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<br /> , 13.NoZiccs.Aay aotice to�oirower provided for ia this Secuiity Insuu�sh11 be given by e ee�ng it or �-�;,
<br /> by mai3Ytz�it by first cDass�onless a�gllt�bie lacv requia�s use of anoth�m�?au�.The ufltioe sl�all be dire�xed ro E`°" ;-
<br /> : r;
<br /> , the Pm�ty Address oz any oti�r addr�ss�orrower desig�ates try notice w Lgnst.ar.Any notice to Leader shall be
<br /> g at
<br />� g6v���y firse ctsss�il to Lender's addzess state�herain or aa}►a�diess I+�rder de�ignates 6y aotice to Bormwer. _ __.'
<br /> --= Any acetice pmvided for in this�Erurity f++stn�rt si�ali Ge dee�ed ta ijavz b-:,ca gi�raa ta Burra��or I�d:s eJheu �::,
<br /> � givta as provided in this parag,raph. °-
<br /> � -.
<br /> ' 14.G�verufng iacv;Severabi4Y�y.'I9�is Seeufsty d��rumra2 sh�ll bs govemed by Fedeial law ar�ths law of ,.---
<br /> • the juYiadicfion in whicS�the Pcap�ty is located.In the event thas auy pmvisian or cZaure of thLs Secarlty Instru�sat � ..
<br /> � or tLe Note confiicts with applicabiE law.such oanSicc shaU aot�x other pravisaons of chis Seau€ry Insa�wt or e:,-=
<br /> the Note which can Ix givEn effec3 witha�the canflicang pmvisfon. To this�ad the pmvisfons n4 Wis Sa��ity t �`"
<br /> � .
<br /> ,. lnsttu�sent su�d tho Nate are deci2red m be severable. =-- -
<br /> 1S. Bu�a�reg's Copy. Bormwer shaU he given one confarmed copy of the Note and of this Searriry .•.. .:
<br /> . h,�.,m,A.,* �
<br /> . .. • --- �- � °
<br /> 16. B�aer2o�S�st��. Boimwer shall not ca�se or pemiit the pieseace,�e.disposal,srorage.or ceieass .
<br /> � of auy F�arardons Sbbstaus�on or In the Pmperty. Bamswer shall not do.nor allow aayoae else w dn,anY�B
<br /> affaaing the Pro�eCty thai is h�violaifnn of an3r Favimnmental Iaw. The p�ceding taro s�shalE�L appiy to _...
<br /> . the p�ce, ase. or starage an. ti� Pmperty of ama11 qna�iri� of Hazardflns Su6sta�tces tbat aze geaeially �:_
<br /> . ieeognited to be appr�pri.ase to nomrai rs�sideIItial u:es and to m�of tYis Ptupercy. �
<br /> � Bomower shall pmmP�Y 8�+e�arrittea nnrice of aay iuv�ig�tioa,.d�.im.demaa�l,lawsnit or Qtli,�r action �
<br /> hY�Y 8ovammcntai ar aegalatoiy►agency ar P�P�Y involving thz I'ia�.y md azry Hazardnus S�i�or �
<br /> Favironmmtal Iaw af�r�3ir�Bomuwer has a�xual t�wLodge. If Bormwer f�,or is nntified bY�Y S� �,,.
<br /> or rtgulatory authoriry,that anyr removal or other rtmed3atioa of atry Iia�arddons Substa�s affec.ting the FtogeRy i� �::_�_
<br /> n�►,Bormwe�shall PmmPdY taYe all n�►remedial acbioas m accro�with Fnvuonmental Iaw. _
<br /> As osed in this para,graph 16, `Harrzdone �.'�►.��' are those snbstances dsfined as toxlc or h�ns ��.
<br /> . . � by Fnvir�onme�tal Iaw aad the folle�rmg substances: gasoliae, �erosene, aih�t ftammabl�va toxic "--
<br /> • �; # petmIeum pmdncts.m�pesttcldes aad herbicides.vo2an'Ie solvents,�zterials containing aabestos or fi�s3d�hyde, —
<br /> �d radia�ve matesinTs. �1s ased�a this puagraph 16. 'Envimnm�nsal Law'�ans falezal Iaws aad lawa of the '—�
<br /> �:��';,�. j�isdiaiun wheie We Pr�tg Es Trswt�d tIIat celate to Lealth�safery or eavBOammtal prat�inn. _
<br /> ..,;,�};�� .
<br /> . n,;,. _
<br /> ' t NON BJMFORM CQVE:PF.t�a.�'TS.Borcowes aa8 I�adtr further oovenant aa�agsx�e as foIIaa�s: _-_
<br /> � _� ' � 1?.A�ametba�3�sfa Bonower aacoaditionally a�signs�d t�ansfe�rm L�der all the rr�ts a�uf.s�treIIUaa
<br /> . ,r.` of tha Prege�ty.Somnwer aathorizes Len�er or I�d..�r's agents to ooliect the�aasl rev�s and @s��f;diie�ts
<br /> : ,. ` c�h te��of the F�nperty w pay the rznis w�.endez or l.s�'s aga�is. Howevrs, pr�ua ta Ia�d�r'G nufc�e t� __.
<br /> � �rrawer of Baaa�r�'s hsr,ari�of a�r covenznt or ageement in the Seca�rity Iast�ument,BmSao��er s1LiDI co�Iect�d
<br /> xeceive�ll r�ta aad res+enues of the Proporty ag uasta for the bmafit of I�tr aad Barraaver. 't]ifs a�sfg�z�ent of .
<br /> �. �.� �ents canstit�ates aa ahsoiute assigRment aad not an as..rignrn�ent for additIonzl sewrity onIy. . �
<br /> �` If I.eader gives no?iae of bm�ch w Bormwer.(a)all ients r�ceived by$ornower sbaB be hc18 by��cr�vrer asr � ,'
<br /> `. • unstee fot benefit of I�eadar on1y,w be appliad to the sum9 se�arcd by the SecurIty�t;.•�)Leuder si�all be �
<br /> ;�;��t' entiBed to coltect and rea�iva�Il of the reats of the Pmpeny:sud(e)each ten�t of the Pc�s�i�!x�all pay all rents �""
<br /> �,i;�°,�� de,`�d�gaiQ w Iradcr or L�eader's ageat on Ler�Lr�r's wriuea demwd W the tenaa� � ,:;:
<br /> . � r, Bbrrower I�ncrk cc�aeented any piior a�rart:+�f the rents and ha�not anci'u�ill nat perForm aa�:�:tl�t woutd �':
<br /> ,.�`3,�� ;: _n,.__,
<br /> ;;�q(�;���, prev��t I�der ftom�3s�8 ita rights tu�der thGt�Str�.�aph 17. . . . , .-..-1e�•�
<br /> `E�e��;�', I.endes shaU aot be iequired to enter apo0..taltc iu��ani�r�2intaia the Pmparry b�ffa�ar after giving aatIoG �� ''.. �`-
<br /> of brexic�o Bonower.Rowever.I,ender or a judiciall�,���inl��.eceiver may do so as any time there is a br�ch. ., :.
<br /> • Atry appf�catian of rents sha)1 not cure or waive auy��i:faalt ax 3�valtdate a�►at�er righc ar remefly of I,ender. Tbis . � _.
<br /> �'' ,�' asaignment of rwts of the Pmperty shaU terminate winen the dcbt savnd by the Secarity lnstnimmt,is paid in full.
<br /> .., .
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