�,..
<br />- , g YS+ ,�► .� .�,•-
<br /> ' EDt3AR G. McMULLEN and BETTY J. McMULLEN, � r,,
<br /> � , � husband and wife, as joint tenants� the following described real estate:
<br /> ' . � .
<br /> � ,
<br /> , ,
<br /> ,
<br /> ,
<br /> � I
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<br /> . . ,
<br />