. = --� - — - - ..}.. .:.:ti�r = r _ . __f; _ _ � � `.��:.V . - �� _ ..
<br /> - �11,:- _ ��:��� _
<br /> ' y�:...:
<br /> g69 ��5��� ::_�.
<br /> TO�fiI4�lt 1�+ITH r.il tha imp3ove3nents now a�hereafte.r ea�tsd on the pqapeaty.and ari easemears.app�.ead :: .;
<br /> fixfure�oow or��reaftea a p�t of the pmperty.Atl rapl�meats aad�dditinns shall aLso be oove�ed by this 3sxiaity lnstrument
<br /> _ �i1�1'r e3�fr�tsre�w3in�i9 refetrpd to in�hi-a�qigy In.ctrumr�as���,^
<br /> _"' BDRRO�`!ER COV�NA1oYfS u�Y Bmrrower is IavrfulSy�of t��c�tate heaeby oonesyed�nd 6as u�righc ta�nt aad -
<br /> oanv�y t�e Fmpegty a��th�a t3tE Pm�eaty is �encvmbered.�cept for encamin�aes of r�oard Bonower wa�ranis aad wiJl
<br /> : ' defcad geaaaBy tbse title w t�a Property against all claims aad de�aads,s�bject w any e�camtrranc�ss of record.
<br /> THIS SEC'URTTY INS'IYtUMENT cambuies unifmm covenants far miional nse azcd non-unifami cave,aants wit}i limii�d
<br /> _ vaaati�ns by jurL�diction tn caastimt�a unifarm sec�ity in�uument wvering real praperty.
<br /> Uf�TIIaORM COVEtVANTS.Bonowea and i.ender coveaant and ag�ee as foliows:
<br />: �- l.Fayment o�principal aad Int�t;Prepayment aa�Late Chargea Bottnwer shall PremP�Y PIIY whsn durr the
<br /> -�'`� priuciP�l of a�iaLeaest on tha debi evidenced 6y ths Note aad anY Prepayment apo lar� _
<br /> � 2�+�ls ter TaaES an�Insmract� Sab' tn �8�due under the PIote. --
<br /> .�ct apPlicable law ar to a writte� waivez 6y I.e�der,Bairower sl�231 pay to
<br /> '` . Leader oa the day moathly payments aze due aad�tha Note.until the Nose is paid'm fuD,a sz�("Fimds'�far.(a)yeariy tax�s -�"
<br /> -!�_�
<br /> _ and ass�s�enLS whi�cb may�uam pri�iry over this Secarity Iast�nm�t as a lien�dte PropeatS,ib)Ye�lY leaseliolcl paym:ats '�.,,.,
<br /> � ar�d reats on the PtoPFity►,if anY.(�)Y�Y�a�P�F�Y 119d7�"--�P�(�Y�Y�"'�'=F�s.�
<br /> � �Y.(e)Y�Y���P�.��Y;sad(�any s�ms payable by B�aow�t to L.endea.irt acaordgas�wasL th� �,-�:
<br />. ' . grovi�nais of�b 8, in li�n of tlr�paY�ent of mart888e�s�a�aa��emi�,Th�se itr,�s are caltaf �Cntiv Items." �;:._;;:
<br /> I�ader may.st sny am�.onil:�3 and huld Funds ia an amount uot to exceed the m�n��nunt a t�rcder for a fedaalty rel�d is.�-�.
<br /> .. mortg�ge loan may iequue f�Hoaarrer's�scow aa:ount undeJ the federal Rea!Estate 5ettlem��Pmc�v Acx of 1974 ag ��`=�
<br /> ame�ded fmm tint�co tmne,12 U.S.C.S�26t11 u se9• (°R�F%+7.imtess anotker Iaw tdret applies tn ths Faads seis a lesser '��,':_;.�
<br /> . sma�►t 1f so.r�r may.at aay ri�e,couect and hom Fnnds m an amount not w exceea tlse l�er sm4�i.r�may ` , '
<br /> . . ' ' est�are the am�rof Fmnds dae on the basis of caaeai d�ta aad�+zasoaab2e es�nates of expeadiru�es of fatiue F�crow It�s oz ���t:
<br /> � ��,` otls�wise m aooa�aace aiifi a�plicable law. •�.����
<br /> .,:.:��:�
<br />�'��-� 7�Fua�s s(t�be tcedci m an institntian whose deposits aze mstued by a fedaal agen�y, ,ot�titY C�S
<br /> '���� Lreader.if L,ead�is sacti sa mstimtion)oJ in any Fedeial Ha�In�BaNc.I.esid�a shall �
<br /> spply t�Funds to pay t�e Esca�rv "y
<br /> IUems.I,ender may�ot�arge Bmro�vet far�ld'mg and app7ymg tt�e Fimds.aaauaRy analy�ing t?ee�,caow accwn3,ar vesifyjag ;x..`
<br /> the Fscaow Ite�s,imIQS.s I en3�pays Boaower mte�rst on the F�nds and a�pplicable 1aw perffiits Leada ta m��cEs a ct�ae�e.
<br /> � However,LrB�a may zeqaue Baimw�r co pay a oa�tiffie charge faar an inde�i rea]es�te mx zep�fin�c,r�v�e used by ,'� :
<br /> ' :.4 ��_....
<br /> j.28�1 IID CA�D�pD Rt111!�S�Il.�4 F��IC'd�jC�3W jJlpVll�'S Ot�ki�WlSC.U�.S4 8n 8$[8�t 1S IIl'd�iC Li�T:l��Ll�1b�1$yy
<br /> � teqairt,s uttes¢st fn be p�.Lender s5all nflt�e�ed tn pay BarmwEr auy iute�a�eamings on t!��'�B�o�ra end �'•
<br /> I.ender a�r agr�e izs writing.hawevet,t�2,t.irst�sest s1�ai1 be paid on the Fand4.Lender sbal! � n^-:--:
<br /> a give w Bano��ic�t staarg�,an �,;�;:;
<br /> � ffimaal aoaxmtIn�g tsL-tEs Fimds,shawing crad:`ffi and�+ebits to�he Fimds and the purpose far whic��h deb��t�3 rla�s aav ��:"��"`
<br /> ma�.Tfse Fnn��p�edged as additinnal seaai3�r far all svms secured by this SecuQity InsLranaeaL �i�:�
<br /> If the F�s U�1 by I.eada�xoeed the ama��peimirte�w be held by applic�bTe 1aw,Le�der aLatl aacomt tu Ba.�svea far ��'��
<br /> � tia�access Fan�s:in.3ocnrdanoe arith the req�neats of applicable law.If tha amo�t of the Funds hP?d by Len�at�uy�is ��r
<br /> ;`• not safficiettt to kty ehe Hsaow Items v�d3se,Leadet ma so -
<br />� m Lc�der the a:�r.:n14 to malce� me Y II°�Y�r�awer ia wr�mg,$ad,in sucb case Bmmrrcr shall pay �_R,_
<br /> �Y � de5ci�ncY. Bormwrr sLail matce ap the defici�acy in rw moee tL�aa tc�elve �:�.,�-
<br /> manthIY p�yme�ts.at Leader's sok dissae�on. '�".
<br /> ��'`•
<br /> Upon paym�t m fnll of a1�.sns sec�ue�by t�is Sec�riry Ia�-w�at,Lai�shall pmmPtIY ref�el to B�mrrer s�ny Fmds
<br /> n ��._..-
<br /> 6e1d bp�.eades.��der paiageaph 21,Ler:�shaD ecquae ar scll tbe Pragesty.Leader,P�ior Gu the aciyu�sItion az sal�of t6r3 -°
<br /> .. •,
<br /> Pm�erey.sbaU ap�ty any Fimds held by Lender at the�rae of zcqa�it�nn�saSe as a c:edit ag,�inst the s�v Ea�aued bp Qn3 I��.�
<br /> r SC�ity Ip9�f� . ��;9, :
<br /> . �` �-- _
<br /> <:,��� 3.Appli�n�i�aymwts. UNes�eppSicabk law grovid�s otf�wise,aIl paymeats re�e3ved bq I�nnder p�^� ���
<br /> 1 and 2 s�II he�lied:6rst,w any prepaymeat c�arges dua midct the NeNe:saoa4 tn amauntq paynbse�p�Z; "�--�,�-
<br /> �. �� th�d,tm inta�stdts�faurtb,to princi�pal du��d Lut.tn any lat�e cAarges d�e�ea ti�e Note. °—;--
<br /> ��,,:.;-:.
<br /> .�u,k_ 4.C�argea;:Lt�.sia. Bo�awe:shall pay aII tues.assessmeats.c1��.fines aad anpo9tioeaa�ta ta tta�Ptoyetty --...�.-
<br /> �.,:_.-
<br /> . .�+t,' wtich may et�'a�airy ova t�s Secariry Instr�meat,�nd tr�s�oW paya�ents ot�d reats.if�ay.Ba�nrrer shaU�ty dieae
<br /> � obtigadons ia�a�p�ovid�in para�yh 2�or if r.os paie m a,a:ma�mer,Bar�v�shalt pay th�a►an dme aizoct3y ea�tne °__�
<br /> . paaoa owed�gaymeat B�rawer ahari�eSmptly f�ntsh w Lendar�II aotices of ar�r�ts w be pald uader tha p�t�.If �•
<br /> -_ Hoaowa makes r�ese p�}rments ai�aty,saQOwar shau pmmpuy rmnish co r�eaac nocei�evideaciag me paym;cnB. --__.
<br /> BoROwel a6�ilg�;mmpily discharge aay lim wbich has pri�ily over Wis Securiry Las�a.�neat an1�^�s Bosmr�et.
<br /> . � wrl�ag�tbe gt�ymtent of t�x obli ���F"`"s� a��.��
<br /> . gation sec�ued by tbe lien in a maanet aece�table to I�der;(6)cantaAS in good f�3 tl�e fien —
<br /> . � ' bY. �x"�r•�inst eafor�cmeat of the liea in, l�,�al PmceedinSs whicb m tt�se I.eader's opin�an opeiaoc w Drcveat the - .
<br /> :. , tufiiut�.�s�a:t a�tLe tiea;�(c)sec�aes fmm the 6older of the 1im an a�eemeat satisfacsary ta Leader subc�tl�g the tiem to ;t� �
<br /> . _,, � th�5czc.�ty fr�..m�ent 1f l.eader det�ines tt�at�y part of the�t+apert�is subJxt to a Ika whic�may analn pr�aritp avca ttat =-"
<br /> . Sacaaity Insttumen�Lcader ja
<br /> :�."' Qf the actioas s�t fi�tb abave wIrLtn lOBomower a ncstioe ideatifying tt,e urs,�.Bsurower s�all sat�fy the tien�r ta�u ane oi cr�: --
<br /> days of the giving of nayce.
<br /> . Fonn�G28 �t�D • � }���
<br /> ' �-iRiN�toz��.o� aaa.zo�e
<br /> IntLf.r. � �`.
<br /> `••kr
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