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<br />Unless Lender and .E3orrower otl�erwise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall riot extend
<br />or postpone lhe c�ue date of the payments referred to in the sections titled 4'ayn�e�tt of Principal And Interest;
<br />I.ate Charges and Fu��ds t�r Taxes and Insurance or change the amount of the payments. If und�r the section
<br />titled Acceleration; Remedies, tl�e Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower's right tc> any insur�zzce poli�ies and
<br />proceeds resulting from dai�aage to the Property �rior to the acquisition�shall pasa to Lender to the exte►it o£the
<br />sums secured by this SecuriCy Instrumeiat unznediately prior to the acquisition.
<br />Preservatio�a, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; i3orrower's .l,oan Application; I�easeltolds.'
<br />Borrower shall not desiroy, damage or iinpair tt�e Property, allow the Property to deteriorate, or corninit waste on
<br />the Property. B�rrower shall be in default if any fc�rfeiture action or proceeding, whether civil oc criminai, is begun
<br />that in Leiider's good faith judgmenl could result in forfeiture ol the Prvperty or citherwise �r�aterially iir�pair the
<br />lien created by this SecuriCy Tnstru►nent or Lender's security interest. Boz may cure suoh a default and
<br />reuistate, as provided in section titled Borrower's Right to Reinstate, by causing the action or proceeding to he
<br />dismissed with a ruling that, in I,ender's good failh determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's interes� in
<br />the Property or otl�er material impairment of the lien created by this Security Instniment or Lender's se�urity
<br />interest. Borrower shall also be in default if Borrower, durit�g the loan application pracess, �;ave materially false ar
<br />inaccuraCe infUrmation oc statenients to Lender (c7r failed to provide Lencler with atty ►naterial anformation) in
<br />connection with tlxe loan evidenced by the Note. lf tliis Security, lnstni�nent is .c�ri a leASehald, B�rrower� skiall
<br />comply with all tlie provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title •to the Pro�erty, tk�e leasel�old.and the fee
<br />title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br />Protectian oC Lender's Rights in tl�e F'roperty, . If Borrower fails to perfc�rm fhe covei�ants and agreemenfti
<br />contained in this Security Instrur��ent, or there is a legal pri�ceeding fhat may signi�cantly affect Lender's ri�hts in
<br />the Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate; for coiidemnation or fort'eitur� or to e��fo��ce laws or
<br />regulations), then Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary tci' �rotert the value of the Property arid
<br />Lender's rights in ehe Properly. Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority
<br />over this Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying reasonable attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to
<br />make repairs. Alt}aough I,ender may take action under this section, Lender doe� not have to do so.
<br />11ny amo�mts dishursed by I.,ez�der under ttiis section shall become additional debt of [3orrower secured by this
<br />Security Instrument. LJnlese Borrower and Lender agree to other terzns of payir�ent, these amounts shall bear
<br />interest from the date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, wilh interest, upan notice fro►n L,ender
<br />to Borrower requesting p�►ytaae��t.
<br />Mortgn�e Insurance. If L�nder. required znortgage insurance as � condiii�n oP making the loan. secured by this
<br />S�curity lz�struxnent, Borrower shall pay the premiums reyuired to maintain the mortga�e insurance in effect. lf, for
<br />any rsason, the mort�age insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or c.eases to be in effect, Borrawer shall
<br />pay the preiniums required to obtain cpvera�e substantially equivale�t .t� tt�e rnortgage izisurance previously in
<br />effect, at a cost substantially equivaleilt to the cost to Borrower of the inortgage insurance pre�i<�usly in effect,
<br />froni an alCernate mvrtgage irisurer approved by Lender. If substantially equivalent n�ortgage insurance coverage is
<br />not available, Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equat to c>ne-twelf'th of the yearly mortga�;e
<br />insurance premium being paid by Horrower when the insur�nce coverage iapsed ar ceased to be in effet;t: I,eiicier
<br />will accept, use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu oFmortgage insurance. Loss reserve paymer�ts,
<br />may no lon�er be required, at tlie option of Leiider, if ino.rtgage insurance coverage (in the art�ount aT�d t:or t1�e
<br />period that Lender requires) provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes Available and is obtained.
<br />Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain mortgage iiisurance in effect, or to pri�vide a toss reserve,
<br />until the requirement for morlgage ittsurance ends in accordance with any'written agreement between Bc�rrowcr
<br />az�d �:e�ider or Applicable I.aw.
<br />lnspection. Lender or its agent may inake reasoz�able entries upon a��d iz�spection� of the Pro�erty. I�ender sh111
<br />give Borrower.notice at the time of or prior to an izaspection specifying reaaonable c�use fi�r the in,tipectic>n.
<br />Co��dem�tatioa�. Ti�e proceeda of any award or olaim for darnages, direct or evnsequential in connection wilh any
<br />c;cmdcmnation or otlier taking of any part oF the Property or for conveyance in lieu. of condemnation; are hereby
<br />assigned:a�id shall be paid to l.ender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Securily
<br />Instrurrient, whether or not then due, witla any exce�s paid tc� Borrower. In it�e' event of a partizl talcii�g of the
<br />Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking is equal r� or greater than
<br />the amount of the sums secured by this Security Instrument immedialely before the taking unless 13orrower and
<br />I.ender otherwise agr�e in writing, t}ie sums secured by this Security lnstn�inenc shall be reduced by the amount of
<br />lhe praceeds multiplied by tt�e following fraction: (a) the tc>tal amount of the sums secuced immediately hefore. the
<br />taking, divided by (b) the fair market value of the Property im�nediately before, the taking. Al�y balance shall be
<br />paid to Bo� ira the event of a partial taking of lhe Property in vyhich the fair market value of lhe Property
<br />immediately before t.he taking is less than tl�e amount of the sums secured inmiediately before the taking, unless
<br />Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or unless Applicable Law otherwise provides; tl�e.proceeds shall
<br />be appli�d to the sums secured by this Security instru��ic;nt whether or not tl�e sw��s are then due.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Bonrower, c�r if, after. notice by Lender to 13orrowet that the �onder�uior offers to
<br />znake an award or settle,a claim for damages, k3orrower fails to respond ca Lender.withi�a the niit�i?nunl number of
<br />days estak�lished by Applicable I_.aw after the dale lhe notice is given, Le��der.is authc�rized co collec.t and �pply t}ae.
<br />proceeds, at its option, either to restoration or repair of the Property .or to the suins secured by this Securiry
<br />lnstrument, whether or. nc>t then due.
<br />Cc°� 2004-2009 Campliancc Systcros, Inc. 002U-7�C'a( - 2009.123C8
<br />CnnSUmer Real Estate - Sccurity Instrurnnnl DI.2p3fi
<br />Pagc 3 of 6
<br />. .... �� � ww.o.cnrnplinniesys(ems.conr
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