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<br /> � abasdoned Pr+��crty. Banower shatl also be ia d�fault if Boa�wer. du�in� tHe ta�a ap�3i aa.pws�ss. gave '_
<br /> materially false ar inaecurate lnfozmation or statements to LsaQer(or failed to pmvi,de L�^�.a w�fb�y m�eerlal `_=�:
<br /> infoimarion) in cana�ciEon cvith the loan evidencesl by ti�2 Note. igdIId9ag, bUt aai limited ta, ,�cpresmtattans � `�
<br />= c�g �artaw�r's a t a s p a u z y of shs Ptogzr�► as a p�ias�:pal r�eide�ce. If t4is Security I�-tt�tm�►i':s an a „���
<br /> leaseiiald,Bo�roarer shall oomply with the grovisions of th�tease.If Borrower acx�uic�es fee atie to�1ua Prop�sty.t�.e .. �
<br /> teasehold and fee tItk shall aat he merged unless i.eader agrees w the�erger 1a wc�dng. ��_
<br /> . 6.Coad�oa.The pmceeds of any awazd oT claim for damages,dizect ar co � = tial.in d�nn.�tion vrit� �`'".
<br /> • aay coadsmnati�n or oingr t�ldng of auy part nf thz Fro�ty.or for canveyaaoe ia pl�ce of oa��dt�a�lian. are � _=
<br /> hanhy assign�d and shall 6e paid to l.eader to the extent of the full umnunt of tt�u indebted�r..�th'���ains wa�said -
<br /> tmder the Kou afld this Secarity Insuam�t. l.eader shatl aP?SY sarh praaeeds w the¢�ducdias�of LTta itulebte�ness ��-
<br /> � under the Note anti th�s �ity Insroraffisni. f�! i� �*ry delinauau amaants appli�d in tkr��dfe�'piovidad ia �
<br /> pacagraph 3.and theu w Pa�PaYt�ent of F�P�-�I+�'►i lirxtion of th�p�n to th�p�gal sI�3!aot extead or f".-� _,
<br /> P�nFon�thc due date of the�IY payments.cvF�ird�axe mf�zied to in g�h 2.or�rt�ra�e�uut of s�uh �-�
<br />: '� paymenta• Any exoess gmceeds over aa a�w�t nq�ire�W gay.r.11 outs�ling�tdebtodne.ss�c�e Note�d tbis _
<br /> Securlry Insua,ment�all ba p�fd w the eutiry IsgaliY enaited��. �`,;�
<br />:. 7. Ctnrges to IIan+ower aad Pt� aQ Le�d�'s Rigi� f�t,i�e �upe��8y. �o�m�mrt shail gay all .xr.�:�-
<br /> govemm�I or�al c�argrs,6nes aad imposidoas tLst aie aot i��in paragta�2.B�ur�r sball pay �"
<br /> these abliguians oa tir�di�ctly to ths entity which is owed the paymer�.Lf f�ituc�to pay Rvm'1dia.�v�sety affact ���-
<br />.-�� Isnder's iatenst ia t� Pmpety, npon I�nder's �t Botro�er sha]1 promgdg f�i.tb ta>II.eadsr teceiFt4 �.,;
<br /> `� e��$g�p��� 2.oQ f�s ta rs6omi�y at�ser � �-"�_
<br /> �`' If Boaaarer faila to maYe th�se p�ymeats ar the PaY��raN��Y P� A. P
<br />� ' cavmants aad a�cmts containcd in this 5ear�&��inso�umm�,or there is a l�g�l proc¢��ihaE t�f siS�ffC.'tatlY -
<br /> , affe�t Is�et's rigEis ia the pmgetty(s�as��ooeeding in ba�lcncptcy�fac coad�nmaticm aa w�enfn�e laws or �'
<br /> tegrilauons),tjten l�r may do at�d pagr w�xtever is n�r to Pmt�the valaa of tL�P.rop�ty aad Lc�der'a - _
<br /> rlghts in the PropertY,��8 P�of ta�v.hazard L���and arher items mee�tio�d in g�agh 2. �
<br /> A�r amauars disbuised 6y L,endar imdet this pard���a�l baonrae an additior,al��rt o��aaawer aad be ��',
<br /> seco:od isy this Sec�uiry In.gunmmt.'lhese sm�nt4 shall bear mtw����date of dts��t. a2 the Note : t�. --
<br /> _ rate.Bad at th�optlon af Ie�der.sba11 tse imrara��a3ely due and pa3rahle. '` ': �,
<br /> Bormwes sball pmmptly dLscharge e*�y li€�whi�h�s prIoriry ovex this Seetuity Immtmet�iiunless 8osrazver. _ _`�
<br />;�::`,.'� � (a)xgroey in wrlting to the payment of ths obligation secured lry the lien f�s.a u�anne���ffirts to E.ender,(b) —°�
<br /> .- ,_� c�ntests in guod faiti�ttte l�m by, or d�fmds against enfam�af the liaa ia.le�P.t�in€',s�vhich ia the
<br /> . U�drx's apinian ag�e w pteveat ths eaforrement of the tien: o�(�sse�ue,s frum tL�lvo�it�r�tr�e lien aa ._�
<br /> ,:� ag�xmant saiisfactory to Le,uder subordinadng the li�to tl�is S��'�ra�Tf I.�:3 d¢t�tain;n�a t�t aaY part -�.
<br /> . ° of t1�e Pm�perty is sabj�t to a lien wLlcb may attain pzIac��o�.iit�'St�uiry Insm�2►:I�eaGer mal+ �va: . '� _
<br /> ' Eormwer a aotice identifying tl�e lien. Bomawer s�11�ti,�liea or taYe one or m�ro o�t2w r,ctions szt fortls;... ' .�;�,
<br /> °�' atwve within 10 d�qs of the giving oPnotice. � � . '
<br /> :'�;: S.Fe�.l�ender may collset fas md chuges aiuho�ized by the S$c�e�,�.. . . . ' �t'-=..;-
<br /> .. 9.Grooads Car AoerIestian af�. ��:',
<br /> ,�,
<br /> (a)De(aalt:i+ender maY,euePt as limited by regulatta�Ls�ed f�q�.the Sa�tsss►.in tttg caae af payment . . ..�Y,�.;:
<br /> ' defaults,rcqolre im�l3ar��aYmmt ia 4til1 of all sums saaued by thiW�in�ret if � � f°-
<br /> � (i)Bormwer defaults t3q�Yaili�ag to pay in fu11 eay muat6tY P&Ym������Y fawumeat
<br /> � grior w or oa thz dne dste of the ae�t manthlY P���; ."'Y :
<br />, (ii)Bomower defautts iry failing,fnc a perlad of thiity duys.to pe�orm affiy o�otoHgacfons contaiaed _ �.}�g-��. .
<br /> . �._, � � , m this Secutiry Insuoment. � �'' �
<br /> N)Sale NithouY Credit AyymvW.L�ender s1�11.if permitted by applicable l�.v+(i�cEa�riing 5a�ion 341(� `
<br /> . : of tfle dara-�t. (ienn�in Deposiwry Instituflons Act of 1982. 12 U.S.G 1�Olj-3t�3))a�with thz prior �r.-.
<br /> ' �.. approval of the Secretary,raluire immediate paymr�.ut in full of a31 asm�seaued dy zh3ti Sasurity Tnstnmtent i.
<br /> ' � if: •
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