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<br /> desaef;L��3� as £nllair�s Hugi�iag a� the HortEh�rest Coraer of Lo�.,�3e (I),.DZack �reuty-Tr.TO (22), . ��`
<br /> � � �rt Scatff�s .�a�B��Ec�n.�a.Weat Lavq, an Addttioa to the �i�y of GSrand Island, �Iebregka, thett�. -
<br /> { tunui�g East oti':�&o A1drt'A Zine of eaid I,at Oae (2), fox.a diatance of One Hundred Tt9lrey-��:.� �--
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<br /> � , tho Nurth, t4�anae� South Fif�q-one (51) feet to the Northwest Coruat of sss�!r9. Lot Oae (lj, s�t��;"
<br /> . tract bo3ng a pa�� of Whst fosa�erly vas.West Y7th Street fa the City o$•�i�tol Ia],aiad., �t11:'' `
<br /> Gou�ey, ti�br,�aku, a� vacate8 by. eaid Cit1E. :;, .. .. . --
<br /> ,. ., .
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