<br />GRANTOR does hereby covenant with the GRANTEE and with the
<br />GRANTEE'S successors and assigns:
<br />(1) That Trustor(s), failed to pay the Beneficiary payments which were
<br />contractually due, and the GRA.NTOR, at the request af the Beneficiary, elected to
<br />declare the entire unpaid principal balance, togethe�' with interest thereon, at once
<br />immediately due and payable.
<br />(2) That a Notice of Default was recorded by GRANTOR an 09/1 S/2010, as
<br />Instrument No. 0201006644, in the records of the R�gister of Deeds, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska. Within ten (10) days theareaftear, a copy of the recorded Natice af Default was
<br />mailed by certified mail (and regula�r U.S. Mail), postage p�epaid, to all parties entitled to
<br />notice, pursuant to said Deed of Trust and in compliance with Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-1008
<br />(Reissue 2003) or other applicable law.
<br />(3) That Trustor(s), failed to cure the default referenced in the Notice af
<br />Default within 30 days after the recording on the Notice of Default.
<br />(4) That a Notice af Trustee's Sale was executed by GRANTOR. At least
<br />twenty (20) days prior to the date of sale, a copy of the Natice of time and place of the
<br />Trustee's Sale was mailed by certified mail (and regular U.S. Mail), postage prepaid, to
<br />all parties entitled to notice, pursuaa�t to said Deed of Trust and in campliance with Neb.
<br />Rev. Stat. 76-1008 (Reissue 2Q03) or ath�r applicable law.
<br />(S) GRANTOR published the Notice of Trustee's Sale, to b� h�ld on
<br />11/29/2010 at 11:30 AM, at the main entrance to the Hall County Courthouse, 111 West
<br />1 ST, City of Grand Island, Nebraska, which notice was published in the Grand Island
<br />Daily Ind, af Hall County, Nebraska, once a week fbr five (5) consecutive weeks,
<br />cammencing on 10/21 /2010 and ending on 11 /19/2d 1 Q. The last publication of Notice
<br />was at least ten (10) days prior to the Trustee's Sale, held on 11/29/2010, and said sale
<br />was not later than thirty (3�) days after the last publication of N�tice.
<br />(6) GRANTOR conducted the sale of the real praperty at public auction on
<br />11/29/2010 at 11:30 AM, at the main entrance to the Hall County Courthouse, 111 West
<br />1 ST, City of Grand Island, Nebraska. GRANTOR accepted the bid of HSBC Bank USA,
<br />N.A., as Trustee for the registered holders of First NLC Trust 2007-1 Mortgage-Backed
<br />Certificates, Series 2p07-1, in the sum af $62,pQ0.p0 as the highest bid upon said real
<br />property. GRANTOR has complied with the requirement of Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-1001
<br />through 76-1018 (Reissue 2003), in the exercise of the sale of the real property described
<br />herein at the Trustee's Sale held on 11/29/2010.
<br />This Deed shall operate to convey to the GRANTEE, the GRANTOR'S title and
<br />all right, title, interest and claim of the Trustors, and their successors in interest and of all
<br />persons claiming by, through ar under them, in and to the above-described real property,
<br />including all such right, title, interest and claim in and to such praperty acquired by the
<br />Trustors or their successors in interest subsequent ta the execution of th� Deed of Trust.
<br />