. '--�r'^ - _-- — - ;v�{ . — '.;��.t,. '.t. s ^`'•� -�. n. '_ -� � --t4' - ' ',^t° -
<br />. .t. - -- -' _�.�.._,... `�� ``A �._.._u� ;,'..Y. '��._�..J
<br /> , �d€?-?'•:-.
<br /> 9�° 5�0�8�� . �,:_
<br /> paymenas may no langer be req�at the o�an of I.e.ad�.if cQn�ge ins�rarcce o�++e�age(m th$amnunt snd for e pea�ad �:: ��
<br /> tha3 L�easier n�uir�s)Pmvided by aa ms�er appiaved by Lender agai�bawsaes s►va�ah?�end is obiaiaed.Barmwer shall gay dse .
<br /> —° prerniams reqlvteb to ma;n�a+*� ffiart�age�aoe m eSect.ar to�ovide a toss r�seave.unu7 the requice�neat foa mongaae —
<br /> insuiance e,na�in aowrdauce wit�any vrr���oeslei+t beiw�en Bosrowea ens�I.eudrt ar sppY�cab2e law. ,���:
<br /> ° 9.Ia4pe�na. Latder ar its agent map maYe rsa5anabl�entri�s upon and insgecdnns of t&e PropErty.Ler►dea shall give '; `
<br /> Banawei nonioz at the dme of or pti�r to sa insp�ion sp�f}ring reaso�abk cause f�r the iaspear�fl. - -.
<br /> - 10.Coa�a�aa�a. The pmceeds of any award or claim far d3mages.d'a�x as oansequsnnal.in oanaectian wit6 any � '
<br /> �• candernaaiiun ar other ta�g of any pact of the Prapeaty,or for oonvzyar�e ia liru of can8emna�on,ara hereby assi�ed and : � .
<br /> :.liCll W�LD i�GLLLLt'd. Y..'.Y�—
<br /> �"�' Ia the eveut of a wrdl� of dze Pco �
<br /> � P�Y.tha psoceeds shall be a�plied w Ehe sums secured by this Sec�uity Tnstinmien�, •. -
<br /> `.;,� r�hether�r gu2 ti�dae.with any exce�Qaid to Balmwa.In ths evtat af a paatia2 ta�ag af di..Prapzrty in whicb the fair m�',c� - -�=�
<br /> � • vt�e of the Fm�ty immediaLZly Fsefoie the talc�g is eq�al o0 or g�eatez d�t�amouns of ths sums s�a�red by this S�r � :�-`."
<br /> • �ti ��mnmrAintaly b2fOre ff12 I�i�ig,t1i�Ies4 HOTrOV�et Snd LW�otlt�wise agFEe ID w�iting,th8 SumS SeCU�e�by dlis f_ _-=_:.=
<br /> � Seraair�Iaetr�+mmt shaII be ced�ced by tke amavaE of e�e proceEdg muifrpiied by tl�e fo])Awffig frsctian(a)th�e mtal amoant of - _
<br /> ::� the soms sec�aed'uamed€atr�bef�tZ�c ta�ug,divis�d by @3 ths fait u�arlcet vaLze of t�e Fiaperty m,+�t���;before the 4,�'��,;-
<br /> '`'� �g.Any balauoe small be g�a�B�ovrer.In tIse evcui of a�rtial taking of the Progerty m which ths fa'u mad�value of ti�e :.
<br /> �:, �. p�,nperty unmediately before tha talm�g is less t'aan t�e amannt of the sums secaced�ly be:oie the taktng, �utlr�ss 3���-
<br /> � Bormwer and Leadez oth�+ise agree in wn:�a�ua!,ess applirabie l�w afheawise pmvides.the pioceeds st�be hed as�dhe
<br /> s�ns sec�ued by rbis Seauiry Inst�ameat whet�er or rtoa the sums are thra due. � �y:� T
<br /> ;''�• If tke Pi�opaty is ab��rsed by Bazm�rer,or if4 after notioe by Leadzr tn B��tbat the candemnor offers to maYe am ;�.r��;,.
<br /> award or seitle a cta�m far damages,Boaaarzr faa7s w re�oad w I.e��r within 30 ai�s 3.Rer th�datc the nnuce is gtvea,L�a�ar � �—
<br /> is anthorized Oo ooliect aud apgIy ttte g�viceeds.at iLv aptinn.eath�r to restarati�on or r�af�e�r ar to du sums sec�ma3 E'=`-`�'
<br /> by th#s Sec�7c�,tasnumeat,whetl�er�aot then due. F�-�..
<br /> �iaiess�:�r tmd Borrav�er oihe�lisx agr�in wcitia8,anY BPPlk�atian of�ua�s t��apa1 sUatl nx��ctr��or postpone ,'' _�
<br /> t::a�e date of d�e ma�nthly paymeatc�fared O�in p�As 1 and 2 azrkange t�tt�n�i af sa�h paym�. `.`-�`�
<br /> Y ��•---
<br /> -- 11.Borr�er Not Ytel�sed;Forbe�oramoe By I.ffider Not a Waiv� Ext�sicm•s�€�x.:�:far payme�,t�:r modifi�ai�'on
<br /> . 1 • of amm�nn of the snms s�ws����Sec�rity tnsuameat gimsszd by L�ender tn s..-;:�m int�t of Bm�awer s6ail
<br /> . `�.
<br /> .;•. Adt OjlCt'ilt�.tQ ICt�ittE �St ' �33`l�°•Q�1g102�BOIIOQiIPI QT BOAOWa'i'S SUCCCSSOhi Iii E�tR1�5f.�I:IIaPI 5112II IIt2t 1!C IEQUIICd f0 ��
<br /> PI
<br /> .�•�� � oommercce gcoceed�n8s a�any svooessor in IIt�est ar refase to extrad t�e f�ga��ar zt�eswise madify�n of
<br /> . tI�e sams s�aed bp this Secariry 1n�nment by ieasQn of aay dc�nand madc 6q t���ctrawer or Bot�aa+er's suocessors �r°_`.�
<br /> ' m inteiest Any faz6eaiance by I,eader in exet�civng aay right or remedy s6aI1�ot be a az���af�r pzecIa�de the exe�ctse 9��Y ��
<br /> = : riBEt��y. � . �' --
<br />-_ � 12.Sas�sso�And As�ns Bo�d;Joint sad Seeerat i�bittty;Co-stgnera �e cove�murs and agT�ts o� i�
<br /> � �uriry 1asWmeut shall biud aud beaefit the saeces�s and assi �"''~
<br />. gas of Lea►der�Bosmwe+�, snb�ecx tm td�ce�rovi�s�rF �. .
<br /> c
<br /> • �a,giapb 17. $aaowet's coveaants aud agreeme� s'�a11 be juint and several. Any �or�uwer wbo'so-sfi�ts this Secu�ip -_ .
<br /> � �.at bui dces not exearte the Nar� (a)is co-�8 this S�Y Ins�t on1Y w�rt�8�8�t aad canvey,9rt�� ��.i
<br /> • Barmw�'s�u�m the Ptup�ty��tams of tlils Se�iry J'�fi @)is not p�y oblagatEd to pay tbe sr�.
<br />� �� saaar�bY Bris 3eanity►Instr�eufi and�i�agiees tbai Leudzr aad an o9het Bonrower �:
<br /> ' ees ny maY agiee to extend.madlfY.fabeae�r
<br /> � m�Tce aaY accommodat�s with rega�d to the trrms of Wis Sec�ity Iastrmneat a:the Noie witLoui tbat Ba�o�s�er's cor�eai. ���
<br /> . = I3.l.�n CLu�a+. If the Wan secu[ed by this Secaairy Ins�meat is sab,�ecx w a 1aw whtc��m�im�Poai►chatges. --
<br /> � '� aM tl�t taw is SaaRy tnmpr�te6 so dfat the interest ar other toan charges coltected or rn be oo]lecWl ia oaaa�aith die loaa --
<br />:.,�,:' � exceed tl�e Dormiued iimi�then:(a)any s6ch ban cb�rga sLaD be redaoed by the saw�t necess�y to r�dvoe tt�se e to the
<br />:.���;�;,; an �
<br /> vermi�d 11�i�ena(b)8ay s�ms almady�onecxed fr�n soaomr aturb exceedea permitted l�ni�w�l be r�fandea m s«mwc. �:.�`"
<br /> � ��� ,' Leader may c�oase w a�aice this refimd by iedacing the pr�cipal o�ared unAer rlc�.NoDe ar by mai�g a d�rect payment tn ---
<br /> . : �°rmwer.If a rr�imd rrduces psiacipal.the reduc�an vn�be t�ated as u gz�L peepaymeat with�a�Y�ayment cl�r8e '=�' ,`
<br /> � mam�..0 tbe Notrs� �
<br /> 14.No�iaes. Anyr no6ce u��aa���sr�rrvlded far in tLis Sec�i.�T��;-n-�t shaU be givea by deliv�ring it or lry m�7iag it
<br /> by fir�class.�imtess appticab3e f.�:n c�{�res usc of aiw�her methat.'4�t:FS�lee s6ai1 be d'aacted m d�a Fm�pQty Ad�a� .
<br /> ' auy oesei add�.=s Barowes�ignst�s fie3�natice ta I�eader.Any aosice to Ia�ndc�s+all be givea by f�st c,la.cs m�l to Leadet's
<br /> .. addrtas slated.�ttx-�n�or a;�"�1 ats�ri ad'dtess I.eader d�goates by notice to Banraaar.Any mtice provide�for�n this Securiry . � :.-=�-
<br />� Ins�umcat s�tx dee�eG+trf�'ave bceo�vea m Boaowa a LEadrr whea givea as provided�a this�h. —
<br />.;;,, 1S.Co�=Law.Se�r�esnLflity. 11iiv Secaairy Insuumeai shall be g�vr�aed by feder�l law aud the law of tbe �•±�::
<br /> . , jur�sd��os n!�ch t6e Ptageity is dr��.Ia tbe e+�ni that arry p�svLsian or ctanse of tLis�ocs:�ty Iasumment ar tLa Note _ -
<br /> . �� � r.�nflicLa with applicable lav�.such a�t shall not affect othei pmvi�ons of this Security Ias�o�va t?ie N�te wbich c�be �'. -_'
<br /> . �. �J.�en�'ect witboat the oamiiii�ng ps+nvi.gtoo.To this�d tho pravisioas of this Sec�uity Instratne��tit��LO�r,to��e docl�e�to • -
<br /> � Ce sav�abSe. �-
<br /> .:f .
<br /> For�n S.72s Y/i0 - -
<br /> �dR(ftLj+;.�t�.o� vap•sou rnqt�: _
<br /> � �" '- -
<br /> Y . . ' . .,.. ��s�F -
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